Ash Norman NAME: 11:05-12:45 TIME: DATE: Measurement ACTIVITY: 9 CLASS / YEAR EQUIPMENT: Specific Learning Outcomes I N T R O D U C T I O N D E V E L O P M E N T Activity Perimeter - Slides 1-11 on powerpoint - Go through formulas for perimeter - Students work through questions assigned on google classroom Area - Slides 12-35 on powerpoint Area of squares, rectangle and parallelogram Focus Organisation Time Perimeter Formulas - Square= 4s - Rectangle= 2(l+w) - Isosceles triangle= 2a+b - Circumference= 2(pi)r or C=(pi)d - Perimeter of a sector P=l+2r 30 mins Area formulas - Square A= 𝑙 2 - Rectangle A= lw - Parallelogram A= bh 65 mins 11:1011:40 11:4012:45 C L O S U R E