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Operating Systems Security Concepts: Lecture Slides

Operating Systems
Security is a measure of the system's ability to resist unauthorized usage
while still providing its services to legitimate users.
Security can be characterized as a system providing confidentiality,
integrity, availability.
Confidentiality is the property that data or services are protected from
unauthorized access.
Integrity is the property that data or services are being delivered as intended.
Availability is the property that the system will be available for legitimate use.
The Security Problem
System secure if resources used and accessed as intended under all
Intruders (Hackers) attempt to breach security
Threat is potential security violation
Attack is attempt to breach security
Attack can be accidental or malicious
Easier to protect against accidental than malicious misuse
Threat is a possible security violation
Sharing and Protection are requirements of modern Computing, but they imply
contradictory goals. More sharing gives rise to more possibility of security
threats, or penetration, thus requiring higher protection. When the personal
computers (PC) were designed, it was intended strictly for individual use. This is
the reason why MS-DOS was not very strong in the Security/Protection areas. It
did not have to protect the data files of one user from the possibility of
penetration or misuse by another user, as no two users were expected to use
the same machine simultaneously. Hence, in the PC environment, in the earlier
days, the only way data could be protected was by locking the room
physically where the PC and floppy disks were kept. Today a number of PCs
are being networked together for sharing of data and programs, a need has
arisen to have better and stricter control over the protection aspects.
Categories of Threats
Breach of confidentiality
Breach of integrity
Unauthorized destruction of data
Theft of service
Unauthorized modification of data
Breach of availability
Unauthorized reading of data
Unauthorized use of resources
Denial of service (DOS)
Prevention of legitimate use
Some ways of penetrating a system
An intruder may guess or steal somebody else’s password and then use it.
An intruder may use the vendor-supplied password, which is expected to be used for the
purpose of system generation and maintenance by only the system administrators.
An intruder may find out the password by trial and error method. It is fairly well known that
many users generally use names, initials, or some other common identifiers as passwords.
If a user logs on to a terminal and then goes off for a cup of coffee, an intruder can use
that terminal to access, or modify, sensitive and confidential information.
An intruder can write a dummy login program to fool the user. The intruder, in this case,
can write a program to throw a screen, prompting for the username and the password in
the same way that the operating system would do. When a user keys in the username
and password for logging in, this dummy program collects this information for the use by
the intruder later on. It may then terminate after throwing back some misleading message
like “system down…” This collected information is used for future intrusion. This is a form of
Types of Threats
Active Threat
Security incidents that results in damage to systems, data, infrastructure or
facilities. They may also result in a loss of data.
Passive Threat
Security incidents that do not alter a system but are intended to gather data or
execute transactions. In many cases, they are more difficult to detect as they
may have few side effects.
Specific Types of Threats
Types of Threats
Fire, flood etc: Sabotage
Machine faults
Loss of availability of
Machine and/or data
Programmer error, User
or operator error
Corruption to data
Viruses, worms, Trojan
Horses corruption or
Destruction of Software
Corruption of data and soft
ware, Loss of availability of
Accidental Error
There exists the truism that the Simple errors, of which every one is guilty
from time to time, tend to increases in their gravity when occurring in a
computer system. The case of deletion of a file, for example, is often quite
disproportionate the consequences of selecting the wrong file.
The most dangerous type of error concerns the invalid updating of files
whose contents are not utilized for sometime. It is difficult to counter these
dangers by other than general backup and recovery procedures.
Malicious Misuse
Any form of tampering of the computer system which includes
penetration, Trojan horses, viruses and any form of illegal alteration of the
computer system that is specifically designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or
in general inflict some other "bad" or illegitimate action on data, hosts, or
Perhaps the most sophisticated types of threats to computer systems are
presented by programs that exploit vulnerabilities in computing systems.
Such threats are referred to as malicious software, or malware.
Software designed to cause damage
Or use up the resources of a target computer.
Some malware is parasitic
Contained within other software
Some malware is self-replicating, others require some other means to
Secret entry point
Useful for programmers debugging
But allows unscrupulous programmers to gain unauthorized access.
Logic Bomb
Explodes when certain conditions are met
Presence or absence of certain files
Particular day of the week
Particular user running application
Trojan Horse
Useful program that contains hidden code that when invoked performs
some unwanted or harmful function
Can be used to accomplish functions indirectly that an unauthorized user
could not accomplish directly
User may set file permission so everyone has access
Software that “infects” other software by modifying them
Modification includes
An infection mechanism
Virus Stages
During its lifetime, a typical virus goes through the following four phases:
Dormant phase
Propagation phase
Triggering phase
Execution phase
Virus Propagation
There are five well-known methods by which a virus can infect other programs. These are
discussed as under
Append: In this method, the viral code appends itself to the unaffected program.
Replace: In this case, the viral code replaces the original executable program
completely or partially.
Insert: In this case, the viral code is inserted in the body of an executable code to carry
out some undesirable action.
Delete: In this case, the viral code deletes some code from the executable program.
Redirect: This is an advanced approach employed by the authors of sophisticated viruses.
The normal control flow of a program is changed to execute some other (normally viral)
code, which could exist as an appended potion of an otherwise normal program. This
mode is quite common.
Virus Classification
There is no simple or universally agreed upon classification scheme for
It is possible to classify a virus by a number of means including
By target
By Concealment strategy
by Target
Boot sector infector
File infector
Infects a master boot record or boot record and spreads when a system is booted from the disk containing
the virus
Infects files that the operating system or shell consider to be executable
Macro virus
Infects files with macro code that is interpreted by an application
Platform independent
Mostly infect Microsoft Word documents
Infect documents, not executable portions of code
Easily spread
File system access controls are of limited use in preventing spread
by Concealment
Encrypted virus
Stealth virus
Hides itself from detection of antivirus software
Polymorphic virus
Random encryption key encrypts remainder of virus
Mutates with every infection
Metamorphic virus
Mutates with every infection
 Rewrites itself completely after every iteration
Replicates itself
Use network connections to spread form system to system
Worm Propagation
Electronic mail facility
Remote execution capability
A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems
A worm executes a copy of itself on another system
Remote log-in capability
A worm logs on to a remote system as a user and then uses commands to copy
itself from one system to the other
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