Robotic Lake Lander Test Bed for Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Exploration of Titan Lakes Wolfgang Fink(1,2), Markus Tuller(3), Alexander Jacobs(1), Ramaprasad Kulkarni(1,3), Mark A. Tarbell(1), Roberto Furfaro(2), Victor R. Baker(4,5) (1) Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory, Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Email: (2) Systems and Industrial Engineering Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA (3) Soil, Water and Environmental Science Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA (4) Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA (5) Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA In Memoriam Michael J. Drake (LPL, University of Arizona) and Ronald Greeley (SESE, Arizona State University) patented, revolutionary paradigm shift in robotic space exploration missions of the future. These types of missions are called for in extreme space environments, including planetary atmospheres, surfaces (both solid and liquid), and subsurfaces (e.g., oceans and lakes), as well as in potentially hazardous or inaccessible operational areas on Earth. Our particular focus is on Saturn’s moon Titan with its hydrocarbon lakes with respect to future missions involving lake landers (e.g., Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) mission), potentially in conjunction with balloons/airships and orbitersupport overhead (Fig. 1). Abstract—We introduce a robotic lake lander test bed that can be operated either stand-alone or as part of a Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance mission architecture to study and field test an integrated hardware and software framework for fully autonomous surface and subsurface exploration and navigation of liquid bodies. The lake lander is equipped with both surface and subsurface sensor technologies. Our particular focus is on Saturn’s moon Titan with its hydrocarbon lakes with respect to future missions involving lake landers (e.g., Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) mission), potentially in conjunction with balloons/airships and orbitersupport overhead. This test bed serves as an analog to a Titan unpiloted surface vessel equipped with its own onboard realtime navigation and hazard avoidance system, surface and subsurface exploration sensor suite, and autonomous science investigation software system. As such the test bed helps map out a technical path toward true autonomy for the robotic exploration of the Solar System. To investigate the feasibility of such (tier-scalable) reconnaissance missions and the associated autonomy of operation, we describe in this paper a system of systems approach towards the development of an Earth-based (i.e., outdoors), computer-controlled, robotic lake lander test bed for in-situ liquid surface/subsurface exploration (see also [7]) in the following order: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1 2. RELEVANCE TO NASA’S SPACE TECHNOLOGY GRAND CHALLENGES ............................................................. 2 3. NASA MISSION RELEVANCE ................................ 2 4. ROBOTIC LAKE LANDER TEST BED ..................... 3 5. ONBOARD SENSORS AND DETECTORS FOR TITAN LAKE EXPLORATION ........................................................... 4 6. OVERHEAD DETECTION, VISUAL ODOMETRY, AND HAZARD AVOIDANCE FOR SURFACE TIER NAVIGATION ................................................................................... 5 7. AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION FOR ROBOTIC LAKE LANDER TEST BED .................................................... 6 8. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS............................... 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................... 8 REFERENCES ............................................................. 9 BIOGRAPHY ............................................................. 11 Section 2: describes how the robotic lake lander test bed is relevant to NASA’s Space Technology Grand Challenges; Section 3: describes how the robotic lake lander test bed fits into future NASA planetary missions; Section 4: description of the robotic lake lander test bed itself; Section 5: description of onboard sensors and detectors that are potentially relevant to Titan lake exploration; Section 6: overhead detection, visual odometry, and hazard avoidance for surface tier navigation on Titan’s lakes; 1. INTRODUCTION Section 7: autonomous navigation scenarios for the robotic lake lander; Tier-scalable Reconnaissance [1-6] is a NASA-awardwinning (Fink et al., NASA Board Award 2009) and Section 8: application examples for robotic lake lander test bed and outlook. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 1 The test bed described here is part of a larger robotic test bed for tier-scalable reconnaissance at the University of Arizona [6-10]. While it is clear that our robotic test beds are not space-deployable as yet, they are being used to engineer, operate, and validate various systems that might be applied to such spacecraft that are ultimately deployed. It is their respective autonomy of operation (by employing enhanced sensory/cognitive capabilities), and their implementation into a tier-scalable reconnaissance architecture with associated coordination and collaboration, that are being studied. In particular the development of autonomous exploration and navigation capabilities for Titan lake landers using this test bed may significantly advance NASA’s mission capabilities to autonomously access the hydrocarbon lakes on Titan (with or without balloon/airship or orbiter relay) for a future flagship mission. Employing a Stochastic Optimization Framework and a Fuzzy Expert Framework (see Section 7 below) to integrate autonomous sensor data interpretation algorithms with a guidance navigation and control system to create a truly autonomous system for the exploration of hydrocarbon lakes on Titan has the potential to yield significant improvements toward the design of truly autonomous (i.e., no human in the loop) systems for space exploration. 