Heat Transfer Engineering, 32(6):506–513, 2011 C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Copyright ISSN: 0145-7632 print / 1521-0537 online DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2010.506378 Laminar Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Isothermal Cylinders With Active Ends MOHAMMAD ESLAMI and KHOSROW JAFARPUR School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Calculation of free convection heat transfer from isothermal bodies of different shapes is of fundamental importance in science and engineering. In the present study, a new analytical model is developed to calculate laminar natural convection heat transfer from finite isothermal cylinders of arbitrary aspect ratio and orientation (vertical, horizontal, and inclined) with active ends in fluids of any Prandtl number. This method is based on the new concept of Dynamic Body Gravity Function. Also, a new dimensionless parameter called Body Fluid Function is introduced and applied in this method. Results of this dynamic model are presented for six different circular cylinders and compared with the available experimental data. Excellent agreement is found between the developed model and experimental results in a wide range of Rayleigh number for all cylinders discussed. This shows that the present method is a powerful tool for modeling laminar natural convection from isothermal bodies. INTRODUCTION Because of its importance in engineering, natural convection heat transfer from isothermal cylinders has been studied extensively in the past decades. Many correlations are available for horizontal, vertical, and inclined isothermal cylinders in the open literature. Unfortunately, most of the studies are dedicated to very long cylinders where the effects of the ends are negligible or the case where ends are insulated. Very little attention has been paid to finite cylinders with active ends, despite their significance in industrial fields. Some of the specific applications may be mentioned as heat transfer from electronic devices and short circular fins, heat treatment of die-cast disks, or mass diffusion from short capsules. Morgan [1] has reviewed 34 published experimental and 23 analytical and numerical studies of natural convection around horizontal isothermal cylinders and discussed possible reasons for the dispersion in the results. He compared the five most commonly referenced correlations of Morgan [2], Kuehn and Goldstein [3], Raithby and Hollands [4], McAdams [5], and Churchill and Chu [6]. He also mentioned the close agreement between the results of Clemes et al. [7], Kuehn and Goldstein [8], and Farouk and Guceri [9]. Address correspondence to Professor Khosrow Jafarpur, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. E-mail: kjafarme@shirazu.ac.ir As natural convection from the outer surface of a vertical cylinder is similar to that of a flat plate when the cylinder diameter is much larger than the boundary-layer thickness, most of the studies are dedicated to slender cylinders or more complex situations such as mixed convection. Minkowycz and Sparrow [10] used a nonsimilar method to obtain boundary layer velocity and temperature profiles for isothermal vertical cylinders placed in air. Sparrow and Gregg [11] and Fujii and Uehara [12] have also studied natural convection from the outer surface of a vertical circular cylinder. Recently, Popiel et al. [13] have proposed empirical correlations for free convective heat transfer from the outer surface of vertical slender cylinders. Among the published research, Oosthuizen [14] has considered the effects of active ends in free convection from vertical cylinders and reported the experiment for short vertical cylinders with one end exposed and the other attached to an insulated plane. Jafarpur and Yovanovich [15] also proposed models for natural convection from horizontal thin isothermal elliptic disks with both ends active. A special case of this is a thin vertical circular cylinder. Their model shows good agreement with experimental results. Moreover, Kobus and Wedekind [16] conducted experiments on horizontal isothermal circular disks, which are very thin vertical circular cylinders with both ends active. In addition, the problem of free convective mass transfer at vertical cylinders of varying aspect ratio with active ends has been studied experimentally by Krysa and Wragg [17]. They 506 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR have compared the measured value of mass transfer rate from the entire surface of different vertical cylinders with the predictions obtained by summation of the mass transfer rate at the individual surfaces. As the summation method overpredicted the experimentally obtained mass transfer rates, they introduced an interference factor to correct