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Sewing Machine Threading Lesson Plan

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE
Grade 7
Prepared by: Melba C. Dagya
Objectives: at the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. give the order of threading the upper part of the sewing machine by
completing the set of words;
b. organize the steps in threading the upper parts of the sewing machine;
c. demonstrate correct setting of machine by following the procedure of
machine threading.
Subject Matter: Threading the Machine
Materials: sewing machine
printed materials
Reference: Hilario, C. (2001). Clothing Technology made easy. 24K Printing
Co., Inc. Valenzuela City Philippines.
Teachers Activity
Students Activity
A. Preparation
1. Motivation
Let the students supply the
letters missing to complete
the set of words that are
related to the threading of
sewing machine.
1. Sp_ _ l P _ n
2. Up_er Th_ _d gu_d_
3. Betw_ _n m_ t _ l di_c of
4. Th_ _ad gu_id_
5. L_w_r Th_ _ad g_ _d_
6. N_ _dl_
- Base on the activity you have
done. What are those set of
Spool Pin
Upper Thread Guide
Between metal disc o;f tension
Thread guide
Lower Thread guide
words you
- Very good, what are the purpose
of those thread guides in
operating the head of sewing
machine? Freda
- Correct in setting the upper part
of the sewing machines, we must
pass through to all the thread
- Ma’am those are the order of
threading mechanism on the
head of a sewing machine.
- The purpose of those thread
guides is to guide the thread
from the spool pin to needle.
B. Presentation
Let the students organize the
steps of threading the upper part
of the sewing machine base on
the given order of mechanism in
threading the machine.
______Bring the thread to the upper
thread guide.
_____Pull the thread between the
metal disc of tension.
_____Pull the thread down to the
thread guide.
_____Bring the thread up to the thread
take up lever and raise as it goes.
_____Put the spool of thread on the
spool pin.
_____Pull it through the lower thread
_____Thread the needle
- Very good class those are the
steps of threading the sewing
machine particularly the upper
2_ Bring the thread to the upper
thread guide
3_ Pull the thread between the metal
disc of tension
5_ Pull the thread down to the thread
4_ Bring the thread up to the thread
take up lever and raise as it goes
1_ Put the spool of thread to the
spool pin
6_ Pull it through the lower thread
4_ Thread the needle
- Class, what are the things we
must carefully observe when
threading? Michel
- Very good, why do we must
follow the steps and order of
threading the machine? Felicia?
Excellent answer!
- Ma’am we must carefully
observe the various guides in a
given order of threading
- We need to follow the steps of
threading as well as the order of
mechanism because the machine
will not properly function the
proper stitches.
C. Generalization
Let the students summarize the
topic by using a concept map or
- Now I will group you into two.
The first group will arrange the
order of mechanism in threading
the upper part of the machine
through concept map. The
second group will organize the
steps of threading by arranging
the art pieces of papers which
contain words to form a sentence
or the steps.
- Are you done class?
- Let’s check your work, group
two check the work of the group
one, is it correct?
- How about the work of group
two? Group one.
- Excellent class! Let’s all stand
and do the excellent clap.
- Students proper activity
- Yes, ma’am
- Yes, ma’am
- Correct ma’am they organize
the steps in sequence
D. Application
Let the students have a
demonstration on how to thread
correctly the sewing machine by
following the steps in threading.
- (Students demonstration)
- Very good class you did it well
but it will more excellent if you
will do it one more time.
This time, it will be a graded
demonstration. I will group
you into three groups. Each
group will demonstrate the
threading within two minutes
Procedure were
correctly done in
Cooperation was
manifested by the
group speed
Total Score
Keep on practicing to operate the machine. And research about the steps in
threading the lower part and analyze it.
Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE
Grade 7
Objectives: at the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. organize the steps in threading the lower part of the sewing machine:
b. value the importance of threading in garments construction through
essay; and
c. demonstrate the threading by following the given procedures.
Subject Matter: Threading the lower part of lockstitch sewing machine
Materials: Sewing machine
Printed materials
Reference: Hilario C. (2001). Clothing Technology Made Easy.
