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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
Company ID / Trading Partner
 Determine Trading Partner
 Review spreadsheet J:\Lists\Tradptn.xls, filter MFR Corp Code
 Create Global Company ID/Trading Partner (if necessary) and maintain Z1024 (SM30)
 Update Trading Partner Address to match Company code address
-Enterprise Structure
-Financial Accounting
-Maintain company
 Create Company Code
 Create new company code by copying from an already existing company. Verify with
the Bank & Cash team for which company to copy from (it is easier for Bank & Cash
configuration to copy from a company with similar Bank & Cash configuration as the
new company).
 Contact the Reporting Team-Corporate Reporting (Lorraine Ngai-8420-5734) to
inform of new Global Company ID. The person in charge of will need to add to ACS
database and respective validation tables.
-Enterprise Structure
-Financial Accounting
-Define, copy, delete, check company code
Copy, delete, check, company code
->Organizational Object ->Copy org object
From company code
To Company code
 Do not copy COA’ s.
 Update for correct currency.
 Message – Certain Data Not Copied – Click OK.
Company Code
 Define Company Code
 Define address and language of new company code
-Enterprise Structure
-Financial Accounting
-Define, copy, delete, check company code
Edit Company Code Data
 Select newly created company
 Update company code details
 Click on address, edit address details
 Assign Company Code - Company
-Enterprise Structure
- Assignment
-Financial Accounting
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
-Assign company code to company
 Maintain Work Lists
-Financial Accounting
- General Ledger Accounts
-G/L Accounts
-Line Items
-Line Item Display
-Maintain work list for line item Display
BUKRS – Company codes
 GA_COCO - All Company Codes
To add a new company, overwrite company code over an existing entry
 GA new company group
 Maintain Z1026 – SAP Company Extended Attributes Table
SM30 – Maintain
CC – new company code
MFR corp.cd – MFR corp code from maintenance sheet (NO LONGER NEEDED)
ACS Co. – look at table Z1024 for ACS company code by company
ACS SKU – X = Excludes FI sales/cos extract, sales will be reported on SKU
HR Active
No. of Dys – default number of days used to calculate due on date for interface
Use 30 days
FG – functional group for Z1077 table
Profit ctr –default profit center from maintenance sheet
IC Prft Cr – default Intercompany profit center from maintenance sheet
Corp Tax ID - BMS Corporate Tax Code
Accr Doc – accrual document type. Use SC
PP Doc typ – prepaid document type. Use SC
Asset Company
ARIBA – Only if ARIBA to be used – find out from Expenditures Team:
 Ariba Productive
 Ariba Int. Ord.
 Ariba WBS Ind.
 Maintain Parallel Currency Config (if applicable)
Financial accounting
Financial accounting Global Settings
Company code
Parallel Currencies
Define Additional currency
Please check Brazil (0122) – the SRS states
UR-GA-16: (Foreign Currency Revaluation at Spot Rate)
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
Foreign currency balances need to be revaluated at month end to reflect the difference between the
BMS standard translation at average rate and the Spot Rate.
Posting at the Spot Rate is not required on a daily or transactional level.
Spot exchange rate effect needs to be posted for statutory purposes.
This means no overrides to the BMS Rate are needed – in this case, the 2nd (Type 60) should have a t
SRCE Curr. Of 2 (use first local currency as basis) – not 1 (use transaction currency as basis). Please
change this to 2. If this is not done, some minor difference in currency may occur in FI.
Mexico appears to be correct as Mexico requires overrides to the BMS rates.
 Maintain Tax Groups (if applicable)
 Intercompany Relationship - Contact the B & C Team in order to get the Company code
clearing between company.
Posting Periods
 Create New Posting Period Variant (if applicable)
 Copy from existing variants
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global settings
Posting periods
Define variants for Open Posting periods
 Create breakpoint variant and company group variant
 Maintain Posting Period Table (Specify Time Intervals)
 Copy from existing posting period intervals
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global settings
Posting periods
Open & Close posting periods
(OTC – acct type D cust.s, DM – acct type M matrl mgt)
Need to expand BR01 – it does not contain all the lines required. Please refer to Mexico
(MX01) for an example.
 Assign Company Code to Variant
 Copy from existing posting period intervals
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global settings
Posting periods
Assign variant to a company code
Controlling Area
 Assign Company Code to Controlling Area
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
-Enterprise Structure
- Assignment
Open File -> -Assign company code to controlling area
Add new company(s)
 Run program RKEPCGL1 in background. (Completes assignment to controlling area)
NOTE – after upgrade to 4.6B – this does not appear to be required any longer. No need to run
this any more.