the predictions. This empirically obtained correction factor was found to be a function of cylinder aspect ratio [17]. Later, Wragg and Krysa [18] reported the value of interference factor for some body shapes and showed that its functional dependency on aspect ratio is quite different for each geometry. Experimental works are also reported for inclined isothermal cylinders by Oosthuizen [19], Al-Arabi and Khamis [20], and Oosthuizen and Mansingh [21]. Effects of ends are not considered again in these experiments. However, Stewart [22] and Raithby and Hollands [23] have presented analytical solutions to natural convection from the outer surface of an isothermal inclined cylinder. For the case of natural convection heat transfer from thin inclined isothermal circular disks, Kobus and Wedekind [24] presented experimental data and proposed an empirical correlation. This investigation was also extended to the case of isoflux circular thin disks at arbitrary angles by Kobus [25]. Flow visualizations of free convection mass transfer from an inclined cylinder are also reported by Wragg [26]. Moreover, free convective mass transfer from thin circular disks with arbitrary inclination has been studied experimentally by Krýsa et al. [27]. Considering all the studies just mentioned, the lack of a general method to calculate natural convection heat transfer from isothermal circular cylinders of any aspect ratio and orientation is evident. Moreover, the role of active ends in free convection heat transfer is not clearly described in the few published results. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to provide a general method to calculate laminar natural convection heat transfer from isothermal circular cylinders of arbitrary aspect ratio (L/D) and orientation (horizontal, vertical and inclined) with active ends over a wide range of Rayleigh number (0 < Ra√ A < 108 ). The present analytical method is based on models proposed by Yovanovich [28] and Jafarpur [29]. Two new parameters, dynamic body gravity function and body fluid function, are introduced as discussed in detail by Eslami [30]. Results of the present dynamic model are compared with the available experimental data for six different isothermal cylinders of various aspect ratio and orientations. 507 √ Lee et al. [31] have shown that the characteristic length A in the above equation is a superior choice for bodies of arbitrary shape. N u 0√ A is the conduction limit (value of Nu as Ra → 0), which can be found by either analytical or numerical methods as discussed by Yovanovich [28], Jafarpur [29], and Bigdely [32]. F(Pr) is the Prandtl function proposed by Churchill and Churchill [33]: F(Pr) = 0.670 9/16 4/9 1 + 0.5 Pr (2) Jafarpur [29] has reviewed an extensive number of previously published investigations on the Prandtl function. Comparing various expressions proposed for different geometries, he showed that Eq. (2) can be used as a universal Prandtl function for any body shape. The body gravity function G √ A in Eq. (1) accounts for the body shape and orientation with respect to the gravity vector. For two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies, Lee et al. [31] derived the following relation for body gravity function (BGF): G√ A = 1 A A P × sinθ √ A 3/4 1/3 dA (3) where P is the local perimeter of the body and θ is the angle between the normal to the surface and the gravity vector. For three-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shape, BGF may be obtained from the results of Stewart [22] and Raithby and Hollands [23]: G√ A = 1 7 A /8 x2 ω2 ω1 x1 4 2 h x/3 h ω/3 dω 3/4 dx (4) where x and ω are surface coordinate lines and hx and hω are scale factors described in detail by Raithby and Hollands [23] and Stewart [22]. As evaluation of the integrals in Eqs. (3) and (4) may be difficult for bodies of complex geometry, Lee et al. [31] proposed the following technique to calculate BGF of different bodies. When a body consists of two or more distinct body shapes in combination, these relations can be applied. For the case where surfaces are placed in parallel with respect to gravity vector (they transfer heat independently), BGF is obtained from N 7/ G√A = G √ Ai Ãi 8 (5) i=1 DYNAMIC MODEL The following general expression for laminar natural convection heat transfer from three dimensional isothermal convex bodies was first developed by Yovanovich [28]: 1/ N u √ A = N u 0√ A + F(Pr)G √ A Ra√4A and when surfaces are considered to be in series, the expression to calculate BGF of the N combined surfaces is G√ (1) heat transfer engineering A N = i=1 vol. 32 no. 6 2011 3/4 4/ G √3A i 7/ Ãi 6 (6) 508 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR In the preceding equations, Ãi is the fraction of each body area relative to the total surface area: Ãi = Ai A is