Storm Catchers – Tim Bowler Reading Year 3 MAVO MLF This reader belongs to: _________________________________ Class: _________________________________ Reading Year 3 MAVO Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 2 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Assignment 1: Reading comprehension - individually 4 Assignment 2: Deeper meaning of the story - individually 6 Assignment 3: Research - pairs 7 Rubric 9 Grade sheet 11 Helpsheet for creating research questions 12 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 3 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 4 Introduction This project is evolved around the young-adult mystery-thriller novel “Storm Catchers”, written by Tim Bowler and first published in 2001. Set over the course of a four-day storm in a coastal English town, the story follows Ella Parnell, who is kidnapped by an unknown intruder. As the drama unfolds, a complex web of family secrets is revealed. Tim Bowler has written over twenty books for teenagers and won fifteen awards, including the prestigious Carnegie Medal, which he won for his book “River Boy”. His books have been translated into over thirty languages and have sold over a million copies worldwide. Other works from his hand are “Frozen Fire”, “Night Runner” and “Game Changer”. If you wish to get the book for yourself at the library or a bookstore: ISBN: 978-0-19-275445-5 This project consists of three assignments: - reading comprehension : individually accounting for 25% - deeper meaning of the story : individually accounting for 25% - research : pairs accounting for 50% The work that you hand in for the research part of this project has to contain the following: ● Front page: first and last names, class, teacher and a nice cover ● Table of contents: have a good reference to the pages. Tip: use Microsoft Word’s “references” option ● Assignment 3: research o Introduction o Answering the sub-questions o Survey / interview / observation o Conclusion (= answering the main question) o o Bibliography (sources with APA) Appendix Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 5 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 6 Assignment 1: Reading comprehension - individually Answer the following questions in English: 1. Chapter 1: How does Ella convince her little brother to hide in his secret place? 2. Chapter 2: When Fin comes home, his sister Ella and little brother Sam are gone. He calls his friend Billy and Mr Langworthy - the owner of the Coppa Dolla – but he doesn’t tell them that they are missing. Why doesn’t he? 3. Chapter 2: Why doesn’t Ella like to be alone in the old house? 4. Chapter 3: Where does Ella’s kidnapper bring her? Be specific. 5. Chapter 4: Why did Sam leave his secret hiding place, even though Ella had told him not to come out until he hears mum, dad or Fin? 6. Chapter 5: What does Ella find in the cave? Be specific. 7. Chapter 6: What do the Parnell’s say to other people when they ask where Ella is? 8. Chapter 7: Fin reads about dowsing and using it to find missing persons. He creates his own pendulum. What is it made of? 9. Chapter 8: On a boat trip to the Rocky Islands, Billy explains that sailors used to call them “The Furies”. What were the islands named after? 10. Chapter 9: Fin catches Dad on a lie. What is his father lying about? 11. Chapter 10: What causes Sam to run away all the time? 12. Chapter 11: Fin has a conversation with a policeman about the tramp who is hanging around in Newquay. What does he learn? Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 7 13. Chapter 12: Fin receives special instructions from the kidnapper about the ransom. What does Fin need to do with the money? 14. Chapter 13: What is the explanation Dad provides when Fin asks him who the tramp is? 15. Chapter 14: Fin goes to the cave underneath Fengrig’s lighthouse and finds out that Ella was there. How does he know? 16. Chapter 15: Sam uses the pendulum again to find out where Ella is. What does he find out? 17. Chapter 18: Francis Kelman blackmailed Peter Parnell. Based on which information? Mention two things. 18. Chapter 18: Ricky wanted revenge on Peter. He always intended to kill Ella, despite the money. Why DIDN’T he kill Ella? 19. Chapter 18: Peter made sketches of the lighthouse then years ago. Why did he take up on this hobby? 20. Chapter 19: Sam visits Ricky in intensive care. He hears a new voice inside his head. Whose voice? Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 8 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 9 Assignment 2: Deeper meaning of the story - individually Answer the following questions in English: 1. In chapter 11 the kidnapper is giving instructions on the money drop off. He sounds arrogant and confident. This changes when he hears Sam saying: “There’s a storm coming. Going to catch it.” The kidnapper sounded scared even. Explain this. 2. In chapter 16 the kidnapper brings Ella to the largest of the Rocky Islands. He intends to kill her there. What is the significance of the islands to him wanting to kill her there? 3. In chapter 17 you read that Sam has followed the little girl with the golden hair to the cliffs again. Suddenly, the girl begins to scream. She starts running towards the lighthouse. She is out of her mind with terror. Then, all of a sudden, she isn’t there anymore. Explain who the girl was and what happened to her. 4. Explain the title of the book. Use the information in chapter 18 to help you with your answer. 5. You could state that the moral of the book is ‘guilt’. Give at least three examples from the book to help support this statement. 6. What is the message/life lesson of the story? Explain it by using at least 50 words. 7. Does the story have a happy ending? Choose yes OR no and then explain why. Use at least 50 words. Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 10 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 11 Assignment 3: Research - pairs The book “Storm Catchers” contains a lot of different themes. You use one of these themes as the starting point for your research. This means that you use the book only as an inspiration. You’re going to use different sources for this research. This is what we want your research to contain: Introduction (use your “help sheet”) ● Introduce the area that you chose to research. ● Explain why you chose this research subject. ● State your main question and sub-questions. Answering the sub-questions ● Research the answers to your sub-questions by finding as much information as you can in books and on the internet (not Wikipedia). ● Make sure to start a new chapter for each sub-question that you answer. ● Finish each chapter by writing a conclusion in which you answer the sub-question briefly. You basically write a summary of that chapter. Survey / interview / observation Apart from finding information on the internet and in books, you must do a survey, interview or observation. Depending on your research question, select an appropriate way of collecting this data: ● Survey: at least 10 questions amongst 20 participants; ● Interview: at