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Student's Workbook for "Theatre" by W. Somerset Maugham


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«Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия»

Лингвистический институт



(“Theatre” by W. Somerset Maugham)

Учебно-методическое пособие

Барнаул – 2010

УДК 802.0(075.3)

ББК 81.43Англ-7-923

Student’s Workbook for Home Reading: Рабочая тетрадь по домашнему чтению по книге С. Моэма

«Театр» / сост. А. М. Лебедев, Н. В. Сергиенко. – Барнаул: АлтГПА, 2010. – 28 с.

Составители: ст. преподаватель А. М. Лебедев

канд. филол. наук, доцент Н. В. Сергиенко

Рецензент: канд. филол. наук, доцент Н. В. Майзенгер

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой рабочую тетрадь студента, которая включает учебные задания для организации аудиторных и самостоятельных занятий по книге С. Моэма «Театр» (W. Somerset Maugham. Theatre. – Москва: Менеджер, 2006).

Основным содержанием пособия являются задания, направленные на развитие и совершенствование умений самостоятельной работы с книгой, словарём; проверку и углубление понимания читаемого; обогащение активного и пассивного словаря; систематизацию лексики на уровне словосочетания; работу по словообразованию; развитие умений чтения и литературного перевода.

Пособие предназначено для студентов младшей ступени обучения лингвистических институтов и факультетов иностранных языков, а также для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык.

© Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия, 2010

© А. М. Лебедев, 2010

© Н. В. Сергиенко, 2010

Lesson 1

Chapters 1–2, pp. 3-27

1. sufficient (3)

2. to know smb inside and out (5)

3. to have the nerve to do smth (12)

4. to have one’s money’s worth (14)

5. a first night (16)

6. annual (18)

7. to drive people like slaves (19)

8. to have an easy manner (19)

9. to prevent smb from doing smth. (18, 21)

10. to get rid of smth. (22)

Active Vocabulary достаточный знать к-л. как облупленного иметь мужество (наглость) сделать чл. получить всё сполна премьера ежегодный обращаться с людьми как с рабами вести себя непринуждённо помешать к-л. сделать ч-л. избавиться от ч-л. дневной спектакль

11. matinee (27)

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: поседеть (3) ___________________________________________________ приводить ч-л в порядок (5) _____________________________________ натянуто улыбаться (5) _________________________________________ жалкий (7) ____________________________________________________ заставлять себя ч-л сделать (7) ___________________________________ увлечься ч-л, настроиться на (9) __________________________________ ставить пьесу (10) _______________________________________________


пользоваться громадным успехом (16) ______________________________ сотворить сенсацию (20) _________________________________________ чувство времени (22) ____________________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: immensely (4) __________________________________________________ refusal (8) _____________________________________________________ to rehearse (10) __________________________________________________ approval (17) ____________________________________________________ to pretend (16) ___________________________________________________ prosperous (18) __________________________________________________ repertory (17) ___________________________________________________ juvenile (19) ____________________________________________________ boisterous (21) __________________________________________________ inclination (27) __________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 9 “He still had at … … a run round Regent’s Park.” p. 14 “She gave him another sort … … look in her eyes.”

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What did the young clerk think of the way the theatre was run by Michael?

2. Why did Michael and Julia decide to give the clerk a spot of lunch?

3. What did Julia think of Margery, Michael’s secretary?

4. What was the young man’s appearance?

5. What was the young man’s state of mind and his words when he was introduced to Julia Lambert and at lunch in Michael and Julia’s house?

6. Why did Julia feel completely at home in her bedroom? Describe the bedroom.

7. What did Michael’s room look like?

8. What did Michael think of the plays they had to stage and of the public?

9. What do you learn about Julia’s son Roger? What were the relations between the mother and the son?

10. Why did Jimmie’s actors wish to work with him?

11. What did Jimmie Langton think of Julia’s acting? What were the terms of Jimmie’s proposal for a job to Julia?

VII. Speak on the following:

1. Describe Michael’s behaviour when he introduced his wife Julia to the accountant.

2. Describe Julia (appearance, voice, manners).

3. Describe Michael. What adjectives are used to describe him?

4. Describe the young man’s manners.

VIII. Culture Studies. Explain the following names: the Siddons Theatre (4) Eton (16) Shaw (25)

Regent’s Park (8) Cambridge (17) Galsworthy (25)



to go into management (29) to get mixed up with smb (31)

