[ research report ] H. JAMES PHILLIPS, PT, PhD1 • JOSEPH BILAND, PT, DPT2 • RICARDO COSTA, PT, DPT3 • REGINE SOUVERAIN, PT, DPT4 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at on June 20, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. Five-Position Grip Strength Measures in Individuals With Clinical Depression C linicians involved in the measurement of muscular strength are often concerned with the sincerity of effort in their patients. One test purported to identify sincerity of effort is 5-position (or 5-rung) grip strength dynamometry. First described by Stokes in 1983,20 the dynamometer allows adjustment of a single handle in each of 5 positions, ranging from a very close grip to a very wide grip. Based on muscle length-tension relationships, patients offering true maximal effort should produce a skewed, bell-shaped curve, plotted as force output against handle position, while those exerting less than maximal effort should produce an erratic or “flat” force curve. TTSTUDY DESIGN: Case-control study. the participants’ diagnosis. TTOBJECTIVES: To compare the results of 5-position grip strength testing between a group of individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression and a group of age-matched and sex-matched individuals without depression. TTBACKGROUND: Clinicians often employ 5-position (or 5-rung) grip strength dynamometry as a measure of sincerity of effort. However, patients with clinical depression are known to show altered performance on motor skill tests. Therefore, the results of 5-position grip strength dynamometry in the clinically depressed may be subject to misinterpretation. TTMETHODS: Consecutive patients newly Several subsequent studies have verified the original claim of Stokes that the test is an effective measure of sincerity of effort,7,11,14,15,21 while others have questioned the claim,1,18 suggesting that factors other diagnosed with clinical depression (n = 45) and age- and sex-matched individuals without clinical depression (n = 45) were recruited over a 3-month period. Each group underwent identical 5-position grip strength testing of both hands. Measures were analyzed using a statistical analysis method based on an 8.5-lb (3.83-kg) SD cutoff and visual analysis of force curve plots by clinicians naïve to TTRESULTS: Participants with clinical depression had an SD equal to or less than 8.5 lb in 60 of 90 hands tested, while the participants in the control group had an SD equal to or less than 8.5 lb in 1 of 90 hands. Clinicians who analyzed force plots considered participants with depression to have exerted “limited effort” in 70% of cases and those who were not depressed to have exerted limited effort in 18% of cases. TTCONCLUSION: A high percentage of individuals diagnosed with clinical depression produced statistical and graphical representations of 5-position grip strength measures that suggested poor volitional effort, which is often interpreted as lack of sincerity of effort. Clinicians unaware of the presence of clinical depression in patients could misinterpret the results of 5-position grip strength testing in this population. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(3):149-154, Epub 2 February 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3328 TTKEY WORDS: dynamometry, hand, sincerity of effort than effort may influence the shape of the force output curve.5,8,18,22 One group of patients known to have altered performance on motor skill tests are those with clinical depression.4,17 Studies have shown ease of fatigability and lack of asymmetry of grip strength among depressed boys,4 generally reduced force output among depressed individuals compared to age-matched and sex-matched nondepressed persons,17 and a correlation of improved grip strength to improved affect following intervention.13 However, to the authors’ knowledge, 5-position grip strength testing has never been administered to clinically depressed individuals. The interpretation of results of 5-position grip strength testing has been questioned. In a review of related literature, Shechtman et al18 found no less than 4 different methods of interpretation: (1) visual inspection of the force curve for the skewed, bell-shaped curve; (2) analysis of variance (ANOVA), with a significant interaction between handle and effort deemed as an indicator of maximal effort; (3) calculation of SD of the 5 scores, with a significantly smaller SD expected for those exerting submaximal effort; and (4) normalization of the 5 scores, expressed as a percentage of the third position, or maximum score, plotted by handle position. Shechtman et al18 investigated these 4 interpretation methods among individuals asked to exert full effort, then feign weakness, in both their injured and 1 Associate Professor, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. 2Adjunct Instructor, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. 