OAKTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERIC COURSE SYLLABUS I. Course Prefix Course No. Course Name Credit Lecture Lab URDU 101 Beginning Urdu I 4 II. Prerequisite: None III. Course (Catalog) Description: 3 2 Course develops basic language skills in Urdu within the socio-cultural context of Pakistan/India and South Asia. Content includes alphabets, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical rules, reading comprehension, listening comprehension and oral and written real life situational conversation. No prior study of the language is presumed. Recommended that experienced students discuss proper placement with instructor. IV. Learning Objectives: 1. To actively communicate in Urdu, making spontaneous use of structures and vocabulary studied. 2. To demonstrate an appreciation of contemporary Pakistan/India and South Asian culture through written and aural class work. 3. To demonstrate spoken Urdu in everyday contexts through responding to simple basic questions. 4. To illustrate reading comprehension through answering relevant questions on uncomplicated selections. 5. To use elements of beginning grammar through short listening, spoken, and written exercises. 6. To write simple sentences in Urdu within the context of what has been studied. V Academic Integrity: Students and employees at Oakton Community College are required to demonstrate academic integrity and follow Oakton’s Code of Academic Conduct. This code prohibits: cheating, plagiarism (turning in work not written by you, or lacking proper citation), falsification and fabrication (lying or distorting the truth), helping others to cheat, unauthorized changes on official documents, pretending to be someone else or having someone else pretend to be you, making or accepting bribes, special favors, or threats, and any other behavior that violates academic integrity. There are serious consequences to violations of the academic integrity policy. Oakton’s policies and procedures provide students a fair hearing if a complaint is made against you. If you are found to have violated the policy, the minimum penalty is failure on the assignment and, a disciplinary record will be established and kept on file in the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs for a period of 3 years. Please review the Code of Academic Conduct and the Code of Student Conduct, both located online at www.oakton.edu/studentlife/student-handbook.pdf. VI. Outline of Topics Week Grammar points 1. Urdu alphabets 2. Urdu alphabets 3. Urdu alphabets Nouns: Number and Gender in Urdu Simple pronouns Verb “to be” in present and past tense. Adjectives A few simple postpositions Oblique form Question words There construction Possession with -ka Possessive sentences Use of -ko with subject Verbs: Intransitive and transitive Imperative constructions -ko with direct and indirect objects Reflexive pronoun “one’s own” wala construction hi and bhi participles Conjunct verbs with karnaa. Ordinal and cardinal numbers 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The present and past imperfective (habitual) chaahnaa and chaahiye constructions. Conversation points Exchange of greetings and names. Exchange of address and phone-number. Meeting and friend. Introduce your family. Vocabulary: Names of household items. Sentence: A simple positive, negative sentence and Yes/No question Vocabulary: Names of fruits and vegetables Form “there construction” Ask questions using question words Vocabulary: Parts of body, family Possessive phrases and sentences Likes and dislikes; Sentences like “I want….” Vocabulary: 30 frequently used verbs in Hindi To express request, command, order, and instruction. Vocabulary: List of 20 frequent conjunct verbs To understand the difference in structures which express general statement and universal fact. Vocabulary: Time expression, days of a week, months of a year. To exchange daily routine/habitual action and universal and general facts. To ask and answer what one wants. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The present and past progressive The future tense The subjunctive mood Use of sakanaa and paanaa Use of lagnaa Simple perfect Present and past perfect chukanaa construction Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Compulsion and obligation constructions kar/ke constructions conjunction aur, yaa, and lekin/magar. 14. Conditional sentences Prefixes and suffixes 15. 16. Review Final exam VII. Vocabulary: Words related to food items and travel To exchange future actions/plans. Vocabulary: Words that expressed skills. To exchange (in)abilities and feelings. Vocabulary: List of intransitives, transitive and di-transitive verbs. To exchange past/completed actions. Vocabulary: List of adjectives and verbs To compare person, place and things. To express one’s compulsion and obligation. Vocabulary: List of words related to sociopolitical issues in India and South Asia. To combine two words, phrases, and sentences. Vocabulary: List of prefixes and suffixes and learning new vocabulary To express conditional sentences Review Final exam Methods of Instruction: Course may be taught as a face-to-face, hybrid, or online course. Class time will be devoted to practice, in large and small groups, with structures, expressions, and vocabulary in the context of everyday functions. Students are expected to have studied segments of the text assigned in the syllabus prior to class, in order to be able to participate as fully as possible. Workbook exercises provide additional practice in reading and writing. VIII. Course Practices Required: For face to face. 1. Attend class regularly. 2. Do assigned preparation in time for class: the students will read the text's explanations in order to be prepared for the drills and exercises included in each of the topic units detailed in section V. 3. Accompanying written exercises in the workbook must be submitted to the instructor on the date specified in the syllabus. 4. Listen to laboratory tapes at least two hours per week, and submit lab exercises on the date specified in the syllabus. Lab assignments will count as 25% of the course final grade. Students need to have at least a D (60%) in this section in order to pass this course. 5. Take the quizzes and the exams. They will include a mix of speaking, listening, reading, and writing elements. For online 1. The students must read the text's explanations and watch uploaded videos on grammatical items to be prepared for the drills and exercises included in each of the topic units detailed in section VI. 2. Accompanying written exercises must be submitted to the instructor before the due the date and time specified in the syllabus. Written assignments must be scanned and uploaded before the time specified. 3. Listen to laboratory tapes and read online materials at least two hours per week, and submit assignments on the date specified in the syllabus. Lab assignments will count as 25% of the course final grade. Students need to have at least a D (60%) in this section in order to pass this course. 4. Take the online weekly quizzes and the exams. They will include a mix of speaking, listening, reading, and writing elements. IX. Instructional Materials: Note: Current textbook information for each course and section is available on Oakton’s Schedule of Classes. Text: Instructors use the following text: Jashua H. Pien and Fauzia Farooqui (2012). Beginning Urdu: A Complete Course. Georgetown University Press.. X. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: Final grade is based on exams, quizzes, workbook and lab assignments, and attendance. GRADING POINT SYSTEM - Class Preparation (20 points per class) - Online Workbook/Lab Assignments (60 points per lesson) - Quizzes - 2 exams - Five Cultural Essays (25 points each) - Oral Presentation 220 300 150 350 125 55 1200 - Extra-credit assignments (maximum) 120 Grade equivalents: A 1200- 1080 XI. B 1079 - 960 C 959 - 840 D 839 - 720 F 719+ below Other Course Information: If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability you may be entitled to reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, contact the Access and Disability Resource Center at the Des Plaines or Skokie campus. All students are expected to fulfill essential course requirements. The College will not waive any essential skill or requirement of a course or degree program. Oakton Community College is committed to maintaining a campus environment emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the community, and complies with all deferral and state Title IX requirements. Resources and support for pregnancy-related and parenting accommodations; and victims of sexual misconduct can be found at www.oakton.edu/title9. Resources and support for LGBTQ+ students can be found at www.oakton.edu/lgbtq. In this section, each instructor should specify policies on attendance, make-up exams, and late assignments. Other information (for Generic Syllabus in Curriculum & Instruction Files): Effective beginning term: Spring (term) (year) 2018 Ending term:__________________ (term) (year) Syllabus prepared by: Rajiv Ranjan Date: __July 2017 Revised by: Marguerite Solari Date: ____July 2017 Reviewed by Chair: Marguerite Solari Date: ____July 2017 Approved by Dean: Linda A. Korbel Date: ____July 2017