Lesson 2

Chapters 3–5, pp. 27-53

Active Vocabulary завести, начать дело путаться с к-л







to borrow from (34) to pay one’s rent (34)


to come to the rescue (38)


an embrace (43) to take smb for granted (44) to live on (47) at random (47)

10. swift gesture (48)

11. filthy (48, 49) занимать деньги у к-л платить за съёмное жильё прийти на помощь объятие принимать ч-л как должное жить на ч-л наугад, наудачу резкое движение грязный, порочный

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: быть самому себе хозяином (29) ___________________________________ проиграть состояние (30) _________________________________________ давать, одалживать ч-л к-л (34) ____________________________________ собрать деньги (36) ______________________________________________ бездельничать (38) _______________________________________________ стать актёром (40) _______________________________________________ позволять вольности по отношению к к-л (41) _______________________ страстно (44) ___________________________________________________ слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой (46) _________________________ проходить очень быстро (47) _____________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: enthusiasm (27) __________________________________________________ sacrifice (29) ____________________________________________________ jealous (31) _____________________________________________________ inevitable (32) ___________________________________________________ to affront (34) ___________________________________________________ to beam (37) _____________________________________________________ embarrassment (38) _______________________________________________ to please (40) ____________________________________________________ affectionate (44) __________________________________________________ confidence (45) __________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names:

Ibsen (27) Holy Week (37)

The Times (39) Tosca (49)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 43 “… They decided to keep… … to take advantage of her.” pp. 45 “… When they had been engaged for … … her muscles were stiff and hard.”

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Julia begin her career with Jimmie Langton?

2. What kind of man was Jimmie Langton? Describe him.

3. How did Michael’s career start in Middlepool?

4. Why and how did Michael want to go into management?

5. What education did Michael get and who helped him?


6. What didn’t Julia like in her relations with Michael?

7. What was Michael’s opinion of marrying a provincial actress?

8. Why did Michael ask Julia to keep a secret that her father was a vet?

9. How did Julia meet Michael’s parents?

10. In what way did Julia gain confidence of Michael’s parents?

11. Why did Julia and Michael decide to keep their engagement to themselves? Describe the scene when

Julia and Michael got engaged.

12. Why did Michael think it a wonderful chance to go to America?

13. Speak on the episode when Julia came to Jimmie Langton and had a passionate talk with him.

VIII. Comment on the proverb:

Neither a borrower nor a lender be. (34)

IX. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 1-2.

Lesson 3

Chapters 6–8, pp. 53-76


to put up with smb/smth (57)


to be a flop (56)


tightwad ( infml ) (57)


to make oneself ridiculous (59)


precious (64)


to earn a good income (65)


to deal with smb on equal terms (64)


humiliating (60, 69)


irritable (71)


to be incapable of a

generous impulse (76)

Active Vocabulary примириться с к-л/ч-л потерпеть неудачу скряга делать себя посмешищем дорогой, драгоценный иметь хороший заработок, доход быть на равных унизительный раздражительный быть неспособным на щедрость

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: с огромным нетерпением (54) _____________________________________ любой ценой (56) _______________________________________________ презрительно взглянуть (60) ______________________________________ щедрость (61) __________________________________________________ разлюбить к-л (62) ______________________________________________ проговорить допоздна (64) _______________________________________ сделать предложение (66) ________________________________________ роскошь, богатство (68) __________________________________________ глупый, «недалёкий» (69) ________________________________________ гробовое молчание (71) __________________________________________ удар по ч-л самолюбию (75) ______________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: anxiety (55) _____________________________________________________ flattery (59) _____________________________________________________


accidentally (60) _________________________________________________ to hesitate (61) __________________________________________________ to regret (61) ____________________________________________________ pregnant (62) ___________________________________________________ intolerable (63) __________________________________________________ glorious (65) ____________________________________________________ irritation (66) ___________________________________________________ to specialize (67) ________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names and abbreviation:

GHQ (62) Legion of Honour (62) Moliere (72)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: pp. 66-67 “Michael got himself demobbed … …was now inadequate.” p. 75-76 “Julia was surprised to discover… … the extreme of lavishness.”

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What did Jimmie Langton mean saying: “Lord, what fools these mortals be”?

