DRAFT Reference No:QF/PM/RM No : Universiti Malaysia Perlis School of Environmental Engineering Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar Questionnaire Form [Borang Kaji Selidik] Title: Assessment of Risk Management in Construction Project - Northern and Central of Malaysia [Tajuk : Penilaian pengurusan risiko dalam projek pembinaan di bahagian utara dan bahagian tengah di Malaysia] Objective of the study : [Objektif kajian ini] : 1) To analyze the awareness of risk management knowledge among the employee at site. [Untuk menganalisis kesedaran tentang pengetahuan risiko di kalangan pekerja tapak projek.] 2) To analyze phase of the implementation of risk management in the project. [Untuk menganalisis tahap perlaksanaan pengurusan risiko di dalam projek] This questionnaire consists of four sections : [Kaji selidik ini terbahagi kepada empat bahagian] : SECTION A : [Bahagian A] : Respondents Background [Latar Belakang Responden] SECTION B : [Bahagian B] : Project Background [Latar Belakang Projek] SECTION C : [Bahagian C] : Awareness of Risk Managament Knowledge [Kesedaran Tentang Pengetahuan Pengurusan Risiko] SECTION D : [Bahagian D] : Implementation of Risk Management In Project [Perlaksaan Pengurusan Risiko di dalam Projek] SECTION E : [Bahagian E] : Suggestion and Improvement of Risk Management [Cadangan dan Penambahbaikkan Pengurusan Risiko] CONFIDENTIALITY : All data collected will be confidential and you will not be personally identified in any reports. This is a questionnaire survey as a partial requirement of completion in Master of Science in Civil Engineering. Thank you. [Kesemua data yang dikumpul adalah sulit dan anda maklumat peribadi anda tidak akan dinyatakan didalam laporan. Ini adalah satu kajian soal selidik sebagai keperluan untuk menyiapkan Sarjana Sains dalam Kejuruteraan Awam. Terima kasih.] SECTION A: RESPONDENT BACKGROUND [BAHGIAN A : LATARBELAKANG RESPENDEN] Please tick (√ ) your current details below by bolding the answer suitable to you. [Sila tandakan (√ ) maklumat terkini di bawah berdasarkan jawapan yang sesuai dengan anda.] 1. Position: [Posisi] : Project Manager [Manager Projek] Safety Officer [Pegawai Keselamatan] Project Engineer [Jurutera Projek] Others: ______________ [Lain-lain] Supervisor [Pegawai Ukur Bahan] 2. 3. 4. Educational background : [Latar belakang akademik] : SPM : ______________ Degree : ______________ Sijil Master : ______________ : ______________ Diploma: _____________ PhD Male [Lelaki] Female [Perempuan] Gender : [Jantina]: Working experience : [Pengalaman bekerja]: ≤ 5 years [≤ 5 tahun] 5 to 10 years [5 hingga 10 tahun] 5. : ______________ Project involve : [Keterlibatan Projek:] 1 to 3 projects [1 hingga 3 projek] 4 to 6 projects [4 hingga 6 projek] 11 to 20 years [11 hingga 20 years] 21 to30 years [21 hingga 30 tahun] 7 to 9 projects [7 sampai 9 projek] more than 9 projects [melebihan 9 projek] 1 SECTION B: PROJECT BACKGROUND [BAHGIAN B : LATARBELAKANG PROJEK] Please tick (√ ) your current details below by bolding the current project. [Sila tandakan (√ ) maklumat terkini di bawah berdasarkan projek terkini.] 1. Sector of project: [Sektor projek]: Government Project [Projek Kerajaan] 2. Private Project [Projek Swasta] Classification of project: [Kelas projek]: Commercial ( Office, Shop, Hotel, etc) [Komersial (Pejabat, Kedai, Hotel, lain-lain) Industrial (Factory, Warehouse, etc) [Industri (Kilang, Gudang, lain-lain)] Institutional Building (College, School, etc) [Bagungan Akademil (Kolej, Sekolah, lain-lain] Residential (Terrace house, Flat, Apartment, etc) [Residenci (Rumah Teres, Flat, Apartment, lain-lain)] Others:________________ [Lain-lain] 3. Phase of the project you take part in : [Fasa keterlibatan anda] : Plan Management [Pengurusan Plan] Construction Management [Pengurusan Pembinaan] Planning (Deisgn/Tender) [Perancangan(Rekabentuk/ Tender] Project Administration [Pentadbiran Projek] Others: __________________ [Lain-lain] 2 4. Project costing : [Harga projek] : ≤ RM200, 000 RM3, 000, 001 – RM5, 000, 000 RM200, 001 – RM500, 000 RM5, 000, 001 – RM10,000, 000 RM500, 001 – RM1, 000, 000 ≥ RM 10, 000, 001 RM1, 000, 001 – RM3, 000, 000 5. Stage of project : [Peringkat projek] : ≤ 20% 61% - 80% 21% - 40% 81% - 100% 41% - 60% 3 SECTION C : AWARENESS OF RISK MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE [BAHAGIAN C : KESEDARAN TENTANG PENGETAHUAN PENGURUSAN RISIKO Please tick (√ ) in the blanks. All the answer depends on current project. [Sila tandakan (√ ) di tempat yang disediakan. Semua jawapan berdasarkan projek semasa.] No Questions [Soalan] 1 Have you heard about risk management? [Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang pengurusan risiko?] Are you familiar with the principle of risk management? [Adakah anda biasa tentang prinsip pengurusan risiko?] Do you think that risk management is important for the project? [Adakah anda berpendapat pengurusan risiko sangat penting dalam sesuatu projek?] Have you ever participated in training / class / course about risk management? [Adakah anda pernah terlibat di dalam latihan / kelas / kursus tentang pengurusan risiko?] Do you have certificate of safety and health from DOSH or OSHA? [Adakah anda mempunyai sijil berkenaan keselamatan dan kesihatan daripada DOSH atau OSHA?] Have you familiar with standard on risk management such ISO 31000? [Adakah anda tahu piawaian terhadap pengurusan risiko seperti ISO 31000?] Do you think applying risk