24K Printing Co., Inc. Valenzuela City, Philippines.
Teachers Activity
A. Preparation
1. Motivation
Let the students arrange a
scrambled letters
- From the activity you have done,
what are those terminologies?
- Very good, when do we mostly
encounter those words? Freda
- Very good, those are parts of a
sewing machine under the bed that
are involved in threading the lower
part of the machine.
Students activity
- Those are parts of a machines
under the bed
- Ma a, we are encountering those
when we operating the machine
most especially when we threading
the sewing machine.
- So what do you think is our topic
for today?
- Ma’am I think our topic is about
the threading on the lower part of
sewing machine.
- Correct!
B. Presentation/Discussion
- Let the students arrange the words
to form a sentence relating to the
steps in threading the lower part.
- I have here a strips of paper that (Students Activity)
- Pull the upper and lower thread
contains a words. You arrange
together by four inches
them to form a sentence. Do it by
- Be sure that you hear the bobbin
two’s. If you finish in arranging,
case being locked upon inserting
Do it on the board.
inside the shuttle
- Remove the bobbin case by pulling
on the bobbin case latch
- Start the mechanism by rolling the
balance wheel forward to get the
thread of the bobbin through the
- Put the bobbin back to the bobbin
case and pull the thread through
the little slot at least four inches.
- Remove the bobbin from the case
and wind the thread.
- Look at the board and analyze the
sentences. What are those
sentences you have formed?
- Those are the steps in threading
the lower part of the sewing
- Correct, those are the procedures
that we must follow when we are
threading the machine.
- What day on think is the
arrangement of the steps you
posted ae in sequence?
- No ma’am
- Yes, it is not in sequence. Now you
- (Student proper activity)
organize the steps by indicating a
number before the sentence you 6_ Pull the upper and lower thread
have arrange a while ago. Still same together by four inches
4_ Be sure that you hear the bobbin case
being locked upon inserting sided the
1_ Remove the bobbin case by pulling on
the bobbin case latch
5_ Start the mechanism by rolling the
thread of the bobbin through the needle.
3_ Put the bobbin back to the bobbin
case and pull the thread through the little
slot at least four inches.
2_ Remove the bobbin from the case and
wind the thread.
Very good, Class you did it well.
C. Generalization
- Let the students arrange the steps
in threading chronologically
- Now I need six persons from you
class. I have some here some strips
of paper that contain the steps in
threading. Pick one and post them
on the board in sequence.
1. Remove the bobbin case by pulling
on the bobbin case latch.
2. Remove the bobbin from the case
and wind the thread.
3. Put the bobbin back to the bobbin
case and pull the thread through
the little slot at least 4 inches.
4. Be sure that you hear the bobbin
case inserting inside the shuttle.
5. Start the mechanism by rolling the
balance wheel forward to get the
thread of the bobbin through the
6. Pull the upper and lower thread
together by four inches.
- Very good, why do we need to set
the machine properly?
- Correct, another idea from the
- Very good. How we are going to
set the sewing machine properly?
- We need to set the machine
properly so that it will form the
perfect machine stitches.
- We need to set the machine
properly because if the sewing
machine is not set well it will not
sew properly or either it will not
- We are going to set the sewing
machine properly by following the
procedures or steps in threading.
- Very good!
D. Application
- Let the students demonstrate in
threading the lower part of the
machine by following the
- I will group you into three groups.
You choose your leader from your
group. Each leader from the group
will the one to demonstrate the
threading. Be sure to follow the
procedure steps.
- Let me check if you done it
- (Demonstration)
- Ma’am were done
- Very good class, job well done.
Base from what you have done I
conclude that you are competitive
enough in machine operation.
- Now class, do you have any
clarification or question about our
topic for today?
- Then if that so, then bring out ½
sheet of paper.
- No ma’am
Written activity (5 points each)
1. Why do we need to follow the procedures in threading the machine?
2. How do we set the machine properly?
Keep practicing to operate the machine.