3. NASA MISSION RELEVANCE Titan is one of the most exciting places in the Solar System and its exploration is labeled as “high priority” as recommended by the 2006 NASA Solar System Exploration Roadmap and the ESA Cosmic vision. Whereas the CassiniHuygens probe was extremely functional in uncovering the complexity of Titan, revealing an Earth-like world with potential for habitability, it was limited by the use of onboard instrumentation. In support for the next joint Outer Planet Flagship Mission, in 2008, ESA and NASA completed a pre-phase A study of an architecture for the Flagship mission called Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) [12]. The study was also included as a concept study for the Planetary 2013-2022 Decadal Survey, which required an independent cost estimate for the next decade recommendation [13]. The TSSM architecture comprised a NASA-supplied orbiter and ESA-supplied in-situ components, i.e., a hot-air (Montgolfière) balloon and a lake lander – an instantiation of a Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance mission architecture [1-6]. Considering the cost of the fullscale Flagship mission and the priority given to the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) as the next Flagship mission, one of the major issues was to identify if the in-situ explorers may be flown as stand-alone missions before the next TSSM. Since the hot-air balloon requires a high-data rate to remotely image Titan’s surface, the focus was shifted to the lake lander. With the primary goal being lake chemistry, direct connection with Earth may be more feasible at a reduced data rate. “Real-time” commanding of a lake lander from Earth would not be an option because of 3 hours signal relay time, hence calling for a, for the most part, completely autonomous lake lander, which is one of the rationales for our robotic lake lander test bed. Figure 1. Embodiment of Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance for autonomous robotic exploration of planetary bodies, applied to Saturn's moon Titan with its hydrocarbon lakes. Depicted are an orbiter, controlling airships or blimps, which in turn control ground rovers and lake landers or boats (from [7]). 2. RELEVANCE TO NASA’S SPACE TECHNOLOGY GRAND CHALLENGES The robotic lake lander test bed presented here directly addresses one of NASA’s Space Technology Grand Challenges [11] – “All Access Mobility”: “Create mobility systems that allow humans and robots to travel and explore on, over or under any destination surface.” The problem stated is the following: “Exploration of comets, asteroids, moons and planetary bodies is limited by mobility on those bodies. Current robotic and human systems cannot safely traverse a number of prevalent surface terrains. Current systems travel slowly, requiring detailed oversight and planning activities. Consequently, these systems are often limited to exploring areas close to their original landing site.” 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE Indeed the lake lander was chosen by the current NRC planetary decadal survey to be studied as a stand-alone mission and as an element of a Flagship-class mission [13]. The study analyzed three possible New Frontiers-class missions and a more ambitious collaborative Flagship-like mission. The New Frontiers-class mission would comprise 2 three options, i.e., (a) a lake lander using a direct communication link with Earth, (b) a submersible-only probe with a relay orbiter, and (c) a lake lander with an orbiter as relay. Conversely, the Flagship-class lander would be comprised of a lake lander as well as a submersible probe. From a power perspective, all proposed architectures would be powered by Advanced Sterling Radioisotope Generators (ASRG), mounted either on the lander, the orbiter, or both. The study concluded that the three New Frontiers-class missions are not feasible within the indicated cost cap (~$710M not including launch vehicle) unless the Decadal Survey Satellites Panel would change the required study ground rules [13]. to maximize the buoyancy and thereby the payload. Each pontoon mounts to the frame of the boat in a modular fashion, such that the chassis of the boat may be attached to another method of locomotion. More recently, as part of the NASA Discovery and Scout Mission Concept Study, Proxemy Research (lead by Dr. Ellen Stofan) proposed the Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) mission as a first probe to explore extraterrestrial seas [14]. TiME is a low-cost, discovery-class mission that would (1) measure the organic constituents on Titan and (2) perform the first nautical exploration and in-situ analysis of an extraterrestrial sea, including its shoreline [15]. In early May 2011, NASA announced that TiME was selected for a Phase-A study [16] as part of the Discovery Program, with the potential to be launched in a 2015-2016 timeframe. The mission ranked Category-1, i.e., recommended for selection with high priority. The selection of the TiME mission over a stiff competition of 30 other mission concepts is a strong indication of the importance of Titan lake exploration within the planetary community, and thus serves as an additional rationale for the development of our robotic lake lander test bed. Figure 2. Schematic drawing of Tucson Explorer II (top). Actual Tucson Explorer II (TEX II) with trailing side-scanning sonar and electric propulsion system mounted (bottom). 