Wordly Wise Book 9 Lessons 1-5 Study online at quizlet.com/_41jpyu 1. alacrity promptness in responding 29. insuperable incapable of being overcome or defeated 2. allude To refer to in an indirect way (used with to). 30. intermittent not continuous; happening at intervals. 3. array a large group of people or things. 2. an orderly arrangement or display. 3. to place in order. 4. to dress up 31. lament to feel or express greif 32. Meander To follow a winding course. To wander aimlessly. 33. obligatory required or demanded 34. Paraphernalia Personal belongings. Equipment associated with a particular activity. 35. pensive deep in thought ; dreamily thoughtful. 36. regale To entertain or delight. 37. secular Wordly not connected with the church or religion. 38. sedentary Doing or requiring a lot of sitting. 39. Speculate to think about or make guesses. To engage in a risky business venture. 40. Strife Conflict or struggle. 4. bewail to express deep regret or sorrow over. 5. Callow Young and inexperienced; immature. 6. camaraderie Goodwill and warm feelings among friends. 7. consecrate 1. To set apart as holy. 2. To dedicate to a cause; to devote. 8. contemporary A person living during the same period as another. adj. Existing or occurring at the same time. 9. Contend To struggle with. To maintain or assert. A conflict or struggle. A point made in argument. 10. Cynic someone who is critical of the motives of others 41. subjugate to bring under control; to conquer 11. deduce tp draw a conclusion from given facts 42. temporal 12. Despot A ruler with absolute power or tyrannical control over a group of people. relating to the everyday world as opposed to that which is spiritual or eternal. 43. torrid intensely hot and dry. 44. trauma a severe bodily injury. 2. emotional shock 45. ubquitous appearing to be present in large numbers or in many different places. 46. Venerate To show great respect for. 13. destitute without resources or possesstions, especially the necessities of life. 2 lacking; devoid of. 14. detract to take away, especially from the value, beauty, or importance of. 15. disseminate To scatter or spread widely. 16. emancipate to set free from slavery; to liberate. 17. encumber to weigh down or burden. 2. to impede the action of 18. Enunciate To pronounce clearly. To state; to announce 19. exhort to urge stongly; to warn or appeal 20. extol to praise highly 21. Extraneous Not necessary; irrelevant. 22. fraught full of or accompanied by (usually followed by with) 23. haphazard marked by lack of plan, order, or direction. 24. impediment Anything that gets in the way; an obstacle. 25. impetus a driving force; anything that caues an action. 2. increased activity resulting from a driving force. 26. implicate to show to be involved with something, especially something dishonest or illegal. 27. Impoverish To make poor. To take away 28. inexplicable hard to explain or impossible to understand