2. What did Michael think about his flop in America?

3. Why was the first year of Michael and Julia’s marriage stormy?

4. What professional features did Michael and Julia possess and try to develop?

5. What did Julia think about the war and her husband Michael?

6. How did Michael change during the war? What did he profit at the war?

7. What was Michael’s war career like?

8. Why did Julia fall out of love with Michael?

9. What kind of person was Mrs De Vries? Describe her (appearance, character, relations).

10. Speak on Dolly’s proposal. The way it was done and why.

11. Why was it difficult to start to run a theatre after the war?

12. What did Julia think of Mrs De Vries’ attitude to Michael?

Lesson 4

1. to give smb a trial (77)

2. sound investment (78)

3. conceit (78)

4. whack ( infml ) (80)

5. to spare no pains (81)

6. to keep in touch with smb (88)

7. to laugh at smb up one’s sleeve (89)

8. to be an amateur of the arts (91)

9. to dawn on smb (93)

10. jittery ( infml ) (96)

11. to have the cheek to do smth (100)

12. preposterous (103)

Chapters 9–11, pp. 76-107

Active Vocabulary дать к-л шанс прибыльное вложение денег самонадеянность, самомнение доля не жалеть сил, трудов поддерживать связь посмеиваться над к-л быть любителем искусств осенить к-л нервный, пугливый иметь наглость сделать ч-л несообразный, нелепый, абсурдный


I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: сбить спесь (78) ________________________________________________ благоприятствовать карьере (79) __________________________________ непомерный, чрезмерный (79) ____________________________________ назначить большую зарплату (80) _________________________________ гордиться ловкостью (81) ________________________________________ потерянного не воротишь (83) ____________________________________

(не) вызвать сожаления (89) ______________________________________ проявить большой такт (96) ______________________________________ перепрыгивать через ступеньки (101) _______________________________ как ураган (105) ________________________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: thrift (76) _______________________________________________________ persuasion (78) __________________________________________________ outrageous (78) __________________________________________________ to grizzle (79) ___________________________________________________ shrewdness (81) _________________________________________________ to exasperate (81) ________________________________________________ to cheat (82) ____________________________________________________ accomplishment (94) _____________________________________________ ashamed (96) ___________________________________________________ innocent (96) ____________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names: the National Gallery (92) the British Museum (92)

St. James’s Park (93) the Tate (92)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 77 “When they had been in … … He was unperturbed ”. p. 102-103 “They talked … … and he looked incredibly clean”.

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Michael run the theatre?

2. How did Julia manage to become a rich woman?

3. What was Julia’s routine of the day?

4. Who sent Julia flowers?

5. Did the name of Mr Thomas Fennel tell Julia anything?

6. Why did Julia have a profound contempt for the great ladies and noble lords she met at Charles

Tamerley’s house?

7. What impression did Julia produce on the high society?

8. What made Julia insist on the fact that her father had been a vet?

9. Charles Tamerley was taken by Julia, wasn’t he? What features of Julia’s character attracted him most?

10. What parting present did Charles Tamerley give Julia?

VIII. Speak on the following topics:

1. Michael’s sacrifice to foster Julia’s career (79-81).


2. Charles Tamerley – the oldest and the most constant of Julia’s admirers (his appearance, his origin, his love for Julia) (88-96).

3. Julia’s visit to Tavistook Square (100-104).

VIII. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 3-4.

Lesson 5

1. without a chuckle (108)

2. to compliment on smth (112)

3. if the worst comes to the worst (113)

4. prudish (113)

5. in for a penny, in for a pound (113)

6. to blackmail smb (115)

7. an odd coincidence (117)

8. to erase the episode from smb’s memory (118)

9. to see smb in the flesh (123)

10. to hurt smb’s pride (124)

Chapters 12–13, pp. 107-124

Active Vocabulary без усмешки хвалить за ч-л, говорить комплименты в самом худшем случае не в меру стыдливый сделал одно, сделай и другое шантажировать к-л странное совпадение стереть из памяти эпизод, случай увидеть к-л лично, «своими глазами» задеть ч-л гордость

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: вздохнуть с облегчением (107) _____________________________________ погасить свет (107)

______________________________________________ фактически, на самом деле (108, 113) _______________________________ устроить скандал (108) ___________________________________________ уступить к-л купе (111) ___________________________________________

(не) заснуть (111) ________________________________________________ доля секунды (113) ______________________________________________ требовать продолжения знакомства (115) ____________________________ случайно встретиться с к-л, натолкнуться (115) ______________________ сплетня, слух (116) ______________________________________________ любопытство (118) ______________________________________________ закладывать ч-л, отдавать в залог (124) _____________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: adventure (107) __________________________________________________ to cease (108) ___________________________________________________ inefficiency (109) ________________________________________________ gracious (110) ___________________________________________________ to disturb (112) __________________________________________________ peculiar (114) ___________________________________________________ unreliable (115) __________________________________________________ decency (116) ___________________________________________________ seclusion (119) __________________________________________________ ridiculous (120) __________________________________________________


conscious (123) __________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p.108 “That had been an accident too… … for her at the station in Paris”. pp.116-117 “But as the time passed … … as rather comic”.