management is important in machine/ operators and employees? [Adakah anda berpendapat perlaksanaan pengurusan risiko penting ke atas mesin / pengendali / pekerja?] Are the employee take precautions to reduce the risk of such use personal protection equipment (PPE)? [Adakah pekerja mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk mengurangkan risiko seperti pemakaian peralatan perlindungan diri(PPE)] Does risk management help to reduce risk in the construction project / site? [Adakah pengurusan risiko membantu untuk mengurangkan risiko di dalam projek pembinaan / tapak bina?] Do you identifying the risk at the beginning of construction project until the project is complete? [Adakah kita boleh mengenalpasti risiko di awal permulaan projek pembinaan hingga projek siap?] Does an employee follow the standard operating procedure (SOP) and be supervised by supervisor? [Adakah pekerja mengikut tatacara operasi standard (SOP) yang ditetapkan dan diawasi oleh penyelia?] Do have any improvement for your employees to recognized training method to facilitate the general knowledge on risk? [Adakah anda mempunyai sebarang penambahbaikan untuk pekerja anda kepada kaedah latihan yang diiktiraf bagi memudahkan pengetahuan am risiko?] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Yes 4 No SECTION D : IMPLEMENTATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN PROJECT [BAHAGIAN D : PERLAKSAAN PENGURUSAN RISIKO DI DALAM PROJEK] Please tick (√ ) in the blanks. All the answer depends on current project. [Sila tandakan (√ ) di tempat yang disediakan. Semua jawapan berdasarkan projek semasa.] No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Questions [Soalan] Did the implementation of risk management help the employees and stakeholder to complete this project? [Adakah perlaksanaan pengurusan risiko membantu pekerja dan pihak terlibat dalam menyiapkan projek ini?] Is the implementation of risk management making it difficult to the process of construction? [Adakah perlaksanaan pengurusan risiko mengganggu proses untuk pembinaan projek? Does this project have any system that manages the process of risk identification, monitoring and recording the risk? [Adakah projek ini mempunyai sistem untuk mengurus proses mengenalpasti risiko, mengawal dan merekod risiko?] Do you have any data about previous cases to organization could learn from its own mistakes? [Adakah anda mempunyai data tentang kes-kes sebelum ini untuk organisasi boleh belajar dari kesilapan sendiri?] Do you have plans for emergency situations related to unlikely or likely happen, which can delay the project’s activity? [Adakah anda mempunyai pelan situasi kecemasan yang berkaitan dengan situasi yang tidak mungkin atau mungkin berlaku, yang boleh menyebabkan aktiviti pembinaan tertangguh?] Whether by reducing the price of the project could reduce occupational cases in construction site? [Adakah dengan mengurangkan harga projek boleh mengurangkan kes-kes pekerja di tapak projek?] Do you justify the risk before you make decisions on this project such as plaining of costing, delay and etc.)? [Adakah anda membuat penilaian risiko sebelum membuat keputusan dalam projek ini seperti perancangan kewangan, kelewatan dan sebagainya?] Does the application of risk management will increase the cost of project? [Adakah mengaplikasikan pengurusan risiko akan menyebabkan pertambahan kos projek? Does a project can be guarantee to no increases in costs that completed on time? [Adakah sesuatu projek yang siap pada masa yang ditetapkan menjadi jaminan tiada pertambahan kos projek?] Does the high cost would be a guarantee to complete the project on time? [Adakah kos yang tinggi akan menjadi jaminan untuk menyiapkan projek itu pada masa yang di tetapkan?] Yes 5 No SECTION E : SUGGESTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT [BAHAGIAN E : CADANGAN DAN PENAMBAHBAIKKAN PENGURUSAN RISIKO] Please answer according to your opinion.[Jawab soalan berikut berdasarkan pendapat anda]. 1. Is it your construction project going through critical path situation? [Adakah projek pembinaan anda melalui situasi yang kritikal]? Yes No Justify [Terangkan] : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Based on your experiences, did the construction project have problems of costing at the construction stage? Can you state at what value do you think the project will face the risk? [Berdasarkan pengalaman anda, adakah projek pembinaan mempunyai masalah perbelanjaan semasa peringkat pembinaan? Bolehkah anda nyatakan nilai harga projek yang menghadapi risiko?] Yes No Justify [Terangkan] : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is the risk management effect the data collected and during the analysed phase of the project is carried out? [Adakah pengurusan risiko memberi kesan kepada data yang diperolehi dan fasa analisis semasa pembinaan projek di jalankan?] Yes No Justify [Terangkan] : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6 4. Do you have any suggestion to reduce the risk management in any project based on your experience and your opinion? [Adakah anda mempunyai cadangan untuk mengurangkan pengurusan risiko di dalam mana-mana projek berdasarkan pengalaman dan pendapat anda.] Yes No ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Comments: Thank you for participating in this survey. Please return this questionnaire form within one week. Any enquiry, please contact: 012-4703291or adibah_nabishah@yahoo.com (Adibah) 7