Independent and Dependent Variable Sorting Activity

Independent / Dependent Variables Sort
Directions: Cut along the lines on this page to cut out the variables. Then, sort the variables by type –
Independent or Dependent – and put variables from the same situation next to each other. Glue or tape them
into the correct boxes on the next page next to their corresponding variable. For example:
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
number of problems on an assignment
points possible
amount of food you buy
how many mph you went over the speed
your math grade
your score at an archery competition
the amount of gas you use
number of chickens owned
number of posts to purchase
miles of fence to build
minutes used
bonus points earned
hours spent in the sun
the area of a rectangle
number of plants per acre
hay fed in winter
hours spent shooting your bow
how far you drive
cell phone bill
commission earned
how much money you made
the number of assignments you turned in
number of deer you see
the hours worked
how fast you drive
cattle owned
the length and width
time it takes to drive somewhere
crop yield
who scores the most points
amount of sunscreen applied
total sales
cost of a speeding ticket
size of your food plot
results of the football game
your fitness level
guests invited to your barbecue
eggs collected daily
tutoring sessions attended
time you spend working out
electric bill
how far you drive
the amount of gas you use
minutes used
cell phone bill
the number of assignments you turned in
your math grade
the hours worked
how much money you made
how many mph you went over the speed limit
cost of a speeding ticket
number of plants per acre
crop yield
who scores the most points
results of the football game
total sales
commission earned
the length and width
the area of a rectangle
electric bill
cattle owned
hay fed in winter
miles of fence to build
number of posts to purchase
hours spent in the sun
amount of sunscreen applied
size of your food plot
number of deer you see
number of chickens owned
eggs collected daily
how fast you drive
time it takes to drive somewhere
hours spent shooting your bow
your score at an archery competition
time you spend working out
your fitness level
guests invited to your barbecue
amount of food you buy
tutoring sessions attended
bonus points earned
Study collections