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Earth & Life Science Quiz: Universe & Solar System

Name: ____________________________________________ Grade/Sec: _______________ Score: _______
Quiz 1: Origin of the Universe
I. Direction: Answer the following crossword correctly.
1. A nuclear fusion reaction responsible for the energy produced by stars.
4. It comprises all space and time, and all matter and energy in it.
5. A cluster of billions of stars
10. an early stage in the formation of a star resulting from the
gravitational collapse of gases.
2. An evidence for an expanding universe
3. Dark ____, a source of anti-gravity; a force that counteracts gravity and
causes the universe to expand
6. _______ years, the distance light can travel in a year; a unit of length
used to measure astronomical distance
7. "Ordinary" matter consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons that
comprises atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, and other bodies
8. _______ matter, matter that has gravity but does not emit light.
9. The building block of galaxies-are born out of clouds of gas and dust in
II. Name the following Theories on the Origin of the Universe
Edwin Hubble observed that spectral lines of starlight made to pass through a prism are shifted toward the red part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, i.e., toward the band of lower frequency; thus, the inference that the star or galaxy must be
moving away from us.
The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam claim that a supreme being created the universe,
including man and other living organisms.
It maintains that new matter is created as the universe expands thereby maintaining its density. Its predictions led to tests
and its eventual rejection with the discovery of the cosmic microwave background.
It postulates that 13.8 billion years ago, the universe expanded from a tiny, dense and hot mass to its present size and
much cooler state.
III. Fill in the blank by choosing the terms from the box.
Stellar interiors
The universe is made of 4.6% baryonic matter (“ordinary” matter consisting of _____________, electrons, and neutrons:
atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae, and other bodies), 24% cold dark matter (matter that has gravity but does not
emit light), and 71.4% dark energy (a source of anti-gravity).
_____________________ are like furnaces where elements are synthesized or combined/fused together. Most stars such
as the Sun belong to the so-called “main sequence stars.”
The ________________ Principle assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic when averaged over large
In Einstein’s General Theory of _________________, gravity is thought of as a distortion of space-time.
Hydrogen, helium, and lithium are the three most abundant ______________ .
This organization of matter in the universe suggests that it is indeed clumpy at a certain scale. But at a large scale, it
appears homogeneous and __________________.
Parent’s Signature
Rearrange the planets based on their distance from the sun. Write A-H.
_____ 1. Saturn
_____ 2. Earth
_____ 3. Mercury
_____ 4. Neptune
_____ 5. Mars
_____ 6. Venus
_____ 7. Jupiter
_____ 8. Uranus
Rearrange the planets based on their size from the biggest to the smallest. Write A-H.
_____ 1. Earth
_____ 2. Mercury
_____ 3. Jupiter
_____ 4. Neptune
_____ 5. Venus
_____ 6. Uranus
_____ 7. Mars
_____ 8. Saturn
Name the following.
____________ 1. The Red planet
____________ 2. The ringed planet
____________ 3.
____________ 4.
____________ 5.
____________ 6.
____________ 7.
____________ 8.
____________ 9.
____________ 10.
Earth’s twin sister
Derived from the Greek deity of heaven
Largest planet
Smallest planet
The evening star
Fastest planet
Only inhabited planet
Fourth largest planet
Identify the term that is being described in each item.
____________ 1. What M is the meteor in outer space?
____________ 2. What C is the head of a comet?
____________ 3. What H is the closest asteroid to the Earth?
____________ 4. What K is an area outside the orbit of Pluto?
____________ 5. What C is the largest asteroid?
Write true or false.
_____ 1. The moon is as big as the Earth.
_____ 2. There is no air in the moon
_____ 3. The moon rotates and revolves around the Earth
_____ 4. The moon has its own light
_____ 5. It takes the moon 365 ¼ days to revolve around the Earth
_____ 6. Life is impossible on the moon
_____ 7. The moon has varying shapes
_____ 8. The moon is not visible during new moon
_____ 9. The moon has different phases.
_____ 10. The moon is seen brightest if it is crescent.
Rearrange the processes in the life cycle of a star. Write A-E.
_____ 1. The red giant forms a planetary nebulae.
_____ 2. The light of the star stops on shining.
_____ 3. A gravity disturbance causes clumps to develop inside star clouds.
_____ 4. Black hole is formed
_____ 5. Extreme temperature triggers nuclear reaction in the star.