Uploaded by Briana McCarty

Physics Lab Safety Contract - High School

2015 - 2016
Name: _______________________________
In Physics you will frequently perform laboratory activities. While no human activity is completely risk free, if
you use common sense and your “good lab sense” you will encounter no problems. Good Lab sense is an extension
of common sense. Sensible laboratory conduct won't happen by memorizing a list of rules, any more than a perfect
score on a written driver's test ensures an excellent driving record. The true "driver's test" of lab sense is your actual
conduct in the laboratory.
The following safety pointers apply to all laboratory activities. For your personal safety and that of your
classmates, make following these guidelines second nature in the laboratory. Your teacher will point out any special
safety guidelines that apply to each activity. If you understand the reasons behind them, these safety rules will be
easy to remember and to follow.
Class Safety Assignment:
1. Read all of the safety guidelines.
2. Sign these safety rules at the bottom
3. In ink, put your name, date, and period on a sheet of binder paper.
4. With your partner, for each listed safety guideline
a) Make a “bumper sticker “slogan that expresses what the safety rule says, try to incorporate as many as
rules you read below.
b) Think what safety you will be taking in physics lab work while we are working outside this classroom
analyzing motion of cars, drawing directions. projectile motions.
5. Turn in all your work stapled. This must be on file before you begin lab work. This work is due today.
Home Assignment:
Take home this safety contract and have your parents read and sign.
Rules of Laboratory Conduct for Safety in the Physics Laboratory
Never work in the lab unless a teacher is present and aware of what you are doing.
Prepare for the lab activity or experiment by reading it over first. Ask questions about anything that is
unclear to you. Note any cautions that are stated.
Dress appropriately for a laboratory. Avoid wearing bulky or loose fitting clothes or dangling jewelry. Pin or
tie back long hair, and roll up loose sleeves.
Keep the work area free of any books and materials not needed for what you are working on.
Wear safety goggles when working with flames, heated liquids, or glassware.
Never throw anything in the laboratory.
Use the apparatus only as instructed in the manual or by your teacher. If you wish to try an alternate
procedure, obtain your teacher's approval first.
If a thermometer breaks, inform your teacher immediately. Do not touch either the chemical or the glass with
your bare skin.
Do not force glass tubing or thermometer into dry rubber stopper. The hole and the glass should both be
lubricated with glycerin (glycerol) or soapy water, and the glass should be gripped through a paper towel to
protect the hands.
Do not touch anything that may be hot, including burners, hot plates, rings, beakers, electric immersion
heaters, and electric bulbs. If you must pick up something that is hot, use a damp paper towel, a pot holder,
or some other appropriate holder.
When working with electric circuits, be sure that the current is turned off before making adjustments in the
If you are connecting a voltmeter or ammeter to a circuit, have your teacher approve the connections before
you turn the current on.
Do not connect the terminals of a dry cell or battery to each other with a wire. Such a wire can become
dangerously hot.
Report any injuries, accidents, or breakages to your teacher immediately. Also report anything that you
suspect may be malfunctioning.
Work quietly so that you can hear any announcements concerning cautions and safety.
Know the locations of fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and the nearest exit.
When you have finished your work, check that the water and gas are turned off and that electric circuits are
disconnected. Return all materials and apparatus to the places designated by your teacher. Follow your
teacher's directions for disposal of any waste materials. Clean the work area.
I have read and understand the lab safety rules above. I realize that my cooperation is important to the
safety of everyone in the lab.
Print Your Name: ___________________________________
Student Signature
Parent Signature