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Power of Words: Essay on Language Manipulation

David Roundtree
Ms. Saad
ENC 1101
10 November 2018
Words and Phrases carry a lot of power
A quote by Michael Leppert, “There are many things that contribute to the cultural
divisions our nation is experiencing. Nothing is more powerful than our choice of words.” People
often say, “Sticks and stones break bones but names never hurt you.” Until words began being
misused by televangelist, car salesman and the president of the United States of America on a
national level and affecting millions of listeners, words were pretty harmless and their meanings
not paid much attention to. Nowadays, every word or phrase spoken has to be analyzed for truth
and the context in which it is being used. Words and phrases carry a lot of power and should be
used carefully and accordingly by people in powerful positions.
The Televangelist uses words and phrases to control the congregation. Some televangelist
use words while preaching to instill fear or guilt in certain church members or television viewers.
They seem to enjoy using words such as damnation, fiery pits of hell, burned at the stack,
ungodly, blasphemer or adulterer. These words are used to instill a sense of guilt, single out
certain church attendees and draw division in the church amongst new and old church members
and also to solicit monetary offerings.
Televangelist use phrases such as “Give all that you got”, “The lord is watching you”,
”Others are in need so give all you can”, “The church fund is getting low”, or “The pastor needs
a new car or house.” Televangelist Creflo Dollar once said, “Well, you need to hear about
money, because you ain't gonna have no love and joy and peace until you get some money!” A
person in such position must be mindful of the power of the words they use and the effect it has
on their congregation.
Similarly, the car salesman uses words and phrases to manipulate potential buyers. They
use big words to entice people to come and check out a car or go on a test drive in one of their
vehicles. They will often belch out words to describe the vehicle or current offer that is
advertised. Some of these words include phenomenal, outstanding, dependable, rugged, and
superb. They tell potential buyers the vehicle has low mileage, new tires, great suspension or
brand new rims included. They are often heard referring to pricing as “Extremely cheap”,
“Insanely inexpensive”, and “Space age prices”.
The Car Salesman uses phrases to manipulate people into buying a new or used vehicle.
“Hey! Are you folk’s nuts? I’m telling you, this is the car for you.”; “I’ll even throw in 30 days
free towing.”; “I just so happen to have the perfect car for you on my lot right now.” A car
salesman uses fast talk and words that the average person doesn’t use or hear on a daily basis to
influence potential car buyers into making a purchase.
The President of the United States of America uses words and phrases to mislead and
control citizens. President Trump uses words to control crowds, manipulate situations, enrage or
simply confuse the public. He has been heard repeatedly misusing words or just blatantly saying
idiotic words that make no sense such as Big league, covfefe, the cyber, MAGA. He is
infamously known to refer to ethnic groups of people as The Blacks, The Gays, The Muslims or
The Hispanics. The news media has even been called “Fake News” and told they are reporting
“Alternative Facts”.
The President use phrases at large crowds to gain support for his base and upset other
groups of people. He has been recorded on television saying, "Why do we want all these people
from 'shithole countries' coming here?" or "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." His
main and most used divisive phrase is “Let’s Make America Great Again.” The president’s use
of these words and phrases has caused turmoil and upheaval among certain citizens and he does
not recognize or care about the power of his speech or its effects.
Whether words or phrases come from a televangelist, car salesman or the President of the
United States, power is reserved in the usage at various times and places. A kind word can
brighten someone’s day, while a negative or demeaning word or phrase can put a damper on
someone’s day or lead to social issues. Words and phrases carry a lot of power and should be
used carefully and accordingly by people in powerful positions.