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Avid MediaCentral & Adobe Premiere Pro Integration

Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
▪ Overview
▪ The Avid MediaCentral Platform
▪ Real World Examples
▪ Workflow Example
▪ Workflow Description
▪ Software Requirements
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Customer Choice
▪ Media organizations use Avid solutions to produce and distribute content
Local, national and global news broadcasters
Post production companies
Educational institutions
Governmental agencies
▪ In today’s technical and economic landscape, customers want to have more
choices regarding which tools they use for different tasks
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Integrated Workflows
▪ One goal of Avid Everywhere is to enable
customers to use the Avid MediaCentral Platform to
bring together disparate systems into simpler, more
efficient, and more cost-effective workflows
▪ With the Avid MediaCentral Platform, Avid can
enable 3rd party vendors to integrate seamlessly into
Avid’s production environment
▪ MediaCentral also provides a path for integration
with solutions that have been custom-built by our
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▪ Through the Avid MediaCentral Platform, Avid is enabling Adobe Premiere
Pro CC to connect into Avid’s production environment
▪ By using Premiere Pro’s Extension Panel in conjunction with Avid
MediaCentral | UX, Adobe Premiere Pro users can now collaborate with
Avid users at an unprecedented level
▪ Customers can mix and match tools to fit their workflow needs and budgets
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The Avid MediaCentral Platform
Media & Creative Professionals Need
Delivery of
Higher Quality,
Inspiring Content
Workflows and
Seamless, Faster
Protection and
Optimization of
Media Asset Value
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Partners with
Industry Expertise
Avid Everywhere: Partner with Industry Experts
▪ Third Party Assets
▪ Third Party Apps ▪ Third Party Storage APIs
▪ Plugins
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▪ Control Surfaces
Features of the Platform
Shared Components
Rapid Development
Development leverages existing
Quickly develop functionality
Components connected
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Features of the Platform
Services built so they can be
deployed again and again
Any service can pickup where
another left off
Every request or connected
service needs to be authenticated
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Features of the Platform
Media Aware
Platform APIs to extend UX and
connected services
Services understand media
All services built to enable
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Real World Examples
Real World Examples
Adobe Premiere Pro
Share sessions across the cloud
Integrate Premiere Pro into
Interplay workflows
News Production focused on
multiplatform delivery
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Real World Example:
Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC
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Real World Example:
MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Avid Asset Management systems
Avid Shared Storage systems
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Environment
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Additional Services
Avid MediaCentral Platform
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Environment
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Additional Services
▪ The MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe
Premiere Pro CC presents the Avid
MediaCentral | UX HTML5 user interface within
the Premiere Pro user interface
▪ This panel allows the Adobe editor to connect
to the Avid asset management realm including:
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Additional Services
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Environment
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Additional Services
▪ MediaCentral | UX enables Premiere Pro editors to:
Search for media assets via the central Media | Index
Chat/communicate with other MC | UX users
Navigate database hierarchies
See, add and modify metadata
▪ And more importantly, register Avid assets to
Premiere Pro Projects for Editing in Place:
Check out master clips in Premiere supported formats
Check out simple sequences for in-place editing
Send rendered sequences back to Avid
Access Avid media not directly supported in Premiere
via optional conversion to MXF OP-1a and simple XML
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Additional Services
▪ With Interplay | Production, Premiere Pro editors
Interplay | Production
Edit in place Interplay | Production Clips and Sequences
Render Sequences and send them to Interplay |
Production folders
Interplay | Production
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | MAM
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Interplay | MAM
Additional Services
▪ With Interplay | MAM, Premiere Pro editors can:
Edit in place Interplay | MAM Clips and Sequences
Render Sequences and send them to:
- Interplay | MAM
- Run orchestrated workflows
Interplay | MAM
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Interplay | MAM & Production
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Additional Services
▪ With Interplay | MAM and Production, Adobe
editors can:
Edit in place Clips and Sequences from both Interplay |
MAM and Interplay | Production
• Render Sequences and send them to:
- Interplay | MAM
- Interplay | Production folders
Interplay | MAM
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Interplay | Production
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Workflow Example
Workflow for Avid Interplay | Production integration
Interplay | Production
Interplay | MAM
Avid Platform
Interplay | Production
Additional Services
▪ In the following workflow, we will edit in
place an Avid Asset inside a Premiere Pro
sequence and send it back to Interplay |
Production as a rendered clip
Interplay | Production
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ Avid MediaCentral Connector for
Adobe Premiere Pro CC is
installed using a lightweight
installer onto the Premiere Pro
system (PC and Mac)
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ Premiere Pro user can select
Avid MediaCentral Extension
from Premiere Pro’s drop down
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ Avid MediaCentral Extension
▪ User can login to Avid
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ MediaCentral | UX panel opens
in the predefined default Adobe
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ Using the MediaCentral | UX
extension, Premiere Pro editors
can use the powerful search
tools to find content
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ The editor can also navigate the
Interplay | Production or
Interplay | MAM database
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ In the MediaCentral | UX
extension, the Premiere Pro
editor can select footage and
add it to his/her bin by selecting
‘Import to Premiere’
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ At this point any editing feature
in Premiere Pro is used as usual
▪ The Avid media files are edited
“in place” from Avid NEXIS
storage over the network
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Premiere Pro CC Integration with Avid Interplay | Production
▪ When the editing is done, the
editor can check-in the finished
sequence to Interplay |
Production by simply highlighting
the sequence in the bin, rightclicking the desired target folder
in Interplay | Production, and
then selecting:
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Premiere Pro CC Integration Avid Interplay | Production
▪ In our example the Sequence
will be encoded to the format of
choice in the background, sent
back to Interplay as new master
clip and checked into the
selected folder (requires Avid
Media | Director)
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Premiere Pro CC Integration Avid Interplay | Production
▪ Once this is done the flattened
clip is available in Interplay |
Production for others to use or
send to a News playback server
from MediaCentral | UX
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Workflow Description
Workflow Description: Import
▪ Premiere Pro is connected to Avid ISIS or Avid NEXIS to see the media
• In the case of a MAM-only workflow, Premiere Pro needs to see the MAM storage
▪ When the user wants to register an Avid asset to the Premiere Pro bin, the
MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro is passing an AAF
to Premiere
• If on MAC OS, the AAF is massaged to have path to media adjusted for MAC OS
▪ Once an asset is registered to the bin, Adobe automatically “relinks” the
AAF to the media files
• At this point Premiere Pro can Edit in Place
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Workflow Description: Export
▪ Premiere Pro is connected to Avid ISIS or Avid NEXIS to see the media
• In the case of a MAM-only workflow, Premiere Pro needs to see the MAM storage
▪ When the user wants to Export a Premiere Pro timeline back to Avid, the
MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC is triggering an
MXF render in Premiere Pro to the Media | Director watch folder
▪ Once an asset is rendered to the watch folder, Media | Director will import
it into the Avid system
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Software Requirements
MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Compatible with these (and
later) product versions:
MediaCentral | UX 2.7
Interplay | MAM 5.6
Interplay | Production 3.6
Media Director 1.5
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