4. ROBOTIC LAKE LANDER TEST BED As a prototype for a (Titan) lake lander or sea rover we designed and built from the ground up a computercontrolled boat with high-performance, battery-powered onboard Unix workstation (i.e., Apple Mac mini). The Tucson Explorer II (TEX II, Fig. 2) is the latest addition to the fleet of robotic surface explorers [7] at the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory at the University of Arizona. According to the tier-scalable reconnaissance paradigm, TEX II will be of the first tier, i.e., it will directly engage in exploration of target areas insitu. TEX II features two 60-amp 10,000 rpm electric motors, each of which drives an air propeller in both forward and backward direction. The propellers are mounted maximally apart from each other, affording maximum torque to the chassis when turning (Fig. 2). Thanks to the powerful onboard computing capabilities and long battery life, this robotic lake lander test bed permits complex and numerically intensive onboard calculations, and thus does not suffer from constraints introduced by the premature usage of embedded computing. TEX II (Fig. 2) is a catamaran capable of an onboard computer and sensor payload in excess of 68 kg in water. It weighs approximately 45 kg, and is 1.8 m long by 1.5 m wide by 0.5 m tall. The chassis of TEX II consists of a sensor platform or deck mounted to a frame. Sensors may be mounted above or below the deck. The frame consists of three arches and two cross bars, which are mounted on top of two pontoons that provide the buoyancy for TEX II. The pontoons are made of fortified Styrofoam (i.e., low density) 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE For earthly applications, the wireless TCP/IP capabilities of the robotic lake lander test bed allow for near real-time interactive (or automatic) control from anywhere in the world via iOS technology (e.g., iPhone, iPod, or iPad) [9, 10]. This enables the implementation, field-testing, and validation of algorithms/software and strategies for navigation, exploration, feature extraction, anomaly 3 detection, and science goal prioritization for autonomous planetary exploration with particular focus on liquid bodies (i.e., oceans or lakes). Furthermore, the robotic lake lander test bed permits field-testing of (novel) instrument and sensor equipment. • To achieve a fully operational Tier-scalable Reconnaissance test bed, aerial platforms, such as balloons or blimps, will soon be integrated. Propellers submersed in liquid methane and/or ethane as opposed to water would have to be larger in surface area (and thus heavier) to generate the same amount of propulsion because of the lower densities [18]. 5. ONBOARD SENSORS AND DETECTORS FOR TITAN LAKE EXPLORATION Motivation and Justification for Lake Lander Design with Respect to Titan Lake Environments With a payload of 68 kg the Tucson Explorer II (TEX II) is a capable platform to study and test sensors and sensor systems that may help discover and measure physicochemical variables of Titan’s hydrocarbon lakes and near-surface atmospheric conditions. Deployment of a highfrequency side-scan sonar for bathymetric lakebed surveys [7] will provide detailed information about hydrocarbon volumes that currently can be only estimated based on similarities with geometrical and topological features of Earth-based lakes [22]. As already stated in [7] early lake deployments of the Tucson Explorer I (TEX I), a miniaturized precursor of TEX II, showed that the catamaran-design results in a very stable behavior of the boat, i.e., reduced banking for stable sensor readings such as with onboard cameras and chassis-mounted side-scanning sonar system (i.e., stable sonar swath) in the case of TEX II. The rudder-less design of the lake lander, already introduced in [7], enables unique pivoting maneuvers, comprises fewer moving parts, and renders its control identical to tracked ground rovers [7] as far as onboard electronics and navigational control are concerned, hence also the name “sea rover”. Depending on the mole fraction of methane and ethane (and, by an order of magnitude smaller degree, nitrogen) encountered in a hydrocarbon lake on Titan [17], the lake liquid density is expected to range anywhere from ~453.4 kg m-3 for liquid methane to ~654.1 kg m-3 for liquid ethane at a temperature of 92.5 K [18] and at a surface pressure of 1.467x105 N m-2 [19, 20], compared to the density of water (~1,000 kg m-3). According to Archimedes’ principle this will directly and proportionally affect the payload capacity of a Titan lake lander. Thus, the use of low-density materials and/or a high volume-to-mass ratio for the lake lander design are indicated to maximize the buoyancy and thereby the payload. In particular for Titan lake environments there are several compelling reasons for considering an air-based (i.e., above surface) propulsion system as opposed to a liquid-based (i.e., submersed) one: • Reduced risk of freezing of propulsion and control elements, such as propellers and