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.


Who rented a house at Cannes for Julia?


How did Julia get to Cannes?


What was Julia’s opinion of men after her adventure in the train?


What was Julia’s little adventure like?


Why was the Spaniard as little anxious to see Julia as she was to see him?


Why did Julia relish her seclusion?


How was Julia going to treat Tom Fennel after his telephone call?


Why did Tom Fennel visit Julia? What did they do?


Where did Tom want to take Julia out?

10. What did Tom lie to her about?

11. Where did Tom take Julia out to supper? How did it go?

VIII. Sum up everything you have learnt about Julia and Michael from chapters 1-13. Make up a list of words and expressions characterizing Julia and Michael (their appearance, background, views on life, manners, interests).

Lesson 6

Chapters 14, pp. 124-154

Active Vocabulary

1. for smb’s sake (127)

2. to grow rusty ( infml

5. to have (no) inclination (133)

6. a man of the world (134)

7. contemporary (137)

) (128)

3. to take a great fancy to smb (132)

4. sophisticated (133)

8. to make fuss of (over) smb (127, 140)

9. to regain possession of oneself (149)

10. black rage (152)

11. to get even with smb (153)

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises. ради к-л состариться – «заржаветь» сильно полюбить к-л искушённый, изощрённый

(не) иметь намерения человек, умудрённый опытом современник относиться к к-л с чрезмерным вниманием взять себя в руки бешенство, ярость свести с к-л счёты

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: признаться самому себе (125) _____________________________________ тщеславие (126) _________________________________________________ предъявить права на (127) ________________________________________ унизительный (129) ______________________________________________ преодолеть сомнения (131) ________________________________________ быть лишённым чувства зависти (138) ______________________________


быть резким с к-л (144) ___________________________________________ прогулка (147) __________________________________________________ последняя капля (152) ____________________________________________ оживлённый разговор (153) _______________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: passionately (125) ________________________________________________ irresistible (126) __________________________________________________ compassion (126) ________________________________________________ buoyant (128) ___________________________________________________ to grudge (129) __________________________________________________ to obsess (133) ___________________________________________________ indiscriminately (135) _____________________________________________ dexterity (141) ___________________________________________________ demeanour (143) _________________________________________________ chivalrous (144) __________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: pp.132-133 “From the time that he first … … he had no inclination.” pp. 129-140 “Julia giggled. … …and the woman she was playing at night, and that was the substance.” p. 143-144 “The following day… … he might display to a maiden aunt.”

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. Why had Julia thought that she could never be in love again before she met Tom?

2. What did Julia think of Tom Fennel’s attitude to her?

3. What was Roger like? Describe his appearance and manners.

4. Why was Julia disappointed in Roger? What worried her?

5. Why did people like Tom Fennel?

6. What did Julia expect from Tom in Taplow? Why was she disappointed?

7. Why was Julia satisfied with Michael although she did not love him?

8. What struck Julia in Tom and Roger’s friendship and behaviour?

9. What did the young people do to have fun in Taplow?

10. How did Julia entertain her guests at her house in Taplow?

11. What helped Julia to regain possession of herself?

12. What was Julia’s plan to get even with Tom?

VII. Speak on the following:


Julia’s attitude and tactics towards Tom.


Tom’s money trouble and Julia’s assistance to him.


Julia’s efforts to help Tom to organize his life.


Julia’s established position as an actress.


Julia’s method and capacity for insinuating into a part.

VIII. Comment on Julia’s words:

1. “People don’t want reasons to do what they’d like to, they want excuses”. (131)

2. “If I haven’t cooked Roger’s goose, I’ll eat my hat”. (149)

3. “A woman attracts men by her charm and holds them by their vices”. (144-145)


Lesson 7

Revision Lesson. Chapters 1-14.

I. Revise the active vocabulary and the vocabulary of the exercises (lessons 1-6). Get ready for doing oral and written exercises and quizzes in class. Get ready to discuss the characters and the main events of chapters 1-14.