the modified lower bound for BGF as defined by where G low Eslami [30]. This is found to be a function of a new dimensionless parameter called the body fluid function (BFF) [30]: (7) Using Eqs. (5)–(7) the BGF of different body shapes is easily obtained. This includes bodies containing horizontal flat surfaces as discussed by Yovanovich and Jafarpur [34] and Jafarpur [29]. At this point two important questions arise: 1. How should one consider different surfaces in series or parallel? For example, in the case of a vertical circular cylinder, is the top surface in series with respect to the cylinder body or in parallel? Does this question have a definite answer for all values of Ra? 2. As Eq. (1) is based on boundary-layer assumptions, what is the effect of thick boundary layers at low values of Rayleigh number? To answer the first question, Jafarpur [29] showed that the two alternatives of series or parallel combination provide two lower and upper bounds for the body gravity function of a single body shape. For example in the case of a vertical circular cylinder, considering the top surface in series with the rest of the body gives the lower bound for BGF (Glow ), and assuming it in parallel, the upper bound for the body gravity function (Gup ) is obtained. In other words, when the change in geometry of the body shape (in the direction of boundary layer growth) is such that the boundary layer tends to separate on a surface, that part should be once considered in series and the other time in parallel. Therefore, two correlations can be found for a single body shape by substituting Glow and Gup in Eq. (1), respectively: 1/ N u √ A = N u 0√ A + F(Pr)G low Ra√4A 1/ N u √ A = N u 0√ A + F(Pr)G up Ra√4A (8) (9) Investigation of experimental results of Jafarpur [29] and Hassani [35] reveals that N u √ A falls between these two bounds when a wide range of Ra is considered. More accurately, Nu is lower than Eq. (8) at Ra of ∼102 due to the effect of thick boundary layers, and increases monotonically until it reaches the upper bound Eq. (9) at Ra of ∼108. This phenomenon is named dynamic behavior of body gravity function and is observed for a variety of geometries as reported by Jafarpur [29]. This means that the value of BGF varies at different values of Ra between a lower and an upper bound. In other words, using a constant value of G √ A in Eq. (1) is not accurate over a wide range of Ra. Before proposing a new model to consider the dynamic behavior of body gravity function, a correction factor must be applied to the lower bound to consider the effects of thick boundary layers at lower values of Ra: = C × G low G low (10) heat transfer engineering BFF = N u 0√ A F(Pr) × G low (11) C = 0.34 + 0.046 × BFF (12) The conduction limit and body gravity function in Eq. (11) are functions of body shape and F(Pr) is a function of fluid properties. This is why the name body fluid function is chosen for this parameter. C is the universal correction factor for thick boundary-layer effects at small Ra. Finally the dynamic body gravity function (Gdyn ) proposed by Eslami [30] is obtained from the following expression: G dyn = BFF + 1/ G up Ra√4A G low BFF + C × 1/ Ra√4A G low (13) Therefore, the desired dynamic model for natural convection heat transfer from isothermal bodies becomes: 1/ N u √ A = N u 0√ A + F(Pr)G dyn Ra√4A (14) This new general method is next applied to six different isothermal cylinders with active ends and results are compared with the available experimental work. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the geometry of six isothermal cylinders with active ends, tested previously by Hassani [35] and Jafarpur [29]. Values of Nu from Eq. (14) are compared with their experimental values. First, one has to find N u 0√ A . Yovanovich [36] proposed the following expression to calcu late the conduction limit of circular cylinders with 0 ≤ L D ≤ 8: 0.76 8.00 + 6.95 L D N u 0√ A = (15) 1/2 L 2π + 4π D For circular cylinders of larger aspect ratio the numerical method of Bigdely [32] may be used. The conduction limit is independent of orientation so the preceding equation is used for all cylinders in this article. Next, one must find the dynamic body gravity function (Gdyn ) in Eq. (14). To clarify the method of obtaining this function, results are put into three categories of vertical, horizontal, and inclined cylinders. vol. 32 no. 6 2011 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR 509 Table 1 Upper and lower bounds of BGF for cylinders illustrated in Figure 1 Figure 1 Configuration of the six different cylinders considered in this study. Vertical Cylinders A circular cylinder is composed of three distinct surfaces: the cylindrical side and the two end surfaces. Using Eq. (3), the BGF of the side for a vertical cylinder is