Learning more globalized and decentralized!
How can we use online spaces to enhance learning?
Giving the power of change to the younger generation?
Dynamic and always changing
Social Networking vs. Social
How can we build intrinsic motivation with games?
Teaching to understand the point of knowledge
Gerber, H. R., Abrams, S. S., Curwood, J. S., Magifico, A. M. (2017).
Conducting qualitative research of learning in online spaces.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers
Chapter 1
Researchers using participatory approaches often strive to empower underrepresented, underserved, marginalized, or oppressed individuals and group….participatory research could inspire a critical awakening among youth-as-researchers (pg. 9)
Networked field sites allow researchers to trace how individuals move through multiple online spaces…in order to make meaning.
Researchers may call on multiple approaches to understand meanings made across spaces… (pg. 15)
We apply the remix framework pragmatically to mixed approaches to suggest that researchers can find the most appropriate and effective methods for their own study when they can customize their approach
(pg. 13)
Chapter 2
Today’s digital tools and online spaces challenge the traditional notion of field sites. Whereas previous research may have focused on a specific physical site in an effort to understand the interplay of individuals, practices, beliefs, and cultures, contemporary technology expands the boundaries of potential field sites. NO LONGER
Youth create and share transformative works, which include a variety of writing and designing practices that take an original artifact and turn it into something with a new function or expression. (pg. 24)
Given the constantly evolving nature of social networking forums, it is not possible to offer a definitive typology. (pg. 25)
In this three-year project, the researchers found that if they wanted to understand the role of new media in youth lives, they needed to spend time in both online and offline sites. Learning, in particular, is an interest driven practice.(pg. 34)
Chapter 3
As researchers think about an initial design for learning about an online space, whether they are considering a series of observations, an initial survey or another kind of study, it is important to consider what the learning looks like (pg. 37)
Gerber has posited that in order for gamification to move beyond
“exploitationware”, game designers and educators must work together to reexamine what constitutes learning, play, collaborative interactions.
Otherwise, she argued, gamified educational experiences will continue to develop learners’ isolated skills rather than effectively broadening or connecting concepts.
Metacognition assists in knowledge transfer, which is often seen as the root of today’s typical focus on a liberal arts education. If students learn in a broad-based way, then they will be better workers and more informed citizens.
The typical structure of formal educational environments has an expert or teacher leading novices through a series of activities designed to
Teach students
Practicing themes hone particular kinds of individual valued skills…many online spaces, however, lack this formal structure, instead focusing on the “common endeavor” (pg. 51)
Chapter 4
Researchers need to be mindful of the potential myopia related to the term online and account for the offline component, be it in the research design or in the limitations of the study (pg. 66)
Four characteristics to assess the trustworthiness of the human instrument: a.
Degree of familiarity with the phenomenon and the research context b.
A strong interest in theoretical knowledge c.
The ability to take a multidisciplinary approach d.
Investigative skills
Chapter 5
With online research, quantitative data can be useful in shedding light on qualitative data (pg. 103)
In qualitative research, some artifact data is publicly available and readily accessible; at other times, access is contingent on participant cooperation.(pg. 108)
Chapter 6
The process of “theming” the data can be especially useful in complex online studies that are conducted across various aspects of networked field site—perhaps portals of an affinity space or a connected learning site.( pg. 115)
As a qualitative researcher, it is important to consider not just your plans for data collection, but how you plan to use data (pg. 1390
Chapter 7
They contend that researchers must identify and abide by the rules that govern the space (p 143)
Anonymity is an important component of all research studi9pg. es, particularly those dealing with research in online SPACES, (pg. 149
Chapter 8
Combining multiple approaches to designing and implementing research also supports investigations (PG.191)