II. Rephrase the following word combinations using the Active Vocabulary.

1. to treat a person with excessive attention;___________________________

2. a person experienced and practical in human affairs; __________________

3. an afternoon performance in the theatre;____________________________

4. to begin to become evident or understood by a person;_________________

5. to treat a person as if he/she is the legal property of somebody and is bound to absolute obedience;_____________________________________________

6. of great value or worth;__________________________________________

7. personal vanity, pride;___________________________________________

8. living or occurring at the same time; ________________________________

9. be secretly or inwardly amused;____________________________________

10. to continue correspondence, friendship;_____________________________

11. extremely or disgustingly dirty; ___________________________________

12. without aim or purpose; _________________________________________

13. extremely modest, having highest standards of propriety; ______________

14. to extort money from a person in return for not disclosing discreditable information;


15. hold a person closely in the arms; _________________________________

16. to be rude or insolent, lacking proper respect; _______________________

17. if smth extremely bad happens; __________________________________

18. the act of applying a big sum of money; ____________________________

19. injuring the dignity of self-respect of a person; _______________________

20. to meet smb in person (in bodily form). ____________________________

III. Make up 5 short situations (of 1 or 2 sentences) based on the contents of the novel using the active vocabulary. e.g. Julia was sure that the Spaniard would blackmail her and make rows if he came across her.

VI. Fill in the missing derivatives:

VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE to buoy pretence exasperation grudging to flatter to ridicule prosperity to please

V. Rephrase the sentences using the active vocabulary. intolerable embarrassed


1. Julia knew Michael so well, she didn’t have to ask him another time.

2. This did not stop Julia and she fell in love with Michael.

3. She decided not to remember this event of her life.

4. The Spaniard praised Julia for her French.

5. Michael wanted to start his own business.

6. His being in America was not successful.

7. Julia was surprised that Tom and Roger liked each other very much.

8. Julia wanted Tom to have what he deserved to have.

9. Michael was natural and self-assured when he was talking to Jimmie Langton.

10. Michael knew that Julia was at a loose end and he helped her.

VI. Topics for discussion.

1. Jimmie Langton’s influence on Michael and Julia. A happy chance or a common event?

2. Michael’s career in Middlepool and London.

3. Julia’s theatrical career. Why was it so successful?

4. Michael and Julia: the ideal marriage.

5. Michael’s war career and its influence on Julia’s falling out of love with him.

6. Tom and Julia’s relations. Affection and love.

7. Julia and Dolly de Vries.

8. Julia’s friendship with Charles Tamerley.

9. Julia as a mother. Julia’s feelings to Roger.

Lesson 8

Chapters 15-18, pp. 154-186

Active Vocabulary

1. not to make head or tail of smth (156)

2. not to care two hoots for smb (161)

3. to be distracted with grief (162)

4. to feel alert (164)

5. neglect (168)

6. to compromise smb (175)

7. to be puzzled by smb/smth (180)

8. discreet (183)

9. to eat out of smb’s hand (183)

10. malicious gossip (184)

11. a pattern of propriety (185) ничего невозможно понять совершенно не интересоваться обезуметь от горя чувствовать себя бодрым пренебрежение компрометировать к-л быть озадаченным благоразумный, осмотрительный делать всё, что к-л захочет злобные сплетни пример пристойности

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: поднимать шум из-за ч-л (160) ____________________________________ скорбь всего человечества (162) ___________________________________ нечётное количество (167) ________________________________________ позволять себе вольности (168) ____________________________________ здоров как конь (169) ____________________________________________ подсознательное (172) ____________________________________________ свобода действия (173) ___________________________________________


взять себя в руки (174) ___________________________________________ неосторожный (178) _____________________________________________ вмешиваться в чужие дела (181) ___________________________________ тосковать по к-л (186) ___________________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: peevish (155) ____________________________________________________ to condemn (156) _________________________________________________ despicable (161) __________________________________________________ disparity (165) ___________________________________________________ insignificant (167) ________________________________________________ conspicuous (170) ________________________________________________ to endure (171) __________________________________________________ cordial (171) ____________________________________________________ to flatter (175) ___________________________________________________ mischief (180) ___________________________________________________ to descend (186) _________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 161-162 “She turned her eyes on him … … could not support the intolerable pain of hers.” p. 167 “Julia’s reputation was so good… …that people at last were beginning to gossip.”

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What did Julia feel the moment she received Tom’s parcel? Why did she phone Tom?