3Staff Physical Therapist, MSI Physical Therapy, Kenilworth, NJ. 4Staff Physical Therapist, Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY. The protocol of this study was approved by The Institutional Review Board of Seton Hall University. Address correspondence to Dr H. James Phillips, Department of Physical Therapy, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079. E-mail: howard.phillips@shu.edu journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 41 | number 3 | march 2011 | 41-03 Phillips.indd 149 149 2/24/2011 4:36:52 PM METHODS Participants O ne hundred consecutive individuals, newly diagnosed but untreated for clinical depression at a single private psychiatry practice, were A Force (lb)* uninjured hands. On visual inspection of the 5-position curve, they found no difference between the uninjured hand feigning weakness and the injured hand exerting full effort. They did, however, see significant differences using the SD method, which suggested that individuals exerting true maximal effort might have greater differences among grip positions, thus a higher SD, and those offering less than maximal effort might have less difference among positions, thus a lower SD. In a separate study, Gutierrez and Shectman8 found that an SD cutoff of 8.5 lb (3.83 kg) provided optimum sensitivity and specificity in detecting insincere effort (0.70 and 0.83, respectively). But they also found a strength-dependent correlation, with stronger individuals producing typical bell-shaped curves and weaker individuals producing somewhat flatter curves, and cautioned against the use of this test as a measure of sincerity of effort. However, Hoffmaster et al11 found differences in the 5-position curve pattern between sincere and feigned efforts that supported the original paradigm of Stokes. An acknowledged shortcoming of these studies is that the participants were asked to feign weakness by exerting 50% or less effort, whereas individuals intentionally feigning weakness may behave quite differently. The purpose of this study was to have individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression, but not yet treated, undergo 5-position grip strength testing and compare their results to age-matched and sex-matched individuals without depression. Both the results of visual inspection of plotted 5-position graphs by clinicians from various disciplines in rehabilitation medicine and the SD method were used for comparison between groups. research report 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hand Position B Force (lb)* Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at on June 20, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. [ 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hand Position FIGURE. Sample 5-position graphs for clinician sorting. (A) Right-hand grip, 40-year-old, righthanded male. Example of participant with depression producing a “flat” force curve, resulting in clinician sorting as “less than full effort.” (B) Left hand grip, 55-year-old, right-handed male. Example of a participant in the control group, producing a typical bell-shaped curve, resulting in clinician sorting as “full effort.” *1 lb is equivalent to 0.45 kg. invited to participate in the study, 45 of whom agreed to participate. The psychiatry practice was located in a major Northeast inner city, with a largely Spanish and Portuguese population. Investigators working with the participants in the study were fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. All diagnoses were made by a single board-certified psychiatrist with over 35 years of clinical practice. To be eligible for the study, individuals had to have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (DSM IV 296.3) and to have presented with “moderate” symptoms. Those with “mild” or “severe” symptoms were excluded. To prevent the possibility of coercion, the treating physician was then blinded to the individuals’ participation in the 5-position grip ] strength testing study. Forty-five agematched and sex-matched individuals without clinical depression were recruited as a control group. Age matching for each participant in the control group was within 0 to 5 years of a participant with depression. Individuals in the control group were from a sample of convenience and represented a diverse ethnic population recruited via flyer on the campus of Seton Hall University. All participants in the control group were naïve to the purpose of the 5-position grip strength testing (no healthcare practitioners or health professions students were recruited) and deemed to represent the general campus community. Informed consent was obtained from all participants in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Seton Hall University Institutional Review Board. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis or other systemic arthritis affecting joints of the upper extremities, any neurological or musculoskeletal disorders that could affect arm function, and any psychological comorbidities other than clinical depression. Setting Grip strength testing for all individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression was conducted in a single private psychiatry office on the day of their diagnosis. Individuals without clinical depression were tested in various settings but always following the identical methodology described below. Instruments/Procedure A single JAMAR 5-position grip strength dynamometer (Sammons Preston, Bolingbrook, IL) was calibrated according to the manufacturer’s specifications and used for all testing.10 Individuals newly diagnosed with depression but not yet treated were invited to join the study on the day of their initial psychiatric examination. Individuals were encouraged to sit upright in an armless chair, with their elbow bent to 90° and forearm in neutral position. One measure represent- 150 | march 2011 | volume 41 | number 3 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 41-03 Phillips.indd 150 2/24/2011 4:36:53 PM Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at on June 20, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. ing a maximal effort was taken for each of the 5 positions for each hand, beginning with the narrowest and progressing to the widest position of the dynamometer, with individuals alternating hands at each grip setting. Results were recorded in tabular form in 1-lb (0.45-kg) increments for later statistical and graphic analyses. The clinicians participating in this study used pounds, rather than kilograms, because they indicated that this was the most common measure used, particularly when producing 5-position graphs for visual examination. Age-matched and sex-matched individuals without clinical depression were tested in the same manner in various settings but always with similar seating, identical commands, and the same calibrated dynamometer. The SD for the force produced in the 5 handle positions for each hand was determined, with a cutoff of less than or equal to 8.5 lb8 considered an exertion of less than full effort. Grip strength measures were plotted against hand position, using a separate line graph for the right and left hands of each individual (FIGURE). Grip dynamometer measures were recorded in 1-lb (0.45-kg) increments and rounded to the nearest 10-lb (4.5-kg) increment to facilitate graphing. Each graph was plotted by a single investigator and received a numeric code, known only by the primary author, to identify the participant as clinically depressed or not depressed. Left- and right-hand graphs for each participant were printed on separate pages, with gender, age, and handedness noted. The pages were stapled together for later interpretation by clinicians. Next, 4 clinical rehabilitation specialists (TABLE 1) familiar with interpretation of 5-position grip strength graphs were asked to sort the graphs according to whether they considered the participant to have exerted full effort or less than full effort. Each clinician indicated that they routinely used graphical interpretation of 5-position grip strength testing in clinical practice, usually with data measured in pounds and plotted in 10-lb increments. They received no further instruction in TABLE 1 Profiles of the Practitioners Who Visually Sorted 5-Position Graphs Practitioner CHT Years Experience Practice Setting Physical therapist No 22 Private practice Occupational therapist Yes 30 Private practice Physiatrist No 24 Private practice Psychologist No 28 Veteran’s hospital Abbreviation: CHT, certified hand therapist. TABLE 2 Groups Number of Participants in Each Group With an SD Less Than or Equal to, and Above, 8.5-lb (3.83-kg) Cutoff Less Than or Equal to 8.5-lb SD Greater Than 8.5-lb SD Depressed, right hand (n = 45) 29 16 Depressed, left hand (n = 45) 31 14 Nondepressed, right hand (n = 45) 1 44 Nondepressed, left hand (n = 45) 0 45 how to interpret the graphs, relying on past experience for interpretation rather than a new construct. Raters were instructed to designate the participant as exerting “less than full effort” if either the left- or right-hand graph suggested less than full effort. Raters were naïve to the purpose of the study and the psychological disposition of the participants, and did not have access to results of the SD calculations. Each clinician rater calculated the percentage of those deemed less than full effort out of the total number of participants (n = 90). Reliability among the 4 raters was calculated using percent agreement. RESULTS U sing the SD method with a cutoff of less than or equal to 8.5 lb (3.83 kg), we found that individuals with depression had a SD score of 8.5 or less in 60 of 90 cases (66.6%), while those without depression had scores of 8.5 or less in just 1 of 90 cases (1.1%) (TABLE 2). Results of clinician sorting of graphs are shown in TABLE 3. Overall, for the group recently diagnosed with clinical depression, clinicians perceived 70% (67% to 76%, depending on the clinician) of the graphs as representing less than full effort, compared to 18% (11% to 24%, depending on the clinician) of the graphs for those without clinical depression. Percent agreement among the 4 raters was 88.2%. Given the observable differences