least 10 questions amongst 5 participants; ● Observation: the goal of your observation is clear, and you managed to observe at least 3 different situations; ● If in doubt, discuss the best method for your research question with your teacher; ● Write a short conclusion to your survey / interview / observation. Conclusion (=answering the main question) In your conclusion, you: ● Restate the main question. ● Use the conclusions to the sub-questions to answer the main question. Do not just copy paste them but combine them into a coherent story. Note: The answer to the main question does NOT contain N EW information! All your information should have been given in your sub-questions. Bibliography Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 12 ● Here you cite all the websites, articles, pictures or books that you have used to gather information for your research. These sources are presented in APA (see APA-quoting). Note: You must use at least three different sources (Wikipedia is NOT a source). APA-quoting You will APA-cite: sources, ideas, and texts that are not your own in order to avoid plagiarism (copy-pasting texts). APA-quoting is a great way to use information and make your research more professional and reliable! You can use Microsoft Word’s build-in References menu to do APA-citing in your research. How to do this will be explained in class. Last but not least ● All the assignments must be done in English! ● The research itself is at least 600 words long. All the work that you cite is not included in those 600 words. Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 13 Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 14 Rubric Date: Name: Class: All parts are handed in and no plagiarism is committed? Yes? Mark - No? 1.0 2 1 0 Correct answers 20-19 questions are 18-16 questions are 15-13 questions are answered correctly. 12 or less questions are answered correctly. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Fantastic, almost no Well done, just a few spelling or grammar small errors. mistakes. A couple of mistakes, but still well done. Quite a few mistakes, please come to a KWT and ask for some extra practice. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Assignment 1 4 answered correctly. Correct use of language 3 answered correctly. Score: Assignment 2 Show insight into the deeper meaning of the story 8 6 4 2 0 Brilliant play with words. The answers show great insight. The answers show a good understanding. The answers show a reasonable understanding, however, you struggle putting it into words. The answers show a lack of understanding. It’s unclear whether you picked up on the deeper meaning. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Score: Total score: Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 15 Date: Names: Class: All parts are handed in and no plagiarism is committed? Yes? Mark - No? 1.0 Lay-out 1 0 Front page + table of contents Names, class, teacher, nice cover. Correct reference to pages. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Bibliography – sources + citation At least three different sources used. Correctly APA-cited. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Survey/interview/observation Own materials added. This part is missing and/or less than three different sources used. Score: Assignment 3 4 3 2 1 0 Just voicing your interest in something, is not enough motivation. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. The answers show that you did some research, but it lacked here and there. You wrote a conclusion to each sub-question. Did you decide to play games instead of doing some research? Some conclusions are missing. This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Introduction You have explained You have explained Your motivation is your motivation in your motivation okay and your – motivation for depth and you have quite well and you research questions research subject stated your research questions have stated your research questions are stated. The answers show The answers show Answers to meticulous that you did a sub-question research. You wrote proper research. s a good conclusion You wrote a good Conclusion – main question answered Own research material – survey / interview / observation to each sub-question. conclusion to each sub-question. You made a coherent story using the information from the conclusions to the sub-questions. No new information was provided. You used the conclusions to the sub-questions to answer the main question properly. No new information was provided. The answer to the main question is okay. Some new info was spotted. The answer to the main question was not satisfying. Did you add a new chapter to your sub-questions? This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. You went above and beyond to collect your own data to draw conclusions from and used it for at least one of your sub-questions. Your own research really helps to support the research and answer your sub-question. Okay, you did some work on your own, but you are missing participants, and/or your heart was not in it. It didn’t really add anything to your questions. Did you read the title of the book? Really, you have 10 aunts and 12 grandmas? You are aware that this was needed for answering your questions? This part is missing and/or the execution is not worth 1 point. Score: Total score: Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 16 Grade sheet Assignment 1 + 2: Total points: Norm: Score: 0 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 10 grade: 10 grade: 6.0 Grade: 1,0 1,3 2,0 2,7 3,3 4,0 4,7 5,3 6,0 6,7 7,3 8,0 8,7 9,3 10,0 Total points: Norm: Score: 0-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 12 grade: 10 grade: 6.0 Grade: 1,0 1,4 2,0 2,6 3,1 3,7 4,3 4,9 5,4 6,0 6,6 7,1 7,7 8,3 8,9 9,4 10,0 Assignment 3: Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 17 Helpsheet for creating research questions What according to you is the theme of the book? ................................................................................................................. What inspired or touched you the most of the book? ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. The book serves as inspiration for part 3, the research. Use the information from the previous questions to decide upon a main topic for your research. ................................................................................................................. Now make a list of random questions that are related to the main topic that you chose. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. Mark one question – from your list – that you like the most. Maybe this question can be your main question. Are there other questions that are related to the main question that you chose? Maybe these can serve as your sub-questions. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 18 Make sure that your sub-questions combined answer the main question. You do not research the main question, but answer it by researching each sub-question. Authors: Sabine Verheugd-Fransen & Eddy van Onzen 19