easily calculated: 1/4 1 P D /8 = 1.154 (16) G side−ver = √ L A Body shape Glow Gup Vertical cylinder, L/D = 0.1 Vertical cylinder, L/D = 0.5 Vertical cylinder, L/D = 1.0 Horizontal cylinder, L/D = 0.1 Horizontal cylinder, L/D = 1.0 Inclined cylinder, L/D = 1.0, ϕ = 45◦ 0.758 0.897 0.936 1.088 1.051 0.940 0.900 1.031 1.044 1.115 1.169 1.151 discussed and are reported in Table 1 for the purpose of quick reference. Knowing the two bounds, one must now find BFF and Gdyn using Eqs. (10)–(13). Figures 2–4 compare the results of the present model, Eq. (14), with experimental data of Hassani [35] and Jafarpur [29] for three vertical cylinders of L/D =0.1, 0.5, and 1.0, respectively, as illustrated in Figures 1a–c. The experiments were carried out with a heated body suspended inside a pressure vessel containing air at a wide pressure range (from 0.8 to 700 kPa). Hence, Rayleigh number can be changed in the whole range of laminar flow (from Ra of ∼10 to 108) [29, 37]. The uncertainty in Ra and Nu is dominated by the uncertainty in pressure measurements (especially at lower pressures) and is less than 10% as reported by Hassani and Hollands [37]. To show the dynamic behavior of body gravity function, the modified lower bound and upper bound are also included in Figure 2. The empirical correlation proposed by Kobus and Wedekind [16] is also included. It is found that this correlation underestimates the experimental data and the analytical model. But excellent agreement between the present model and experimental data is observed for all three cylinders in the whole range of 0 < Ra√ A < 108 . This shows that the dynamic BGF is a powerful tool to correlate Nu number over a wide range of Ra. Obviously, Eq. (3) cannot be used to calculate the BGF of horizontal flat surfaces. But results of semi-empirical studies are available and can be applied. Based on Yovanovich and Jafarpur [34] and Jafarpur [29], body gravity functions for horizontal top and bottom surfaces are obtained by the following equations: G top = 0.952 (17) 1 G top = 0.476 (18) 2 Considering all three surfaces in series and using Eq. (6), one can easily obtain the lower bound for body gravity function, Glow . Assuming the top surface in parallel with the other two combined in series results in Gup . Values of the two bounds for the six circular cylinders shown in Figure 1 are calculated as G bottom = heat transfer engineering Figure 2 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Hassani [35] for a vertical cylinder of L/D = 0.1 in air (Pr = 0.72). vol. 32 no. 6 2011 510 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR Figure 3 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Jafarpur [29] for a vertical cylinder of L/D = 0.5 in air (Pr = 0.72). Horizontal Cylinders Figure 5 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Hassani [35] for a horizontal cylinder of L/D = 0.1 in air (Pr = 0.72). can be found using Eqs. (6) and (20): The two ends of a horizontal cylinder are vertical circular plates and their BGF is easily obtained from Eq. (3): G end = 1.021 (19) Applying Eq. (3) to a horizontal circular surface, one can find its BGF as previously derived by Lee et al. [31]: G side−hor = 0.891 L D 1/8 (20) Combining these three surfaces as parallel by using Eq. (5), the lower bound for body gravity function, Glow , is obtained. Also, one may consider top and bottom halves of the horizontal circular side in parallel. This idea is supported by investigating streamlines in the numerical solution of Kuehn and Goldstein [8]. Therefore, the BGF for a half horizontal circular cylinder Figure 4 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Hassani [35] for a vertical cylinder of L/D = 1.0 in air (Pr = 0.72). heat transfer engineering G hal f −hor = 0.972 L D 1/8 (21) Combining the two ends along with the two half circular cylinders all in parallel, Gup is found for a horizontal circular cylinder with active ends. Figures 5 and 6 show the results of the present model for two horizontal cylinders of L/D =0.1 and 1, respectively, as illustrated in Figures 1d and e, along with experimental data of Hassani [35]. Accurate results for such a large range of aspect ratio and Ra number are observed. Inclined Cylinders Stewart [22] and Raithby and Hollands [23] calculated the body gravity function for the circular surface of an isothermal inclined cylinder using equations similar to Eq. (4). They have Figure 6 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Hassani [35] for a horizontal cylinder of L/D = 1.0 in air (Pr = 0.72). vol. 32 no. 6 2011 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR Figure 7 Comparison of the results of present model with experiments of Hassani [35] for an inclined cylinder of L/D = 1.0 and ϕ = 45◦ in air (Pr = 0.72). reported values that cover