2. Was Julia ever going to tell Tom about her love? Did it happen? Why?

3. How can you describe Julia and Tom’s reconciliation? Were they both sincere?

4. Did Tom agree to have the flat? On what terms?

5. How did Tom and Julia spend the autumn?

6. Why did Dolly decide to speak to Michael about Julia’s affair with Tom? What troubled her?

7. Did Michael believe Dolly’s story about Julia’s affair? Why not?

8. Why did Julia decide to use friendly tactics towards Dolly?

9. What news came out of the talk between Dolly and Julia of which Julia was not aware?

10. What state was Julia in after parting with Dolly?

11. Do you think Dolly was sincere in her worrying about Julia? Prove it.

VII. Make up a retelling of the talk between Michael and Dolly on behalf of Dolly (Michael). Make use of active word combinations.

1. to make smb furious (187)

2. to distract one’s mind (191)

3. imperious (196, 197)

4. look-see ( infml ) (200)

5. to get over one’s bad temper (203)

6. to beat about the bush (208)

7. to let sentiment interfere with

Lesson 9

Chapters 19-21, pp. 186-213

Active Vocabulary привести в состояние бешенства отвлекаться властный осмотр, просмотр преодолеть плохое настроение ходить вокруг да около позволять чувствам влиять на дело


business (209)

8. a brick (slang)

9. pang (210)

(209) сама щедрость боль

(не) придавать значения быть смертельно усталым

10. to attach (no) importance to smth (212)

11. to be dead with fatigue (213)

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: удовлетворять желания (190) ______________________________________ облегчать, успокаивать (191) ______________________________________ оживление (192) _________________________________________________ быть до безумия напуганным (196) _________________________________ принять во внимание (201) ________________________________________ скромно отрекаться от ч-л (202) ___________________________________ скучный (203) ___________________________________________________ развеселить, порадовать (203) _____________________________________ хам (209) _______________________________________________________ закончить, завершить (210) _______________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: to perceive (192) _________________________________________________ inexplicable (194) ________________________________________________ tremendous (197) _________________________________________________ to linger (201) ___________________________________________________ distraction (201) __________________________________________________ sulky (203) ______________________________________________________ reflective (205) __________________________________________________ to irk (206) ______________________________________________________ volatile (210) ____________________________________________________ infatuation (213) _________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names:

Boxing Day (190) Easter (192) the RADA (197)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p.190 “Her pain absorbed her… …had been thrust upon her notice.” p.194 ”Julia was none too pleased. … couldn’t live in those circles on that.”

VII. Agree or disagree to the following:

1. Roger told his mother everything which had happened to him and Julia appreciated her son.

2. Julia said that by love people mean “pain and unrest”.

3. Julia took a fancy to Avice Chrichton and decided to busy herself with the girl and buck her up.

VIII Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. Why did Julia feel lonely and depressed when Roger left her?

2. Why did Julia agree to meet Tom?

3. What story did she invent to see what Tom would say?

4. Why did Julia continue to go to the night clubs with Tom despite the fact that people spoke things about her?


5. What did Roger ask his mother about in his letter?

6. What impression did the girl produce on Julia?

7. What was Julia thinking about when Tom had gone away?

8. What did Julia think of Avice?

9. What did Julia tell Tom about her feelings to him? Why was she miserably unhappy?

IX. Make up a retelling of chapter 21 on behalf of Julia. Make use of active word combinations.

X. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 8-9.

Lesson 10

Chapters 22-23, pp. 213-237

1 . imperishable devotion (214)

2. to make a clean breast of smth (214)

3. to put smb in an awkward position (214)

4. to give release to one’s feelings (225)

5. to be in one’s way (225)

6. to make up for smth (226)

7. contrition (226)

8. draught (230)

9. for the sake of posterity (234)

10. to be at smb’s beck and call (234)

11. to have an inkling (236)

Active Vocabulary неугасающая преданность чистосердечно признаться в ч-л ставить к-л в неловкое положение дать волю чувствам мешать к-л восполнять, наверстывать раскаяние сквозняк ради потомства быть на побегушках у к-л иметь слабое представление, догадываться, подозревать

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: выбросить из головы (213) _______________________________________ выплакаться (214) _______________________________________________ неоправданная щедрость (216) _____________________________________ массажистка (216) _______________________________________________ стонать (219) ___________________________________________________ вздрогнуть (220) _________________________________________________ скорый приезд (226) _____________________________________________ наносить визиты (232) ____________________________________________ желание самопожертвования (235) _________________________________ наполнить ч-л весельем (236) ______________________________________ придерживаться решения (237) ____________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: to harass (213) ___________________________________________________ abhorrence (217) _________________________________________________ to saunter (217) __________________________________________________ refuge (219) _____________________________________________________ revival (222) ____________________________________________________ to torment (224) __________________________________________________ exhilaration (225) ________________________________________________ devout (229) ____________________________________________________


to prevail (232) __________________________________________________ malice (233) ____________________________________________________ allusive (234) ____________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 219 “Once again the theatre was her only refuge. … she felt she had never played so magnificently.” p. 224-225 “After Julia had made up her mind … … a sense of power and liberation.”

