Uploaded by Laura Nickerson

STEM&M Guest Speaker Guidelines

Thank you for volunteering to speak at a Mazama’s STEM&M Program!
Guest speakers are on the 2nd Wed of each month from 1:15 - 1:45pm in room 23
Students in attendance have been accepted to our Science, Technology, Engineering, Math & Medical partnership
with Oregon Tech.Please dress however you feel comfortable. There is no need to bring visual aids but if you would
like to you are welcome to. Here’s some ideas for what to talk about.
Introduce yourself.
- Where you went to high school.
- Where you went to college/grad school.
- How did you decide to go into your profession.
Tell us about your profession.
- What does a typical day look like.
- What do you find rewarding about your career.
- What do you not like about your career.
- Does your career come with additional perks (insurance, retirement, vacation etc)
- Does your profession require additional training/licensure etc.
Talk to them as future STEM&M professionals.
- What you wish you had done differently in high school or college.
- What do you think the job outlook for your career is in Klamath Falls, Oregon and the US.
- What traits/skills/ strengths does an individual have to have to succeed in your profession.
The best day you’ve had at your job.
The worst day you’ve had at your job.
How do you use technology in your job.
How do you see your job changing over the next 20 years.
Take questions from the Audience.