rudders, at the cryogenic temperatures of liquid methane and ethane; • Avoidance of cavitation and other disturbances of subsurface measurements (e.g., with sonar or EMI); • Increased propulsion efficiency because of higher surface air density of ~5 kg m-3 [19, 21] compared to ~1.3 kg m-3 on Earth; 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE Figure 3. Electromagnetic Induction Instrument (EMI) for proof-of-concept purposes (top). Positioning of EMI on robotic lake lander test bed TEX II (bottom). Lakebed surveys may be accompanied by detailed electrical resistivity mapping by means of electromagnetic induction (EMI) [23]. A lightweight EMI instrument (Fig. 3, top) with a penetration depth of about 4 m can be mounted below the deck of TEX II (Fig. 3, bottom) and potentially provide 4 important information about the composition of hydrocarbons (i.e., mainly methane and ethane [17]) in Titan lakes. With proper calibration, EMI has the potential to provide additional information about the mineralogical composition of near-shore lakebed sediments. Additional sensors and detectors that are currently being integrated aboard the robotic lake lander test bed comprise (described in detail in [7]): Standard weather variables such as intensity and duration of hydrocarbon precipitation, near-surface temperature as well as wind speeds and directions can be measured with a drop impact sensor, adapted thermistor or thermocouple, and an ultrasonic sensor, respectively. Figure 4 shows an instrument that combines all three modalities. • Onboard cameras for navigation, investigation, and scene/deployment documentation; • Onboard Scanning Laser Rangefinder for obstacle avoidance and navigation; and for Earth-based applications in addition: • Onboard GPS. Future onboard sensors will also include hyperspectral imagers (e.g., [29]) and detectors for in-situ discovery and monitoring of microbes on liquid surfaces [30-32, 7]. It is important to emphasize that the technologies discussed above need to be further developed and tailored (if not completely reengineered) to withstand the harsh environmental conditions prevailing on Titan. Recent advances in microelectronics and nanotechnology offer exciting opportunities to accomplish this task (e.g., [33] and references therein). 6. OVERHEAD DETECTION, VISUAL ODOMETRY, AND HAZARD AVOIDANCE FOR SURFACE TIER Figure 4. Instrument with integrated precipitation, wind, and temperature sensors for proof-of-concept purposes. NAVIGATION The near surface atmosphere, estimated to be composed of mainly nitrogen and small amounts of methane, hydrogen, argon, a variety of hydrocarbons, nitriles, and oxidized species [24-26], can be more accurately determined with Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy [27]. An adapted FT-IR spectroscope can be applied for rapid differentiation and identification of microorganisms in liquids [28]. Portable, off-the-shelf systems (Fig. 5), previously deployed in harsh Antarctic conditions, weigh only 12 kg and can easily be integrated with TEX II. Visual Odometry Visual odometry is required to command robotic surface explorers from a dynamic aerial platform such as a blimp, airship, or balloon (Fig. 6). In [7] we described an algorithmic approach for removing uncertainties in position due to perspective distortion (because of wind movement of the aerial platform) and a potentially constantly changing reference frame, because the airship-mounted camera is not stationary, and therefore the geometry of the scene changes with changes in orientation of the camera to the operational area on the surface below. According to [7] a series of transformations is considered as a pipeline, which converts image plane locations to ground plane locations. Once the variables governing these transformations are determined via a multivariate optimization procedure, inverse transformations can be performed on the image plane points to arrive at their respective locations in the ground plane. Overhead Detection Before visual odometry can be performed, the image plane points belonging to the surface explorers (here: lake lander) have to be determined (Fig. 6). To accomplish this, an acquired overhead image is first transformed in various Figure 5. Portable Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer for proof-of-concept purposes. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 5 ways to facilitate the search for the surface explorer. The image is converted to gray scale, followed by contrast enhancement. Following contrast enhancement, a ‘nearest neighbor’ algorithm is deployed to smoothen the image. Subsequently we employ a template search for the surface explorer in the so processed overhead image. Once a template match is found, the coordinates of the template are transferred to the visual odometry algorithm for tracking and subsequent navigational purposes. Figure 6. Overhead detection from aboard a blimp or balloon and visual odometry for navigation of a Titan lake lander (not drawn to scale). [Titan lake radar image courtesy NASA/JPL/USGS] Hazard Avoidance Figure 7. AGFA processing example of target/obstacle detection on ocean surface: original image frame (top) and AGFA-processed frame (bottom). The Automated Global Feature Analyzer (AGFA; [34] for details) is an extensible analysis and classification framework. Images of the operational area under investigation are obtained at different length scales and resolutions, depending on the vantage point (e.g., spaceborne, airborne, or ground). AGFA