VI. Describe Julia’s state of mind after the rupture with Tom. Use words and phrases from the text. e.g. She was miserably unhappy. Julia sacrificed her love

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. Whom did Julia take her trouble to?

2. Why did Julia put all the agony of her spirit into the play she was acting in?

3. How did Michael appreciate her acting? Do you think he was right?

4. Why did Julia decide to take a long holiday?

5. Where did Julia go to have a rest? Why did she decide to do that?

6. Why didn’t Julia take Evie with her?

7. How did Julia spend her time in St. Malo?

8. How did Julia’s mother and aunt treat her?

9. Describe the two old ladies (their characters, habits, traditions, routine life).

10. What did Charles write to Julia? Did Julia appreciate it?

11. Speak on Julia’s returning to the life she had interrupted?

12. What was Julia going to do after her return to London?

VIII. Make up a report “Julia and Lord Charles Tamerley. His influence on Julia.”

Lesson 11

Chapters 24-26, pp. 237-263

Active Vocabulary

1. a whoof of relief (246)

2. to snatch victory from defeat (248)

3. a wash-out (251)

4. on the tick (255)

5. a vamp (256)

6. to have a score to settle with smb (258)

7. to let bygones be bygones (259)

8. in revenge (261)

9. to be under the delusion (261)

10. to be in a dither (261)

11. to consider the proposition (262) вздох облегчения превратить поражение в победу провал минута в минуту соблазнительница иметь с к-л счёты забыть прошлое, «что пропало, быльём поросло» в отместку быть в заблуждении, иметь ложное представление быть в смятении принять предложение

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.


III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: понять намёк (239) ______________________________________________ понравиться мужчине (249) _______________________________________ бессовестный (251) ______________________________________________ быть поглощённым ч-л (252) ______________________________________ снять тяжесть с души (252) ________________________________________ задумчиво смотреть на к-л (256) ___________________________________

«змеиная» пластика, гибкость (257) ________________________________ ступить на сцену (258) ___________________________________________ ворчливый (259) _________________________________________________ воспринимать режиссёрские указания (261) _________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: seductive (238) __________________________________________________ to gratify (241) __________________________________________________ exquisite (243) ___________________________________________________ amorous (247) ___________________________________________________ prejudice (248) ___________________________________________________ sceptical (250) ___________________________________________________ to jostle (251) ____________________________________________________ impudence (254) _________________________________________________ haughty (255) ___________________________________________________ notoriously (256) _________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names:

Botticelli (237) Lady Hamilton (238)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: pp. 246-247 “Julia began to titter. … and the last thing he wanted, apparently, was to have his constancy rewarded. ” pp. 261 “Julia reflected. … Fools. It would kill her.”

VII. Agree or disagree to the following:

1. Charles leaped at the opportunity to make love to Julia.

2. Julia was embarrassed when a lot of men accosted her during her promenade along Edgware Road.

3. Avice turned out to be a really talented actress and Michael looked forward to engaging her in some more plays.

VIII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Julia find the way out of the awkward situation with Charles?

2. How did Julia decide to estimate her sex appeal?

3. Would she be accosted by the young clerk if she were not a famous actress?

4. Was Julia glad to return to the theatre?

5. What was the contents of the play? What parts did Julia and Avice play in it?

6. Why did Julia wish to keep Avice in the cast? Why was Michael against it?

7. What reasons did Julia give about Avice’s bad acting? How did Michael react to it?

IX. Make up a retelling of chapter 24 on behalf of Charles, chapter 25 on behalf of Julia, chapter 26 on behalf of Michael. Make use of active word combinations.

X. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 10-11.

