COMPONENTS OF MAKETING DEFINITION OF MARKETING Marketing refers to the activities undertaken by a company to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing activities means any activity of the license directed at or incidental to the identification of and communication with domestic customers supplied or to be supplied, it means direct publicity, advertising, marketing and promotion of goods and services. Below are some components of marketing activities COMPONENTS OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES 1) WHOLESALING: This is the buying and handling of products and services and their subsequent resale to institutional users and in some cases to final consumers. Wholesaling is a significant aspect of marketing because of its impact on the economy, it functions in the distribution channel and its relationship with suppliers and customers, it is a marketing activity that has to do with selling goods in bulk to retailers who will then sell them to the final consumers for consumption and satisfaction. 2) TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION: Transportation and distribution happens to be one of the marketing activities, it is a process of making a product or service available for the consumers or business user who needs it. This can be done directly by the producer of service provider or using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries. Marketers distribute goods by transporting them to retailers through various means like ships, cars, vans, aeroplane etc thereby making it possible for retailers to get the goods at ease. Distribution is fundamentally concerned with ensuring that products reach targets customers in the most direct and cost efficient manner, but in the case of services distribution is principally concerned with access. 3) MARKETING COMMUNICATION: Marketing communication refers to the means adopted by the companies to convey message about the products and the brands they sell, either directly or indirectly to the customers with the intention to persuade them to purchase. In other words, the different medium that companies adopt to exchange the information about their goods and services to the customers is termed as marketing communication. Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, sponsorships, tradeshow appearances and more. The marketer uses the tools of marketing communication to create the brand awareness among the potential customers which means some image of the brand gets created in their minds that help them to make the purchase decision. Marketing communication offers solutions to the following questions Why shall the product be used ? How can the product be used? Who can use the product? Where can the product be used? When can the product be used? In sum total the goal of marketing communication is promotion of products 4) MARKET RESEARCH: Market research is the process of determining the viability of a new service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers, it allows a company to discover the target market and get opinions and other feedback from consumers about their interest in the product or service. Market research has to do with the systematic collection and interpretation of data through the use of analytical methods and approches that promotes the development of insight to support decision making. It is basically any planned activity that results in the gathering of information about markets competitors and customers. Marketers goes out and interacts with people to find out what they need and also discover new ways of producing goods or re-branding them and also tries to find solutions to the problems. 5) PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Product development typically refers to all the stages involved in bringing a product from concept or idea, through market release and beyond. In other words, product development incorporates a products entire journey including: - Identifying a market need - conceptualizing and designing the products - building the product roadmap - developing a minimum viable product (MVP) - releasing the MVP to users - iterating based on user feedback Products development helps companies diversify target customer ranges and expand into new market segments. Whether a company is developing new products or making improvements on classic designs, the product marketing strategy helps new customers gain interest N/B: Product development does not mean product management, when you understand products development this way, you can see that it is not synonymous with product management. Although many people mistakenly use the terms interchangeably indeed product development does not refer to a single role at all. You should instead view it as more of a broad process or method for bringing products to market which involves many teams across company including : product management, marketing, development (or manufacturing), design, testing or QA and shipping or distribution . 6) RETAILING: Retailing has to do with selling finished goods in small quantities to consumers or end-users, usually from a fixed location. It is a distribution process in which all the activities involved in selling the merchandise directly to the final consumer (ie the one who intends to use the product) are included. It encompasses sale of goods and services from a point of purchase to the end user, who is going to use that product. 7) WAREHOUSING: warehousing is the process of proper storage and handling of goods and cargo using scientific methods in the warehouse and making them available easily and smoothly when needed. It is the holding and preservation of goods until they are dispatched to the consumers. There is need for storing the goods so as to make them available to buyers as and when required. Some amount of goods is stored at every stage in the marketing process, proper and adequate arrangements to retail the goods in perfect condition are essential for success in marketing. Storage enables a firm to carry on production in anticipation of demand in future. Warehousing takes responsibility for the safe custody of goods until it reaches the retailers which after then dispatch them to the final consumers.