between the 2 diagnostic groups using both methods, tables of relative risk of misidentifying an individual with depression as volitionally exerting less than full effort were developed (TABLES 4 and 5). On average, clinicians selected individuals with clinical depression as exerting less than full effort 4 times as often as individuals in the control group. Using the SD method, with a cutoff of less than or equal to 8.5 lb, the relative risk of misidentifying individuals with clinical depression as exerting less than full effort was 60 times that of misidentifying individuals without clinical depression. DISCUSSION T he aim of this study was to determine if individuals with clinical depression would perform differ- journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 41 | number 3 | march 2011 | 41-03 Phillips.indd 151 151 2/24/2011 4:36:54 PM [ TABLE 3 research report Results of Clinicians Asked to Sort 5-Position Graphs as Limited or Full Effort* Groups Depressed (n = 45) Nondepressed (n = 45) Physical therapist, limited effort 34 (76%) 7 (16%) Occupational therapist, limited effort 30 (67%) 9 (20%) Physiatrist, limited effort 30 (67%) 5 (11%) Psychologist, limited effort 31 (69%) 11 (24%) Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at on June 20, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. *Values are n (%). Overall rate of individuals with depression sorted as performing a limited effort was 69.75%. Overall rate of individuals without depression sorted as performing a limited effort was 17.75%. TABLE 4 Relative Risk of Persons With Clinical Depression Labeled as Providing “Less Than Full Effort” by Clinician Raters* Depressed (n = 45) Nondepressed (n = 45) Less than full effort 32 8 Full effort 13 37 *Relative risk: 4.0; 95% CI: 1.7, 9.6. TABLE 5 Relative Risk of Persons With Clinical Depression Labeled as Providing “Less Than Full Effort” Using the 8.5-lb (3.83-kg) Cutoff SD Method* Depressed (n = 90 hands) Nondepressed (n = 90 hands) SD Less than or equal to 8.5† 60 1 SD greater than 8.5 30 89 *Relative risk: 60.0; 95% CI: 8.2, 440. † An SD less than or equal to 8.5 is considered less than full effort. ently than individuals without depression when tested with 5-position grip strength testing. While decreased motor output among individuals with clinical depression has been previously described,4,13,17 to our knowledge, this is the first time 5-position grip strength testing has been utilized for this population. Using the criterion of an SD cutoff of less than or equal to 8.5 lb, we observed a difference in individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression: they fell below 8.5 lb in 66% of cases, compared to just 1% of cases in those without depression. Similarly, clinicians naïve to the psychological disposition of the participants, who visually analyzed the 5-position force curves, categorized those with depression as exerting less than full effort in 67% to 76% of cases. Calculated another way, persons with clinical depression had a relative risk of being identified as exerting less than full effort 4 times more often than those without depression by clinicians using interpretation of graphs, and 60 times more often by clinicians using the method of SD less than or equal to 8.5 lb. As such, patients with undiagnosed or undisclosed clinical depression might be misidentified as “malingerers” or “symptom magnifiers” by clinicians admin- ] istering this test. This finding may be important, as Haggman et al9 found that physical therapists often missed signs of clinical depression in patients presenting with low back pain and suggested implementation of a simple screening device that would alert them to this common malady. In a recent editorial, Ross and Boissonnault16 identified clinical depression as a condition that can adversely influence the prognosis of individuals seen by physical therapists but may not receive the attention of clinicians, who may be otherwise focused on screening for red flags that suggest more serious pathology. Study Limitations Because some individuals with clinical depression declined participation in the study (55 of 100 consecutive patients declined), a level of self-selection occurred. While all potential participants with clinical depression were diagnosed with major depressive disorder (DSM IV 296.3) with moderate symptoms, there is a spectrum of behavioral presentations in this cohort. According to the 1 investigator (R.C.) who collected grip strength data for this group, patients who appeared to have the highest level of depression often declined participation, indicating that they were unwilling to participate and simply wanted to be treated. However, we have no objective criteria to definitively differentiate between those who participated and those who declined. Therefore, we can only speculate that those who participated might have had less severe symptoms of depression than those who declined. Had those with a more significant presentation of depression participated, we speculate that the differences