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Performance mangagement and apprasial
1. Definition
A strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by
improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing the
capabilities of teams and individual contributors
. 采取战略和综合办法,通过改善在组织工作的人员的业绩,并通过开发
‘a holistic process that ensures employees’ performance contributes to business
objectives. It brings together many of elements of good people management practice,
including learning and development, measurement of performance, and organisational
development’ (CIPD, 2016).
2. Theory perspective:
Bevan and Thompson(1991) defined that performance management system are in
operation as if the following elements exists in the organization
1) it communicates a vision of its objective to all its employees
2) it sets department and dividend performance target which are related to wider
3) it conducts a formal review of process towards these targets
4) It uses the review process to identify training, developing and rewards outcomes
5) It evaluate the effectives of the whole process in order to improve effectiveness
Performance management aim to achieve a culture in which individuals and groups
take responsibility for continues improvement of business processes and of their own
skill and contribution.
3. Performance management cycle
4. Two models of performance management
①The Balanced Scorecard approach
(4 basic perspectives )
how do customers see us? (customer perspective)
What must we excel at? (internal perspective)
can we continue to improve and create value (innovation and learning
how do we look at shareholders (financial perspective)
②The ‘Bath’ model of performance management: “AMO”
( Ability, Motivation, Opportunity)
Ability to do so: knowledge and skills
Motivation: to do the work and do it well
Opportunity: to deploy their skills in the job, to contribute to the work group
and to organisational success
5. Comparison between two theories:
AMO model indicate that the key to improve performance management is to bring out
the discretionary behavior. In turn, increase the level of productivity by provides the
motivation and incentives to the employees to perform extra work.
力和激励措施来提高生产力水平。 让员工做额外的工作。
However, BSC model includes four perspectives and successful implementation
require rather complicated procedures, for instance drawing strategic map, ensure
every member of the organization understanding what is their strategy, familiar with
the framework, ect.
制战略地图,确保组织的每个成员都支持。 他们的策略是什么,熟悉框架等。
From the cost point of view, BSC would have a much higher cost than implementing
AMO model in an organization. Most of the small median companies may not be able
to afford it. If company with specific HR management inefficiency, or with limited
resources, the AMO model would definitely help to improve the performance of the
从成本的角度来看,平衡计分卡比在组织中实现 AMO 模型的成本要高得多。大
资源有限,AMO 模式肯定会有助于提高组织的绩效
6. Advantages of Performance Management System:
Top down link between business objectives and individual objectives Represents a
more holistic view of performance
Appraisal or review is integrated with performance planning
Line manager driven and owned
A living document where performance and development is constantly reviewed
Performance is assessed and successful performance rewarded and reinforced Bevan
and Thompson 1992
中,业绩和发展不断得到审查,业绩得到评估并取得成功 SFUL 的表现奖励并
加强了 Bevan 和 Thompson 1992
7. Critiques of Performance management:
a. Can suffer from same problems as traditional appraisal systems
b. Lack of contextualisation
c. Usually driven by Chief Ex and HR department
d. Adding to work stress
e. Static
f. Need for training ‐ only as good as the people who use it Managers can be
g. influenced by subjective feelings Performance ratings can be demotivating
h. Performance is complex
i. Adding to the short term mind‐set
b.缺乏语境 c.通常由首席执行官和人力资源部负责,增加工作压力。静态 f.需要
No correlation is found between the existence of a performance management system
and organisational performance in the private sector
(Bevan and Thompson 1992)
Despite this, many organisations report their PMS (Performance Management System)
to be highly effective
This is called into question here, with PMS being described as a ‘leap of faith’
(贝文和汤普森 1992)
尽管如此,许多组织报告他们的 pm(绩效管理系统)是非常有效的
8. Conclusions
• Performance management systems include more than appraisals, and are linked to
the strategic objectives of organisations
• There is conflict in many appraisal and performance management systems
Why do you think there is so much focus on performance management at the present
Competitiveness – HR being business focused –organisational perspective (expand)
作为 performance management 的一种→appraisal
Appraisal (as a part of performance management)
1. How
– Comparative Methods (individuals are ranked against each other)
– Absolute Methods (compared to a standard of performance)
– Critical Incident Techniques
– Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); descriptions and levels
– Behaviour Observation Scales (BOSs); frequency of specific behaviours
– Results Oriented Methods; achievement against performance standards
2. Purpose
Appraisal acts as an information processing system providing vital data for
rational objective and efficient decision making regarding performance, identifying
training needs, managing careers, and setting levels of reward.
3. Critics to Appraisal
◎it generates more costs than benefits.
◎There is a body of research that suggests that appraisal do not improve employee
job performance.
◎Appraisals may have a negative effect on an employee`s job satisfaction.
◎low organizational commitment.
◎focus on improving the ‘bottom line’, have added to the pressures of work for
wrong in principle and represents an ineffective philosophy of management ;
Wherther demonstrate that the performance of employees is under control?
④Cultural: of organisation or employee group: more specific than general attitudes
4.What steps to improve appraisal process?
Expectancy theory: Victor Vroom(1964)
The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be
motivated if they have certain expectations.
There is a positive correlation between efforts and perfromance
预期理论:Victor VRoom(1964 年)
Three beliefs of expentancy theory:
※Valence: Manager needs to know what the employee expects most - money or
※Expectancy: According to the capability of employees, managers need to
discover what resources, training, or supervision the employees need.
※Instrumentality: the perception of employees whether they will actually receive
what they desire.
5. Means of appraisal:
◎360 degree performance appraisal
The apprasial is taken by number of different people, in different position relative to
employee, they often include feedback from peers subordinates supervisions and
sometimes customers. They are usually voluntary confidential, self-determing and
learning and learning oriented rather than linked to assessment.
◎Upward appraisal
Employee rating their manager`s performance
◎Customer appraisal
Customer appparisal are now very widespread in both th eprivate and the public
sectors in UK.
◎360 度绩效评估 apprasial 是由许多不同的人,在不同的位置相对于员工,他们
◎客户评价客户 appparisal 现在在英国的私人和公共部门都非常普遍。
6. Effective appraisal is......S.M.A.R.T.
◎Transparent and confidential
◎ongoing and indepth, beyond superficial mutual respect and trust and a ccountability
◎a learning process: CLARIFY ROLES clear guidelines
◎based on objective data
◎well resourced with training and time integrates development and accountability