Al-Amal School Teacher Goals Guidelines & Samples (2019 – 2020) Overview Teacher Goal Setting is an important component of a teacher’s development. Goal setting is designed to focus teachers and coaches on developing and mastering discrete skills that will impact a teacher’s overall performance, and in-turn, student achievement. By setting SMART goals in the beginning of the year and tracking progress toward those goals, teachers can focus on improving a few specific, high-impact skills rather than trying to improve everything at once. Teacher development is the most important lever schools can invest in to improve student achievement. Teachers and supervisors will use the goal setting process as one strategy to improve teacher practice. Teacher goals should be complimented by continuous feedback, open and honest dialogue, and additional opportunities for teachers to learn and grow through large and small group professional development. All of these pieces work together in order to help teachers develop and grow. In addition, teacher goals should also reflect the traits and elements of Danielson Framework for Learning given in brief below. Please refer to the Domain charts given to you at the beginning of the school year. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation a. Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy b. Demonstrating knowledge of students c. Setting instructional outcomes d. Demonstrating knowledge of resources e. Designing coherent instruction f. Designing student assessments Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities a. Reflecting on teaching b. Maintaining accurate records c. Communicating with families d. Participating in a professional Community e. Growing and developing professionally f. Demonstrating professionalism Domain 2: The Classroom Environment a.Creating an environment of respect and rapport b.Establishing a culture for learning c. Managing classroom procedures d.Managing student behavior e.Organizing physical space Domain 3: Instruction a. Communicating with students b. Using questioning and discussion techniques c. Engaging students in learning d. Using assessment in instruction e. Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Answer the following questions through self-reflection to set professional goals for yourself: 1. What do I want to change about my practice that will effectively influence student learning? 2. How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? 3. How will I know if I accomplished my objective? Al-Amal School Goal Setting Instructions Updated: September 21, 2018 Al-Amal School Teacher Goals Guidelines & Samples (2019 – 2020) What goals should the teachers set for the year? School-Based Goals I. Instructional Practices Goal Examples: II. Create assignments that encourage students to become independent learners Spend more time on guiding students in the process of doing work than on lecturing Making learning goals and instructional procedures clear to students Finish grading assignments, test, and quizzes, in a timely manner to provide students feedback Create an environment of motivation and engagement by providing any extra help that students need to succeed. Identify needs for enrichment for gifted and talented students Create an environment that helps to change the mindset of students about standardized testing Student Performance Goal – (This should be tied to MCA & NWEA results from last year) Examples: Students will demonstrate understanding of numerical operations in a variety of contexts by applying appropriate strategies and representing and solving addition and subtraction problems within 20. Students will raise their writing scores related to textual analysis. Students will master the use of digital tools for learning to gather, evaluate and apply information to solve problems and accomplish tasks. Individual Teacher Professional Development Goals: This goal should be tied to things that will make your academic year successful and is based on self-reflection from the previous year’s experiences. These should help in improving your skills as an educator. Examples: Build professional relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and to coordinate learning activities Do more reading to add to my repertoire of instructional strategies and techniques. Attend seminars, workshops, or conferences for the areas that need to be highlighted more in my professional career Please fill out the following goal setting form and email it back to me before our meeting. I will send everyone a separate email to set-up appointments for the goal-setting feedback. Refer to documents on T:\School Wide\Teacher Evaluations, for help with completing the goal-setting sheet. Al-Amal School Goal Setting Instructions Updated: September 21, 2018 Al-Amal School Teacher Goals Guidelines & Samples (2019 – 2020) An example is given below to help you complete your goal-setting sheet. Teacher Anna Tate School Liberty Middle School Administrator Donald Espinosa Student Performance Goal SMART goal criteria is used to formulate the goal. Content & Context The goal is being written around which grade/subject/level? What are the characteristics or special learning circumstances of my class(es)? What are the demographics of my classroom? Baseline Data What are the learning needs of my students? What are the assessments or evidence sources I will use? Attach supporting data if required. For the 2012 – 13 school year, 100% of students will make measurable progress in writing. Each student will improve by one performance level in two or more areas of the rubric (audience/purpose, idea development, organization & structure). Furthermore, 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall. I have a total of 98 students in four heterogeneously grouped classes of 8th grade English. Twenty percent of my students have IEP’s in reading and writing. A collaborating teacher works with me daily. Seventy-three percent of the students at HVMS passed the on-demand writing assessment which has been identified as a school improvement area. Each teacher is expected to incorporate writing into the curriculum. I worked with the other LA teachers in the district to create a common assessment using criteria from the writing rubric. The data from the preassessment shows that 4 students scored very low, 3 scored very high and all areas of writing are low. I then grouped the students according to their scores to see that the low performers averaged .75 in all three areas of the rubric which is significantly lower that the mid performing group. The high performing group avg. 4.0 on Organization and Structure, but the other two groups avg. below 2. Students will use a writer’s notebook for writing practice, specifically developing ideas and focusing on specific audiences for specific purposes. Strategies for Improvement What strategies will I incorporate into my methodology/professional practice? Students will analyze organizational structure of narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing and apply to their own writing. Students will participate in peer response groups to give/receive feedback on audience awareness, purpose, and idea development. Al-Amal School Goal Setting Instructions Updated: September 21, 2018 Al-Amal School Teacher Goals Guidelines & Samples (2019 – 2020) I will implement strategies learned during Rigor and Relevance training and develop writing prompts for students to use in their writer’s notebooks. I will refine my implementation of the standards, researching and implementing engaging and rigorous teaching strategies that deepen student understanding of organizational structures and uses in their own writing. I will refine my use of ongoing formative assessment to impact daily instruction by teaching students to lead classroom discussions and peer reviews. I will incorporate these in practice. Resources and Support: What resources and support do I need to meet my Professional Growth Goal? Teacher Signature: Al-Amal School I would like to observe in other LA classrooms and likewise have my peers observe my classroom during direct instruction and 1:1 conferencing time with students. I would also like support in developing a feedback protocol for such observations. It would also be helpful if time could be given to all of the LA teachers in the district to cross-score our assessments to ensure that understanding and instruction towards the standards is occurring with fidelity across the district. Date: Administrator Signature: Goal Setting Instructions Date: Updated: September 21, 2018