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Industrial Revolution: Positive & Negative Impacts

And its negative consequences
Gabriel Nicolás Camargo Toledo
Today’s class
• Did the industrial revolution had bad consequences?
• Recap positive consequences of the Industrial Revolution
• Paper hat factory
• Discuss the negative consequences of the Industrial
Positive consequences of the Industrial
• Biggest economic and social
change in 10.000 years!
(since the Neolithic
• Change from the cottage
economy to paid labor
production in factories
• Dramatic demographic
change (population growth
and urbanization)
Positive consequences of the Industrial
Revolution II
• Increase in middle class, more people that have a lot of
money, consume a lot of goods and are NOT from noble
• Increase in middle class starts a movement towards more
political participation (universal male suffrage)
• Huge scientific and technological advances in almost every
area of knowledge
• Great Britain becomes the biggest empire
Hat Factory!
• I need at least 8 volunteers
• 2 of you will be artisans, you will make the prettiest most unique hat
you can make with all the materials available (pre-industrial
• The other 6 will be factory workers at an assembly line. You will follow
my precise instructions and build as many hats as you can (during
industrial revolution
• Remember, if you lose your jobs your family won’t eat tonight!
Discussion of the activity
• What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of each of
these methods of production?
• Who do you think had better working conditions? Who had better
living conditions?
• Which process is more efficient? Why?
• Imagine doing exactly the same job during 12 hours at your age or
even as young as 6 years old!
• Beyond this, can you think of any other negative consequences?
Negative consequences of the Industrial
• Terrible living conditions in
cities, no sanitation, diseases
• Terrible working conditions for
the working class, exploitation
of children
• Lots of political conflict
(Peterloo Massacre)
Negative consequences of the Industrial
Revolution II
• Huge environmental impact,
started modern man-made
climate change
• European countries wanted
more goods from colonies which
lead to some severe
humanitarian disasters (e.g.
slave trade in the US)