performs image segmentation through mean-shift or histogram-based segmentation for rapid target and obstacle identification in the imaged operational area (Fig. 7). In contrast to approaches that use stereo-vision (i.e., range data) for the navigation of and obstacle avoidance for surface vessels (e.g., [35]), AGFA operates currently on single camera images (i.e., mono-vision). Through image processing algorithms [34] AGFA extracts features (e.g., target shape, size, color, albedo, texture, vesicularity, angularity, eccentricity, compactness, extent), and generates feature vectors for all identified targets. AGFA subsequently prioritizes targets for in-situ follow-up investigation [36] and flags anomalies based on the feature space (i.e., sensorspecific data types) alone as opposed to biased, humanhypothesis-driven analyses [34]. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 7. AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION FOR ROBOTIC LAKE LANDER TEST BED Autonomous Navigation & Control of a Titan Lake Lander via Stochastic Optimization Framework (SOF) Optimization in high-dimensional configuration spaces is in general computationally expensive, and typically on the order of NP-complete (or at least exponential) for problems such as the Traveling Salesman. However, for most problems, the optimal solution is often not required, rather a good approximation (i.e., local optimum) found in a short amount of computation time is preferred, especially on a computationally restricted computing platform such as commonly found on planetary spacecraft, (lake) landers, and rovers. 6 Figure 9. Example island, as an analog to a lake or ocean floor, from the IEEE CEC 2006 International “Huygens Probe” Optimization Competition. [Image courtesy Cara MacNish, University of Western Australia] Figure 8. Functional schematic of a Stochastic Optimization Framework (SOF; from [37]): The SOF efficiently samples the entire model/process/systemintrinsic parameter space by repeatedly running the respective model/process/system forward and by comparing the outcomes against a desired outcome, which results in a fitness measure. The goal of the SOF is to optimize this fitness by using, e.g., Simulated Annealing algorithms [38] as the optimization engine. A striking feature was consistently observed during the hundreds of test runs and the actual competition runs, which is the main basis for employing an SOF-Simulated Annealing-based autonomous navigation & control system for a lake lander: After only 10-20 iterations (deployments) the algorithm consistently found the basin in which the lowest point was located. This means that complex lake exploration tasks, such as finding the deepest/shallowest part of a lake, can now be conducted and tested fully autonomously with the robotic lake lander test bed. We have developed and successfully tested an approach using a Stochastic Optimization Framework (SOF; [37]; Fig. 8) for operating complex mobile systems with several degrees of freedom, such as planetary rover robotic limbs with N joints, in environments that can contain obstacles [39]. As part of the SOF we have employed an efficient Simulated Annealing algorithm that is particularly suited to run onboard spacecraft, planetary (lake) landers, and rovers, i.e., robotic platforms with limited computational capabilities. Autonomous Guidance & Control of a Titan Lake Lander via Fuzzy Expert Systems Autonomy will play a critical role in future science-driven and less constrained exploration of extremely challenging planetary environments including low-temperature hydrocarbon lakes on Titan. Over the past few years, our team proposed to use fuzzy logic as a fundamental framework to devise intelligent systems capable of reasoning over sensor/science data while mimicking the cognitive process employed by planetary scientists [40-44]. In case of a lake lander, such a framework can be employed to design fuzzy expert systems as well as more advanced cognitive schemes (e.g., Fuzzy Cognitive Maps [43]) to reason over data collected while patrolling the lake. Advanced reasoning systems must be integrated with the lander Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) to enable complete closed-loop capabilities where information is autonomously acquired and interpreted and acted upon, after a decision is taken, to navigate the lake using the on-board GNC system. The IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation International “Huygens Probe” Optimization Competition, created by Cara MacNish, University of Western Australia School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, was first held at the 2006 IEEE World Congress of Computational Intelligence in Vancouver, Canada. The competition addressed a “worst case” scenario optimization problem of finding the lowest point possible in a fractal landscape within 1,000 iterations (Fig. 9). The landscape was a function of two variables x and y (analogous to lake surface coordinates). In the “Huygens Probe” optimization scenario the landscape was never revealed. Only the depth z (analogous to lake bathymetry) for a submitted (x, y)location per iteration was reported back to the optimization algorithm. For the competition, access was given to a set of 20 unseen fractal surfaces. We applied a modified Simulated Annealing algorithm that allowed for both global and local search at an increasingly more refined scale. This algorithm won the “Huygens Probe” Optimization Competition in 2006 with 11 out of 20 direct wins (1st place) and an average ranking of 2.4. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE Figure 10 shows the nominal architecture conceived and developed by our team. The lander is assumed to travel near the shoreline, and it is gathering data for both navigational and geological interpretation. The onboard laser rangefinder provides information about the distance from the shoreline, 7 8. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS whereas sonar provides information about the lake bathymetry. The first step executed by the system is to process the visual information using the AGFA platform [34] for feature extraction and target prioritization [36]. After proper preprocessing and categorization, the fuzzy expert system synthesizes the information and assesses the potential for scientific interest of the observed region [41, 42]. The guidance planner subsequently determines the proper distance from the shoreline, which is followed by a fuzzy controller that controls the lander actuators (i.e., rpm for each of the two motors) to achieve that desired distance, thereby modifying the lander trajectory across the lake (Figs. 6 and 7). This introduced robotic lake lander test bed serves as an analog to a Titan unpiloted surface vessel equipped with its own onboard real-time navigation and hazard avoidance system, surface and subsurface exploration sensor suite, and autonomous science investigation software system. Maneuvers and other planetary reconnaissance operations, such as autonomous patrolling of a lake shoreline and profiling and mapping of a lake floor, can be studied in detail. While the current instantiation of the test bed is not spacequalified as yet, it will serve the objective of studying the autonomous deployment, operation, and coordination between the multiple agents that are integral components of a tier-scalable reconnaissance system. The ultimate goal is to explore the optimal way of implementing autonomous planetary reconnaissance using the enhanced sensory and cognitive capabilities that form the architectural backbone of the robotic test bed. Whatever the robotic system ultimately deployed on remote planetary surfaces, isolated from direct Earth command and control, it will have to contend with exactly the same issues of autonomous operation that we are studying by employing these robotic test platforms. The test bed development is a critical step to map out a technical path toward true autonomy for the robotic exploration of the Solar System. The theoretical implementation of a fuzzy expert for Titan exploration has been previously analyzed [42]. Moreover, our team designed and simulated a fuzzy controller/guidance planner for altitude control and station keeping of a hot-air balloon for Titan exploration [45]. Future work will focus on modifying the currently available schemes to the lake lander problem by (1) designing a fuzzy expert system capable of interpreting the lake geological environment, (2) implementing a dynamical model for the motion of the lander on the lake, and (3) designing and simulating a fuzzy-based controller capable of maintaining the desired distance from the lake shoreline and/or track a specified trajectory autonomously defined by the expert system. In addition to applications pertaining to planetary exploration, the robotic lake lander test bed can be employed in terrestrial lake exploration (e.g., Mono Lake near Mammoth, California), marine/oceanic exploration, scenarios of security surveillance (e.g., harbor security, perimeter surveillance), reconnaissance of (contaminated) disaster areas (e.g., radioactive leakage after tsunami), military reconnaissance (e.g., riverine reconnaissance), delivery of lethal force, and cleanup operations such as littoral munitions dump and mine cleanup. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by the Edward & Maria Keonjian Endowment at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Arizona. Figure 10. Proposed architecture for the fuzzy-based autonomous reasoning system integrated with the Titan lake lander GNC subsystem, conceived for (a) autonomous feature extraction and interpretation of geological data collected while patrolling the hydrocarbon lake, and (b) autonomous trajectory planning and tracking to satisfy science objectives. 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[34] Fink W, Datta A, Dohm JM, Tarbell MA, Jobling FM, Furfaro R, Kargel JS, Schulze-Makuch D, Baker VR (2008) Automated Global Feature Analyzer (AGFA) – A Driver for Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance; IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, paper #1273; DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2008.4526422 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 10 BIOGRAPHY Alexander Jacobs is a Ph.D. student at the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory (under Dr. Wolfgang Fink) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona. He obtained a B.S. in physics from Indiana University. His research is focused on autonomous robotic planetary exploration platforms. His research interests are in autonomous robotics, swarming behavior, and neural systems. Wolfgang Fink is currently an Associate Professor and the inaugural Edward & Maria Keonjian Endowed Chair of Microelectronics with joint appointments in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Systems and Industrial Engineering, and Ophthalmology and Vision Science at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He