different inclination angles ϕ and aspect √ ratiosL/D. Converting the results to the characteristic length A, the value of BGF for the outer surface of an inclined cylinder of ϕ = 45◦ and L/D = 1 (Figure 1f) is: G side−inc = 1.085 (22) Also, Eq. (3) gives the BGF for the two inclined ends: 1 G end = (sin ϕ) /4 × 1.021 (23) Assuming the three surfaces in series, the lower bound is obtained while the upper bound for BGF is calculated by considering these three surfaces in parallel. The resulting correlation is compared with experimental work of Hassani [35] in Figure 7. Excellent agreement is again observed between the proposed model and experimental data points. It is also interesting to investigate the effect of inclination angle on natural convection heat transfer from isothermal circular cylinders with active ends. Figure 8 compares Nusselt number Figure 9 Experimental results of Hassani [35] for three horizontal, inclined and vertical cylinders of L/D = 1.0 in air (Pr = 0.72) from the present analytical method, Eq. (14), for three cylinders of L/D = 1 at ϕ = 0, 45, and 90 degrees, respectively. It is shown that the horizontal cylinder has the highest rate of heat transfer, but with increasing inclination from horizontal orientation to 45◦ , Nu does not change significantly. In other words, the rate of heat transfer decreases mostly when the cylinder is in the near vertical orientation. This effect is clear from the lower and upper bounds of body gravity function for the three cylinders as shown in Table 1. It is also confirmed by the available experimental data (Figure 9). Finally, the accurate results of this simple model show that the present method of modeling body gravity function is a powerful tool for calculation of natural convection heat transfer from isothermal bodies of arbitrary shape over a wide range of Ra. CONCLUSIONS Evaluation of natural convection heat transfer from isothermal cylinders of arbitrary aspect ratio and inclination with active ends using a new analytical model is presented. The method is based on the concept of the dynamic body gravity function, which itself is a function of a new dimensionless parameter the body fluid function. Excellent agreement between the results of the present model and available experimental results is observed in the whole laminar flow range (0 < Ra√ A < 108 ) for all the geometries discussed. This shows that no accurate result can be obtained unless this dynamic BGF is employed. The present model also shows that the rate of heat transfer decreases with increasing inclination angle from horizontal to vertical orientation. Due to the presence of F(Pr), the proposed model can be used for fluids of any Prandtl number. NOMENCLATURE Figure 8 Comparison of the results of present model for three horizontal, inclined, and vertical cylinders of L/D = 1.0 in air (Pr = 0.72). heat transfer engineering 511 A Ã total surface area, m2 fraction of sectional area defined by Eq. (7) vol. 32 no. 6 2011 512 M. ESLAMI AND K. JAFARPUR BFF BGF C D F(Pr) g G√A G low hx , hω L N N u√ A N u 0√ A P Pr Ra√ A x body fluid function body gravity function universal correction factor diameter of circular cylinder, m Prandtl number function defined by Eq. (2) gravitational acceleration, m/s2 body gravity function based on characteristic length √ A modified lower bound scale factors length of cylinder, m number of distinct surfaces of a body shape √ Nusselt number based on characteristic length A √ conduction limit based on characteristic length A local perimeter of body with respect to gravity vector, m Prandtl number √ Rayleigh number based on characteristic length A surface coordinate line [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Greek Symbols ω θ ϕ surface coordinate line angle between normal to the surface and gravity vector, radians inclination angle, radians [11] [12] Subscripts cyl dyn hor i inc low up ver cylindrical surface dynamic horizontal surface number i inclined lower bound upper bound vertical [13] [14] [15] REFERENCES [1] Morgan, V. T., Heat Transfer by Natural Convection From a Horizontal Isothermal Circular Cylinder in Air, Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 18, pp. 25–33, 1997. [2] Morgan, V. 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Khosrow Jafarpur is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1992 and joined Shiraz University in the same year. His research includes free convection heat transfer, solar energy measurement, and solar stills, as well as heat transfer (and optimization) in welding, porous media, and nanosystems. He is the author or co-author of about 70 papers on these topics. vol. 32 no. 6 2011 Copyright of Heat Transfer Engineering is the property of Taylor & Francis Ltd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.