between groups would have been even greater than that shown. Age- and sex-matched participants in the comparison group were not specifically screened for depression due to Institutional Review Board concerns. As such, some of these individuals might have had unknown clinical depression that affected their performance. However, this would have resulted in groups 152 | march 2011 | volume 41 | number 3 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 41-03 Phillips.indd 152 2/24/2011 4:36:55 PM Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® Downloaded from www.jospt.org at on June 20, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved. having more similar results rather than the differences seen. One potential limitation in methodology is that the researcher plotting the force curves was not blinded to the participant group assignment, which presents a possible bias in producing the graphs. However, the graphs consisted of a simple plotting of numeric data, rounded to the nearest 10 lb and marked as an x. Accuracy of the plots was left to the integrity of the researcher. Additionally, rounding to the nearest 10-lb increment might have caused a “flattening” of the force curves, particularly for those with lower measures. However, changing the scale to 5-lb (2.27-kg) increments, for example, would only have resulted in a 1- or 2-mm difference in the placement of the marks, producing minimal change in the “flatness” or curvilinear shape of the curve. Another potential limitation is that participants were tested on the same day that they were diagnosed with clinical depression. Their reaction to this new diagnostic label might have affected their behavior, including the grip strength testing. However, keeping “time living with diagnosis” the same for all participants had the benefit of standardizing this potential covariate. As noted previously, individuals with clinical depression were of largely Spanish and Portuguese ethnicity, while those in the control group were a more mixed ethnic group. However, the investigators are not aware of any studies that show any differences among ethnic groups with regard to grip strength testing outcomes. Percent agreement among the 4 clinicians analyzing the graphs was calculated at 88.2%. Considering that the dichotomous choices of full effort and less than full effort spread over 4 raters would produce agreement of 20% by chance alone, this represents fairly good reliability among the clinicians. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that clinicians’ rating of 5-position graphs was conducted, which suggests that more research is needed in this area. Finally, clinical depression, ease of fatigue, and volitional limitation of effort are not mutually exclusive. For instance, persons undergoing grip strength testing may be clinically depressed and consciously self-limit their effort for a variety of known and unknown reasons. Patients seen for physical therapy care may present with a cluster of physical and psychological conditions, making any one assessment tool insufficient for clinical determination of sincerity of effort. CONCLUSION A large percentage of individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression were erroneously considered to have provided less than full effort on the basis of their performance on the 5-position hand grip strength test. t KEY POINTS FINDINGS: A large percentage of indi- viduals newly diagnosed with clinical depression were erroneously considered as providing less than full effort on the basis of their performance on the 5-position hand grip strength test. IMPLICATION: Individuals with clinical depression asked to perform 5-position grip strength testing as a measure of sincerity of effort could easily be mislabeled as volitionally self-limiting effort by clinicians unaware of their mental condition. Clinicians need to consider the mental health status of persons undergoing this form of testing before reaching clinical decisions. CAUTION: This study only looked at 5-position grip strength and was limited to individuals newly diagnosed with clinical depression on the day of their diagnosis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank William Mahalchick, PT, OCS, Mary Grossman, OTR, CHT, Peter Schmaus, MD, and Lawrence Weinberger, PhD for their assistance in serving as clinician interpreters of the 5-position grip strength graphs. REFERENCES 1. B ohannon RW. Is it legitimate to characterize muscle strength using a limited number of measures? J Strength Cond Res. 2008;22:166-173. http://dx.doi.org/10.1519/ JSC.0b013e31815f993d 2. Carney CE, Ulmer C, Edinger JD, Krystal AD, Knauss F. Assessing depression symptoms in those with insomnia: an examination of the beck depression inventory second edition (BDI-II). J Psychiatr Res. 2009;43:576-582. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2008.09.002 3. Dubowitz H, Feigelman S, Lane W, et al. Screening for depression in an urban pediatric primary care clinic. 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