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Colposcopy Pre-Procedure Checklist

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Colposcopy Pre-Procedure Checklist
1. Colposcope
2. Biopsy forceps
3. Vaginal speculums
4. Endocervical speculum (Kogan, both narrow and wide types)
5. Endocervical curette (Kevorkian curette, no basket)
6. Single Tooth Tenaculum.
7. Ring forceps
8. Cervical hook (rarely used)
9. Normal Saline
10. Acetic acid solution 3% to 5% (white vinegar; 4-6 oz or 120-180 mL)
11. Lugol’s iodine solution (full strength)
12. Monsel’s solution (ferric subsulfate solution), 1 mL –(to stop bleeding)
13. Silver Nitrate stick (to stop bleeding)
14. Cotton- or rayon-tipped swabs (8-10)
15. Junior Scopettes /OB-GYN applicators (6-10) — these are giant Q-tips.
16. 4 × 4 gauze
17. Urine or sputum cups for vinegar
18. Vaginal side wall retractor
19. Underpads (“chuck pads”) (17 × 24 inch)
20. Cotton balls (15-20)
21. Power-assisted patient examination table that can be raised or lowered
22. Pap smear materials
-A pre-procedural dose of an oral NSAID
21-08-2019, 08:57