Uploaded by Alexander Stocking

Student Questionnaire: Get to Know Your Students

Student Questionnaire
Welcome to our class! Please fill out this questionnaire
so that I can teach you better. Thank you!
General Questions:
Name:_________________________________________ Period:____
Nickname you would like to be called: ________________________
Date of birth:______________________________________________
Home phone number:_______________________________________
Home email: ______________________________________________
Parent’s/guardians’ names:__________________________________
Who would you like me to tell when you do something especially well? ________________________
Do you have any allergies? If so, please explain. ___________________________________________
About your activities and interests:
What do you do after school? ____________________________________________________________
What are your other interests? ___________________________________________________________
About the way you learn:
Who is your favorite teacher? Why? _______________________________________________________
Do you like science? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________
What would you really like to learn in this class? ___________________________________________
Describe the way you learn things best. ___________________________________________________
Is there anything that could make this class especially hard for you? ___________________________
Can you think of a way I can help you with this? ____________________________________________
What is your favorite candy? ____________________________________________________________
What is your favorite food? _____________________________________________________________
What is your favorite TV Show? __________________________________________________________
What is your favorite type of music? ______________________________________________________
What is your favorite sports team? _______________________________________________________
What is your favorite school subject? _____________________________________________________
MISC questions:
Which characteristics do you respect and admire in a teacher? _______________________________
What motivates you? ___________________________________________________________________
Is there anything else that you would like me to know? ______________________________________
Your course schedule…
Class – Teacher – Room #
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.
We are going to have a great semester together!