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Grade 8 Math Final Exam - Integers, Geometry, Algebra

Grade 8 Math Final Exam
Exam Time: 90 mins (June
The exam is worth 10 % of your final mark.
You may use calculators for 75 % of your exam (Not on Integers & Exponents Section!)
The question booklet will not be marked (Only the answer sheet!)
Write FULL name and class on answer sheet.
Cheating on the exam will result in a zero!
Review your notes, worksheets, textbook questions, and tests!
What to Bring:
Pencils, Eraser, Calculator, textbook (No pens allowed!)
40 Multiple Choice Questions
1. 10 marks: Number Sense & Numeration (Ch 11-Integers & Ch 7-Exponents/Square Roots)—NO
CALCULATORS for this section!
2. 10 marks: Geometry (Ch13-Angle Relationships)
3. 10 marks: Algebra & Patterning (Chapter 6-& Chapter 12)
4. 10 marks: Data Management (Chapter 9 & Chapter 10)
Chapter 6.1-6.4
1. Identify Patterns-(No fractals & Pascal’s Triangle!)
2. Define Patterns Using Algebra-variable, nth term
3. Explore Relationships on a Grid (No graphing!)
4. Apply Patterning Strategies (Tree Diagrams)
Chapter 7.1-7.3:
1. Pattern with Powers & Exponents-Base, Exponent, Power
2. Order of Operation with Exponents
3. Scientific Notation, Expanded Form, Standard Form
4. Estimating square roots & perfect squares (1-10)
No Exponent Laws!
Chapter 9.1-9.3: (No graphing!)
1. Collect, Organize, and Use Data-census, population, sample, circle graph,ratio
2. Comparative Bar Graphs
3. Histograms
Chapter 10.1-10.4: (No graphing!)
1. Analyse Data & Make Inferences-Stem & Leaf Plot (range: lowest to highest value in data set, how large
is your range: difference from highest to lowest value in dataset)
2. Understand & Apply Measures of Central Tendency-mean, median, mode,outlier
3. Bias in Sample-sample, population, random sample,
4. Make & Evaluate Arguments Based on Data-majority
Chapter 11.1-11.6:
1. Add Integers
2. Subtract Integers
3. Multiply Integers
4. Divide Integers
5. Order of Operations with Integers
6. Patterns and Trends with Integers
Chapter 12.1-12.3:
1. Model & Solve Equations-opposite operation, variable
2. Apply the Opposite Operation
3. Model Problems with Equations
Chapter 13.1-13.4:
1. Types of Triangles: scalene, isosceles, equilateral triangle, right triangle,
2. Internal Angles of a Triangle (=180°)
3. Angle Properties of Intersecting and Perpendicular Lines-(opposite angles, supplementary angles,
complementary angles)
4. Angle Properties of Parallel Lines (Corresponding, Alternate, Interior angles)
5. Apply Angle Measures (Triangles & Parallel/Intersecting Lines, Quadrilateral=360°)
Goodluck! 
Review of how to create an equation (Ch 6 & 12):
V = a x n (+/-) c
V= term value
N= term number
a = If it is decreasing, number multiplied by term number will be negative
If it is increasing, number multiplied by term number will positive
c = If zero value is positive, the constant will be added
If zero value is negative, the constant will be subtracted
Eg. 1
Term Value (v): 2, 6, 10, 14
Term Number (n): 1, 2, 3, 4
1. Find the amount the term value is increasing by
In Eg 1 above: It is increasing by 4 each time. a=4
2. Find the zero value (constant)When the term number is 0, the term value will be____
In Eg 1 above, zero value will be 2 - 4= -2
c= -2
3. Now put it together to create the equation:
v = 4n -2
4. Test out your equation to make sure it works!
In Eg 1 above, when n = 3, the value equals to 10, it works!
You may use other methods if you wish as long as it works.