Special Ledger
 Assign master data company code to Global Company ID * (GCG2)
-Financial Accounting
-Special Purpose Ledger
-Basic Settings
-Master data
-Maintain Global companies
Select Change
Select company code. Populate Master data co.co. field.
 Assign Global Company ID to FI-SL *
Assign to NM Ledger, old MFR Ledger and
Click button -> Assign comp.cd/comp.
-Select new company
-Blocking indicator - 0 – Block for posting
Assign to GL – Global Ledger ACS Ledgers– for all companies.
Click button -> Assign comp.cd/comp.
Select new company
-Blocking indicator - 1 - Released for direct posting
-Select the box
Always check hit enter and then “See note : if Block indicator =1….
Assign to Regional Ledgers (WE, NE, SE, CE, IR) for European and (PH, CP, PR,
MJ) for North American Companies.
Click button -> Assign comp.cd/comp.
-Select new company
-Blocking indicator – 1 - Released for direct posting
-Select the box
Always check hit enter and then “See note : if Block indicator =1….
Assign to Statutory Ledger (D1, FR, IT, BE, ES). If it is a Statutory Company
should be assigned to a new or existing Statutory Ledger.
Click button -> Assign comp.cd/comp.
Select new company
-Blocking indicator - 1 - Released for direct posting
-Select the boxes
Write line items
Always check hit enter and then “See note if Block indicator =1….
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
Click button -> Assign activity
Extras -> Copy model
NOTE: If creating new ledgers, make sure the ledger selection rules are properly created
(copy from an existing company).
Question: Why did you exclude activity RMUM from companies 0063 and 0122 in the GL,
PR, MX and BR ledgers?
 Assign Currency Translation Method to Global Company * (GCW3)
-Financial Accounting
-Currency translation
-Exchange Rates
-Determine currency devaluation
Version – 1 ONLY(Do not update version 3)
Company –
Fiscal Yr – year of implementation
From period – 1
Translation methods
– Z100N For US Company Codes (USD functional currency – rounding to
– Z100E For European (Company Codes with USD functional currency)
- Z2000 For European Company Codes (NON USD) (Local currency ->USD >rounding to thousands) – DO NOT USE.
- Z4000 (All pre-existing Euro zone Companies) this can also be used for any new
company that has a non-USD functional currency other than Euro.
Z500 (All Euro Companies – All new Euro companies) Not maintained – please assign companies 0063, 0511 and 0122 to translation
method Z4000. Note – 0511 is currently assigned to Z100N – this is for USD
companies only – so it needs to change to Z4000.
 Assign Company to SL Global Posting Period -For posting documents to Special
Ledger - (GCP2)
-Financial Accounting
-Special Ledger
-Actual Postings
-Posting periods
-Maintain Global Posting periods.
Set up for new company periods 1-16 implementation year
Needs to be done, please assign companies 0063, 0122 and 0511 to the SL global posting
 Verify assignment of validations and substitutions
 FI Validations -OB28
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global Settings
Line Item
Define validations for posting
ALL - ALL Validations for Company Code
DOCTYPE -ALL Validations for Company Code
Not done – please assign ALL and DOCTYPE to all three company codes.
FI Substitutions –OBBH
-Financial Accounting
-Financial Accounting Global Settings
-Line Item
-Define substitution in accounting documents
Copy from existing company – update accordingly
ALL-US - All US substitutions <PC AND TAX>
USPHARM - Substitutions for US Pharm Group
ALL-EUR -All Europe Subst (PC and OTC - IT)
Z_AVAIL – Availability control in Local currency
Exception to the substitution rule. As the Puerto Rico companies are
under ALL-EUR -All Europe Subst (PC and OTC - IT), any new PR
company should be updated if valid on substitution rule number 17, prerequisite (PRCOMPS) on BSEG table.
Maintain the BSEG table
Set ID: type PRCOMP
Table: BSEG
Not done – please assign ALL-US to all three companies.
FA Substitution * (Cost of Sales Accounting) –OBBZ
-Financial Accounting
-Financial Accounting Global Settings
-Company code
-Cost of sales accounting
-Set up substitution
-Activate substitution
Copy from existing company – update accordingly
ZFAREA - Functional Area Substitution
ZFAREA1 - Functional Area Sub w/prerequisite
Not done – please assign ZFAREA to all three companies.
