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Periodic Table Lesson Plan: Properties & Organization

Teacher: Dreier, Ben, Lewis, Macklin
Unit/Learning Focus:
Defining Success
OBJECTIVE: What will your students be able to do by the end of class?
8.9 (B) interpret information on the periodic table to understand that physical properties are used
to group elements.
ASSESSMENT: How will you know concretely that all of
your students have mastered the objective?
Student will be able to differentiate between periods
and groups on the periodic table.
Student will be able to determine the placement of a
known element by properties.
Dates for
KEY POINTS: What three to five main
ideas or steps will you emphasize in your
lesson? May also include key questions to
ask during instruction.
Explain how elements are positioned on
the periodic table.
ENGAGE: Get the students’ minds focused on the topic (short; question or picture)
Disorderly drawer versus the organized drawer.
EXPLORE: Provide students with a common experience
Students will utilize element cards and will construct a period table placing elements
according to their atomic mass and reaction rates with oxygen.
EXPLAIN: Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students.
We will use a model or illustration of the periodic table to show the groups, periods,
atomic number, atomic mass via discussion. We will use either a power point, brainpop, or united streaming for this portion of the lesson.
ELABORATE: Students apply the information learned in the Explain
Students will be assigned a particular element in groups of 4 to 5. The
group will be responsible for constructing a pamphlet that shows the
properties and uses of that element. Student will also answer key
questions that show how and why the element is grouped on the
periodic table.
EVALUATE: How will you know the students have learned the concept?
Students will present their information before the class and graded via a rubric.
A2TeaMS 5E Lesson Plan Template 2008