Lesson 12

Chapters 27-29, pp. 263-300


Active Vocabulary

1. to take pains to do smth (263)

2. exuberant affection (264)

3. to drive at smth (265)

4. make-believe (267, 269)

5. faked emotions (270)

6. to cope with a situation (274)

7. to pan out (277)

8. prig (277)

9. suffocation (292)

10. to throw prudence to the winds (295)

11. to put a spoke in smb’s wheel (296) из кожи лезть вон, чтобы сделать ч-л чрезмерная преданность, любовь намекать на ч-л притворство наигранные эмоции контролировать ситуацию проходить, получаться, преуспевать самодовольный педант удушье

«пустить по ветру благоразумие» – перестать быть благоразумным ставить палки в колёса

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words: неуклюжая фигура (265) _________________________________________ странное чувство (269) ___________________________________________ притворщик, притворство (271) ____________________________________ быть достойным к-л (273) _________________________________________ чувствовать отчаяние (274) _______________________________________ иметь привычку ч-л делать (275) ___________________________________ позирование и восторжение (279) __________________________________ перестать ведать делами (280) _____________________________________ пережить испытание (280) ________________________________________ обойти всех в ч-л, стать победителем (283)___________________________ делать ч-л из дружеского расположения (284) ________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters: to urge (264) ____________________________________________________ to narrate (265) __________________________________________________ pretence (268) ___________________________________________________ indulgent (269) __________________________________________________ morbid (273) ____________________________________________________ complacently (277) _______________________________________________ puberty (278) ____________________________________________________ exultation (280) __________________________________________________ odiousness (289) _________________________________________________ brutally (289) ____________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on: p. 269 “You don’t know the difference… in case I found nobody there.” pp. 271 “You see, what you don’t understand… You’ve been the only thing in my life.” p. 282 “She went in and sat down…. That too made her now inclined to laugh.”

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What were Roger’s plans for the future?


2. Was Roger acute enough to see the situation in the family adequately?

3. Did Julia feel at ease with Roger? Why?

4. What was Charles’ point of view upon Roger’s behaviour?

5. Why did Julia make up her mind to see Tom once more?

6. Was the play a success? Were there any flaws in acting?

7. Why did Michael say that Julia had deliberately killed Avice?

8. Why didn’t Julia go to the party?

9. What did Julia think about the relation between their real life and acting?

VII. Learn by heart the following passage: p. 299 “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players… without somebody to play on it?”

VIII. Make up a retelling of chapter 27 on behalf of Roger, chapter 29 on behalf of Julia. Make use of active word combinations.

Lesson 13

Revision Lesson. Chapters 15-29.

I. Revise the active vocabulary and the vocabulary of the exercises (lessons 8-12). Get ready for doing oral and written exercises and quizzes in class. Get ready to discuss the characters and the main events of chapters 15-29.

II. Rephrase the following word combinations using the Active Vocabulary.

1. wise, cautious __________________________________________

2. not to pay special attention to sth ___________________________

3. an inspection, survey _____________________________________

4. to lack to understand anything ______________________________

5. a woman seducing men ____________________________________

6. shortage of breath, a feeling of breathlessness __________________

7. for future generations _____________________________________

8. the state of being completely penitent, remorseful _______________

9. for the sake of being even with smb __________________________

10. chatting about smb in an evil way ___________________________

11. pain __________________________________________________

12. pretence _______________________________________________

13. a self-righteously correct, moralistic person ___________________

14. to show one’s feelings ____________________________________

15. to prevent smb from doing sth ______________________________

III. Make up 3 short situations (of 1 or 2 sentences) based on the contents of the novel using the active vocabulary.

VI. Fill in the missing derivatives:

VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE humiliate prejudice despiser irksome exhilarant


endure prevalence impudence morbid indulgent

V. Rephrase the sentences using the active vocabulary.

1. Julia’s dressing room was full of people and it made hard to breathe.

2. Charles was always there when Julia needed him.

3. Tom might think that Julia had done this to get even with him for his desertion.

4. They did not think an actress could be a role model.

5. Julia told Tom she could not understand anything, especially why he had sent all those things.

6. Dolly would be delighted if Julia confided in her and told the whole thing.

7. Tom said he was in love with Avice and for Julia it meant dreadful pain.

8. Tom praised Julia and said she was extremely understanding, generous and helpful.

9. Roger looked rather spotty, thinner. “He has changed”, Julia thought and hugged him with love and devotion.

10. Julia was extremely tired. She got up and went to bed.

VI. Topics for discussion.


S. Maugham and his book. Problems raised in the book. Problems of the theatre shown in the book.


Michael Gosselyn: his life and his theatre.


Julia and her theatrical career.


Jimmie Langton’s theatre. Jimmie Langton’s influence on Michael and Julia.


Julia and Michael.


Roger and his parents.


Younger generation in the book (Tom, Roger, Avice).


Charles Tamerley. His influence on Julia’s views.


Julia’s love to Tom Fennell.

10. Julia and her relations with Dolly de Vries.

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