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Sustainable Agriculture Assignment: Feeding the World Responsibly

Alternative assignment to If you were the Ecologist
Part I –Research the strategies below and select one that you think would answer the
following question:
The Question: How do we feed a growing population without destroying the planet.
Precision Agriculture
Improved Irrigation Strategies (drip irrigation, grey water recycling, etc.)
Better Tillage Practices (no till agriculture, conservation tillage, landshaping, etc.)
Local Food/Locavore Movement
Smarter Diets (eating lower on the food chain, free range, for water conservation)
 You will notice that as you visit a site, the page often refers to similar sites or
references used on that site. These sites are a great way to find more information
on your topic.
 Please try to stick to .gov and .edu sites if possible.
No Wikipedia unless it’s purely for the definition of a word you don’t
understand. That being said, if you’re doing research and read a term you don’t
know, make sure you look it up. You must understand every word used during your
If you’re unsure of the validity of a website, please check with me!
Strategy: ______________________________________
Describe your strategy in 3-5 detailed environmentally sound bullet points.
How does your strategy address the “feeding a growing population” part of the goal?
Alternative assignment to If you were the Ecologist
How does your strategy address the “without destroying the planet” part of our goal?
What are some (at least TWO carefully examined) benefits to your strategy? (economic,
environmental, social, etc) Explain in detail why benefit, positive etc
What are some (at least TWO thoughtfully examined) drawbacks to your strategy?
(economic, environmental, social, etc) why a drawback/negative etc
New terms and definitions: include at least 2-3 new terms
Alternative assignment to If you were the Ecologist
Works Cited (at least two sources IN MLA FORMAT)
Part II –
Type a well written persuasive paper on your strategy meets the goal of “feeding a growing
population without destroying the planet”. Briefly (6-8 sentences)
(1) describe the strategy, (2) explain how it effectively feeds a growing population and (3)
Explain how it protects the environment (NOTE: Your answer requires THREE parts,
an absent or vague discussion of any of these parts will result in minimal or no credit.
Include clear descriptions and specific examples with details.)
Last page is Works Cited and will have the minimum of 2 MLA sources.
Name in Top Upper Left Header Corner (Times New Roman 12pt Single Space)
Paper Is-Times New Roman 12 point
Double spaced
Minimum of 6 sentences for each paragraph