Running head: BENCHMARK EXECUTIVE COACHING PLAN Benchmark Executive Coaching Plan Malisha R. Mishoe Mach 7, 2017 1 BENCHMARK EXECUTIVE COACHING PLAN 2 Benchmark Executive Coaching Plan Coach Name: Organization: Responsibilities of the Coach Focused Area of Activities Measures of Development Success Capacity building -Development of the -Developed coaching agenda. competencies -Provision of the and skillsets technical aspects, that are such as projectors and sustainable lecture notes. and effective. -Creating interactive groups. Teamwork -Developing teamwork activities Community Outreach -Vocational training. - Free clinic. -Anti-drug campaign and sensitization. -Workshop to engage with the community stakeholders on the role of the organization in the improvement of livelihoods. Date: Responsibilities of the Organization Management Targeted Date/Timeline Activities Milestones -Facilitating the -Participate in 1 week coaching and training the capacity workshop. building -Providing venue activities. -Providing allowance, -Determine the food, refreshment, and employees to be technical support. involved in -Providing an capacity overview of the status building. of the organization to the coach. -Obtain a -Financial support of -Testing 6 days clear vision the recommended whether of success teambuilding teamwork activities. activities Synchronized -Ensure participation improve the work in the of all the employees functions within organization. in the teambuilding the -Effective initiatives. organization. development -Offer incentives to of strategy participants. -Obtained identity of the organization. -Developed -Fund the community -Finding 10 days relationship outreach programs. whether between the -Identification of the community organization community needs. outreach the -Collaborating the improves community. leaders of the targeted stakeholder -Sustainable communities. relationship involvement with the in the company. activities of the community. BENCHMARK EXECUTIVE COACHING PLAN 3 Boundaries of Confidentiality Stout-Rostron (2014) states that communication about the progress of the coaching should be made both during the sessions and after the workshops, daily and weekly. However, the overall report about the effectiveness of the coaching will be presented to the management. Knight (2009) states that such reports are useful in the development of policy and strategies as well as ensuring that a centralized approach is applied in the implementation of the coaching outcomes and recommendation. Cost of Coaching The cost of coaching will depend on the activities. A breakdown of the activities and the costs: - Capacity Building: $4500 - Team Building: $5000 - Community Outreach: $10,000 The total anticipated cost is $19,500. Timeline The overall time of the coaching will be twenty-three days, separated into seven, six, and ten days. The timeline is useful in ensuring training, assessment, analysis, and presentation of findings to the management (Wenson, 2010). Even though the timelines should be concurrent, allowing each milestone its own timeline is important in ensuring that the organization focuses on one task without interference from the others. Check-in Points Self-reflection of what is working with the organization and what is not working, the necessary adjustments, and determining the effectiveness of the coaching on the whole BENCHMARK EXECUTIVE COACHING PLAN 4 organization. The checkpoints will be conducted daily and weekly, depending on the allocated timeline of each task. According to Boyatzis, Smith, and Beveridge (2013), whereas the plan indicates the activities of the management, the actual measure of this plan’s success and effectiveness is the development and growth of the organization. In case the members of an organization are unable to show the positive effects of the training and attain the outcomes of the training, it will be required that the coach revise the plan and repeat it in the necessary places (Kombarakaran, Yang, Baker, & Fernandes, 2008). In the case that the stakeholders wish to abandon the coaching, it will be a mutual argument that will be attained through reflection of the status of the training, reviewing the goals of the organization, and assessing how the skills will be attained. BENCHMARK EXECUTIVE COACHING PLAN 5 References Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., & Beveridge, A. J. (2013). Coaching with compassion: Inspiring health, well-being, and development in organizations. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 49(2), 153-178. Knight, J. (2009). Coaching. Journal of Staff Development, 30(1), 18-22. Kombarakaran, F. A., Yang, J. A., Baker, M. N., & Fernandes, P. B. (2008). Executive coaching: it works! Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 60(1), 78. Stout-Rostron, S. (2014). Business coaching international: Transforming individuals and organizations. Karnac Books. Wenson, J. E. (2010). After-coaching leadership skills and their impact on direct reports: recommendations for organizations. Human Resource Development International, 13(5), 607-616.