+ Sustaining and Supporting CSO work on IP Fifa Rahman University of Leeds Alternate Board Member for NGOs, Unitaid + Who is Unitaid? • Multilateral institution funded by United Kingdom, France, Chile, Korea, Spain, among others. Board Members include these, NGOs, African Nations, Communities. • Funds transformative and innovative solutions to global pandemics. How are AfIs approved? New AfIs are formulated based on market intelligence and stakeholder input, and brought to the Board via resolutions which the Board can approve. Earmarked funding is displayed in the Investment Plan. + Unitaid Constitution 1.2. To fulfill its mission, UNITAID will use sustainable, predictable and additional funding to help generate a steady demand for drugs and diagnostics, thereby significantly impacting market dynamics to reduce prices and increase availability and supply. UNITAID will base its price reduction strategy on market competition. Where intellectual property barriers hamper competition and price reductions, it will support the use by countries of compulsory licensing or other flexibilities under the framework of the Doha declaration on the Trade-Related Aspects on Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement and Public Health, when applicable. + Recent developments on Unitaid & IP December 2016 – Intellectual Property Area for Intervention Resolution approved at the Board August 2017 – Call for proposals launched Three proposals that have been approved including for work on compulsory licences and patent oppositions Delinkage mentioned in Investment Plan Concerns at the Secretariat re sustainability of these proposals How ‘innovation’ mandate is limiting – may not apply to IP Funding for second call not earmarked – but NGO Board Member & Alternate are pushing Funding for Unitaid is an issue generally Risk that funding was limited to US$15 million + What is needed? • In-capital advocacy on Unitaid Board Members and governments – including Brazil (Nilo Dytz), Chile (Rosalia Framil), Spain (Martín Remón), Korea (Jin-Kyu Jeong), and African Nations (Lindiwe Makubalo). • General advocacy on increasing funding to Unitaid