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Diagnostic Prompt

Diagnostic Prompt
Fall 2012: LING 101
Directions: Choose ONE of the prompts below and write a 5-paragraph essay (i.e. Introduction,
3 body paragraph, and conclusion) to the best of your ability. This is not for a grade, but rather
based on effort and for me to get an example of your strengths and what you need to improve
upon. I look forward to reading them!
A. Who has been the most influential person in your life (your hero)? What did he/she do or not
do? How has this person influenced your behavior or life?
B. Tell a story of the strangest (or funniest or most frustrating) experience that you or someone
else has had with English.
Diagnostic Prompt
Fall 2012: LING 101
Directions: Choose ONE of the prompts below and write a 5-paragraph essay (i.e. Introduction,
3 body paragraph, and conclusion) to the best of your ability. This is not for a grade, but rather
based on effort and for me to get an example of your strengths and what you need to improve
upon. I look forward to reading them!
A. Who has been the most influential person in your life (your hero)? What did he/she do or not
do? How has this person influenced your behavior or life?
B. Tell a story of the strangest (or funniest or most frustrating) experience that you or someone
else has had with English.
Diagnostic Prompt
Fall 2012: LING 101
Directions: Choose ONE of the prompts below and write a 5-paragraph essay (i.e. Introduction,
3 body paragraph, and conclusion) to the best of your ability. This is not for a grade, but rather
based on effort and for me to get an example of your strengths and what you need to improve
upon. I look forward to reading them!
A. Who has been the most influential person in your life (your hero)? What did he/she do or not
do? How has this person influenced your behavior or life?
B. Tell a story of the strangest (or funniest or most frustrating) experience that you or someone
else has had with English.