Do Apply Reflect Middle School Lesson Plan Grade:5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7:30 – 7:45 Assembly Registration Assembly Registration Assembly Registration Assembly Registration Assembly Registration 7:45-8:00 WALT: Being a leader WALT: Valuing school WALT: Loyalty WALT: Being resourceful WALT: Teamwork 8:00-9:00 WALT: YEAR 5. The prefixes fore-, kilo-, inter- and mini-. What do these prefixes mean? Using prefixes to change the meaning of words. Dictionary work. What do the new words mean? Identify prefixes Using these words in sentences. HOMEWORK: Investigate the use of the prefix tri-. WALT: YEAR 7. Punctuation – Using direct and indirect speech. Prior knowledge Using direct speech. Using indirect WALT: YEAR 6. Reading with a focus on complex sentences. WALT: YEAR 5. Reading with a focus on direct and indirect speech. WALT: YEAR 6. Reading. Create antonyms and synonyms for descriptive words. WALT: YEAR 5. Reading focusing on possessive pronouns. HOMEWORK: Reading. WALT: YEAR 7. Writing sentences. Identifying when a collection of words is not a sentence. WALT: WALT: YEAR 7. Phrases, clauses and sentences. Watch a video about phrases, clauses and sentences. WALT: YEAR 6. Homophones. What are homophones? Revise common homophones 9:00-10:00 Do Apply speech. Converting direct speech into indirect speech and vica versa. Interviewing a famous person. Reflect Identifying phrases and clauses. Writing sentences on why people watch television. . Remind students of the definition (and expansion – the difference between independent/main and dependent/subordi nate clauses) Identifying phrases, different types of clauses and sentences. Write a similar quiz for a classmate. and meanings. Homophone worksheet. Explore homophone rhymes. Create homophone mnemonics. 10:00-10:30 Break Break Break Break Break 10:30-11:30 WALT: WALT: YEAR 5. Active hobbies. Direct and indirect speech. Activities on p.9-11 of the Learner’s Book and p. 5 of the Workbook. WALT: WALT: YEAR 5. Fairtrade. Recap possessive pronouns. Add possessive pronouns to sentences. Do the activities in Learner’s Book p. 12-13. WALT: YEAR 6. Newpaper report Part 2. Discuss newspaper report headline and photo. Explore the meaning of various difficult words. Do activity on p.14-15 of the Learner’s Book. HOMEWORK: Workbook p.8 Do Apply 11:30-12:30 12:30-12:45 12:45-13:15 Reflect WALT: YEAR 6. Complex sentences. Examples of subordinate clauses. Highlighting subordinate connectives. Activities on p. 9-11 of Learner’s Book. HOMEWORK: Workbook p.5-6 Break WALT: WALT: WALT: WALT: Break Break Break Break WALT: YEAR 7. Verb tenses and the active voice. Choosing the correct form of the present tense. Write a rule for using the present continuous tense. Choose the correct form of the past tense. What is the active voice? HOMEWORK: Using the active voice. WALT: YEAR 6. Synonyms and antonyms. Defining both. Synonyms in different word classes. Adjectival synonyms in the thesaurus. GAME: Synonym drama GAME: Antonym drama Do synonym and antonym worksheet. Generate synonyms with the thesaurus. WALT: WALT YEAR 7. Adverbs. Adverbs in popular songs. Spelling adverbs. GAME: Adverb charades. Using adverbial phrases. Spelling adverbs. Acting out a scene from a play. WALT: YEAR 7. Adjectives and Adverbs Identifying adjective and adverbs. Using adjectives Using degrees of comparison. HOMEWORK: Using Adverbs. Do Apply 13:15-13:45 WALT: WALT: YEAR 7. Opinions. Trailer of Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. Identify hyperbole. Letters to the editor and bias. Distinguishing between fact and opinion. How to spot hyperbole. Arguing an issue. Making your case. Write a letter to the editor. 13:45-14:30 WALT: WALT: WALT: YEAR 6: Newspaper reports. Part 1. What is the difference between a newspaper report and a story? Features of a headline. Examples and discussion of effectiveness. Activities on p.12-13 of the Learner’s Book. Workbook p. 7. WALT: Reflect WALT: WALT: WALT: Assembly