SL Validations * (non USD companies)
Basically mimics FI validations (BSEG table) and applies to special ledger (GLU1
table- (GCVW)
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
-Financial Accounting
-Special Purpose Ledger
-Basic Settings
-Maintain Global Validation
Copy from an existing company
Not done – please assign CONVERT To all three companies.
 Assign ALE to new companies
-Modeling and Implementing Business processes
- Cross Application Settings
-Global Organizational Units
-Cross-System Company Codes
Perform all three steps in the dialog box.
Cross-system company codes
Assign cross-system co.cde -> chrt of accts
Assign company code -> Cross-system company code
Turn on Productive Indicator -OBR3
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global Settings
Company code
Set company code to productive
Company Code –Configuration Verification-OBY6
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting Global Settings
Company code
Enter Global Parameters
Double click on company code
(All fields should already be populated, based on above processes, unless noted
 Accounting organization
 Chart of Accounts - CORP
 Country Chart of Accounts (if applicable) – Update field here
 Company - Global Company ID
 Credit control area – delete information if populated through creation of the company
from a copy of an existing company. OTC to populate later.
 Fiscal Year Variant – K4 (Calendar year, 4 spec. periods
 Ext.co.code
 X-system co. code – assigned via ALE config.
 Company code is productive – box should be checked (via productive indicator config
– above)
 VAT registration no. – OTC to populate later
 Processing parameters
 Document Entry Screen Variant –
Null - Standard version
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
1 - For Austria and Switzerland
2 - For France and countries with withholding tax
Field Status Variant
0001- Field status - BMS
0002- BMS - Non US Pharm
Please change CC 0122 to 0002 – currently set to 0001
Posting Period Variant
Max Exchange Rate Dev = 0%
(will appear as a null field)
Sample acct.rules var. N/A
Workflow variant
Inflation method
Crcy transl.for tax
CoCd-> CO area
(Assign through Controlling area)
Cost of sales accounting Actv
 Inactive
1 In preparation
2 Active
Select the following:
 Cash Mgmt Activated
 Propose Fiscal Year
 Define Value Date
 Tax Base is Net Value
 Discount Base is Net Value
 Financial Assets Mgmt.Active (Check with F/A team)
 Purchase account processing – inventory goods receipts, when inventory is
reported on P&L during the year for statutory purposes (i.e. France).
 Additional Data (Click on ‘Additional details’)
 Blank out all fields if populated through creation of the company via a copy of an
existing company.
 OTC will populate INTRASTAT ID number
 Address
(Click on address icon)
 Verify address
 Send an e-mail to the person in charge with copy to the Reporting Team-Corporate
(Lorraine Ngai) and team leads listed below.
 For Set up respective ACS Reporting sets and company code related sets for Extract
Programs ZFGLI312, ZFGLI313, contact the Reporting Team group.
 For link one plant for the specific company code
Notify this team for Purchase orders & requisition
Notify of new company for ARIBA
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
 Notify A/P of new company code, in order that they review the configuration and add any
additional if is necessary.
 Notify ARIBA Team of new company in order that they modify Z1026 table using view
 Coordinate configuration with the FA/CP if it necessary.
 Notify this team via e-mail once the company has been established in order to add this
company to the process if it is necessary.
 Notify CTS team via e-mail once the company has been established. CTS group will
execute ALE transport process, if a transport request is generated, CTS group will email
notification to FDG and HR configuration teams.
CTS group will import ALE transport to HRD,
HR configuration team will create a confirm transport upon confirmation will create TPR in
order for CTS to transport to HRT/HRP o add this company to the process if it is
After CON20 Configuration
 Update spreadsheet J:\SSC\Lists\SAPcomp.xls
 Delete the document number ranges object nriv from the request.
 Release task in CON20. SCC1 CON30.
 Post JE in CON30 and CN1-30 for each new company
 Review the validation & substitution assignments.
 Request to the SL &CO-PA team to post a J/E and review the Special Ledger
configuration done for that company code.
 For Security access to the new company code review with the Contact Person the Activity
After moving the configuration over PSS
Create a cost center for the company code that was created.
Extend the accounts 690233 and 5600001 for the new company.
Run a Regular B/S and P/L Report.
After Transport to PRD.
Productive indicator
 Turn on productive indicator in PRD.
Document number ranges
 Create FI document number ranges. (Note statutory requirements).
If a company code is being created and moved to Production prior to next release, then in
CON20 remove NRIV object from CTS. This object control number ranges and we want
to delete so we don not override/reset intervals at time of next PTP.
 Create SL document number ranges. Contact the SL & CO-PA Team.
Notifications to be done when the company is in the Production client.
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Procedures for Creating New Company Code Using 4.6
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