is a Visiting Associate in Physics at the California Institute of Technology, and holds concurrent appointments as Visiting Research Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurological Surgery at the University of Southern California. Dr. Fink is the founder and director of the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory at Caltech ( and at the University of Arizona. He was a Senior Researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory from 2000 till 2009. He obtained a B.S. and M.S. degree in Physics and Physical Chemistry from the University of Göttingen, Germany, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Tübingen, Germany in 1997. Dr. Fink’s interest in humanmachine interfaces, autonomous/reasoning systems, and evolutionary optimization has focused his research programs on artificial vision, autonomous robotic space exploration, biomedical sensor/system development, cognitive/reasoning systems, and computer-optimized design. Dr. Fink is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). His work is documented in numerous publications and patents. Dr. Fink holds a Commercial Pilots License for Rotorcraft. Ramaprasad Kulkarni is a Masters student at the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory (under Dr. Wolfgang Fink) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and in the Soil, Water, and Environmental Science Department (under Dr. Markus Tuller) at the University of Arizona. He obtained a B.S. in Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India in 2007. His research is focused on automated segmentation of X-Ray CT images of porous media and template matching for autonomous robotics. His research interests include image analysis, computer vision, autonomous robotics, parallel programming, and high performance computing. Mark A. Tarbell is a Visiting Scientist at Caltech and Senior Software Specialist with more than 25 years of satellite and ground-based command and control system architecture design and development. Tarbell designed and implemented the ground data processor control infrastructure for JPL's recent SRTM mission, and was involved with JPL's Jason JTCCS project, which supports real-time telecommanding of Earth-orbiting satellites from wireless handheld PDAs. In collaboration with the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory at Caltech, he recently co-designed and implemented a remote telecommanding control system for an outdoor test bed for autonomous surface exploration at the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory at Caltech and University of Arizona. Markus Tuller is currently an Associate Professor of Environmental Physics in the Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona with an adjunct appointment in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering and Water Management from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria. His research is focused on environmental sensing technology, modeling and measurement of mass and energy transport and distribution in porous media, and development of advanced algorithms for segmentation of X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) data of artificial and natural porous materials. He was involved with the design of advanced plant growth modules for reduced gravity environments in support of NASA’s advanced life support systems for manned long-duration space missions. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE Roberto Furfaro is currently an Assistant Professor in the Systems and Industrial Engineering Department, University of Arizona. He has a large spectrum of research interests, which includes neutron and photon computational transport, neural and fuzzy systems, space systems and micro-satellite design. Over the past few years, he has been collaborating with Ecosystem Science and Technology branch at NASA Ames on the “NASA Coffee Project” in which he led the development of an intelligent algorithm for coffee ripeness 11 prediction using UAV airborne images. He has had a longterm involvement with Mars exploration since 1998 when he joined the NASA SERC at University of Arizona to become the project manager for the development of two robotic devices designed to utilize Martian local resources. Recently, he has been working developing of novel engineering solutions for planetary exploration including fuzzy-based expert systems for autonomous life-searching in extraterrestrial bodies. Victor A. Baker is a Regents' Professor of the University of Arizona in the Departments of Hydrology and Water Resources, Planetary Sciences and Geosciences. He has more than 35 years experience in planetary science research, particularly in geological studies of Mars and Venus. He also has had long experience with interpretive studies of terrestrial remote sensing, especially in regard to his specialties in fluvial geomorphology and flood hydrology. Dr. Baker is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Honorary Fellow of the European Geosciences Union, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was the 1998 President of The Geological Society of America, and he holds the 2001 Distinguished Scientist and 2010 Distinguished Career Awards from the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division of that society. He is author or editor of 17 scholarly books or monographs, more than 350 scientific papers and chapters, and over 400 published abstracts and short reports. 978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 12