Philippine Nuclear Research Institute RADIATION PROTECTION SERVICES OSL Personnel Monitoring Service OSL PERSONNEL MONITORING SERVICE APPLICATION FORM I. CLIENT INFORMATION 1. Name of Institution : __________________________________________________ 2. Address _____________________________________________ Private Gov. 3. PNRI License No. ____________________ Date Issued : ______________ 4. Radiation Safety Officer _______________________________________________ 5. Tel. No/Fax.______________________ Email: ______________________ 6. Purpose or Use of OSL (please check) Medical X-Ray Industrial Radiography Research Industrial Gauges Radiotherapy 7. Nuclear Medicine Industrial X-Ray For Medical X-ray and Industrial X-Ray machine: (please supply data for the equipment) No. of units _________________ Type/Brand _______________ Date Acquired _________________ Use (please check): Diagnostic Maximum kV _______ (use additional sheets if more than one machine) Therapy Maximum mA ______ Others (specify) _______________ Ave. use factor (mas/day) __________ 8. For Nuclear Medicine/Radiotherapy/Industrial Radiography & Gauges/Research No. of Sources _________ Activity __________ Ref. Date _________ Type of source open sealed Source SN_______________________ 9. Please indicate desired type of subscription : (please check) Mail Pickup II. TERMS & CONDITIONS In addition to the terms and conditions detailed in the Letter of Agreement (LOA), the following shall also apply: 1. The Dose Evaluation Results shall be available 40 workings days upon receipt of the used OSL Dosimeters. The results shall only be released to the person who applied for the service or to any authorized representative. 2. The Institute is implementing a CASH PAYMENT POLICY. The services being requested will be provided only upon presentation of the official receipt. I have read and agreed with all the terms and conditions stated upon and other supplementary provisions regarding special conditions and/or agreement ____________________________ Signature of Applicant Page 1 of 2 __________________ Date _________________________ Received by PNRI LAB PM 006 F3 Rev. 1, 04 Apr 2017 Page 2 of 2 PNRI LAB PM 006 F3 Rev. 1, 04 Apr 2017 Page 2 of 2 Philippine Nuclear Research Institute RADIATION PROTECTION SERVICES OSL Personnel Monitoring Service