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The Cay: Book Analysis Presentation


PowerPoint by Julio Moran

November 2012

Setting and Characters

The main characters are Phillip Enright, Timothy,

Grace Enright, Phillip Enright Sr., and Henrik Van Boven.

The two settings are Curacao and The Cay. Description of

Curacao: It is painted soft colors it is located in the southern Caribbean islands off the coast of Venezuela.

Description of The Cay: The Cay has a white beach, low sea grape bushes, and on a hill some palm. The story takes place in 1942.

The plot line of the story

In beginning Phillip is exited for the war. His mom wants to leave the island because of the war. They board the S.S. Hato to go back to the U.S. They get torpedoed and Phillip gets hit in the head and falls unconscious.

When he wakes up he finds himself on a raft with a west

Indian named Timothy and a cat named Stew cat. They find The Cay, make a hut, and wait to be rescued. One day a tempest hit The Cay. After the tempest Timothy dies. A few days later Phillip was rescued.

Problem and Solution

To get food Phillip and Timothy had to go out on the beach and fish or dive to get food. Some types of food were fish, langosta, and coconuts. They got fish by fishing with the fishing poles Timothy made. They got langosta by diving and stabbing it with a sharp stick.

They got coconuts by climbing trees. They collected drinking water by building a rain catchment and drinking the rain water.


In chp.15 there is a tempest and following the tempest

Timothy dies. The story dramatically changes because

Phillip now has to get food and care for himself.

Acts of Racism

One of the people that displayed racism was Phillip.

He disliked Timothy, he called Timothy a black mule and a stupid old black man. Another person who displayed racism was Grace Enright. She disliked the black people that worked on the schooners. She said the black men weren’t like them.

Compare and Contrast

Character traits of Phillip: In the beginning Phillip is rude, racist, and selfish. Character traits of Timothy:

Timothy is kind, caring, and unselfish. They are alike because they both want to get off of the island. They are different because Timothy cares about Phillip but Phillip doesn’t care about Timothy. They are more different than alike because Timothy is kind and Phillip is racist.


One example of symbolism is the sharks represent the

Nazis and the German submarines. Another example is the Island Animals. They symbolize people fighting to survive. The third example of symbolism is the

Tempest. It symbolizes violence in the real world. The last example of symbolism is Phillips blindness. It symbolizes the judgment of other people.


A character the showed compassion was Timothy. He showed compassion to Phillip. An Action the Timothy took was taking care of Phillip in The Cay.

Author’s purpose

Theodore Taylor wrote The Cay because he hoped it would bring all of humanity together. He hoped to enforce Martin Luther King’s Vision.
