Uploaded by Meg Cottingham

Properties of Matter Chemistry Worksheet

• Chemistry
• 2.1:
Name: ______________________________
Properties of Matter
Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the following are not a physical change?
a. dissolving sugar in water
b. burning gasoline in an engine
c. evaporating sea water to obtain salt
d. slicing a piece of bread
2. Which of the following is not a property of gas?
a. has a definite shape
b. has an indefinite volume
c. assumes the shape of its container
d. is easily compressed
3. Which of the following is not a physical property of sugar?
a. solid at room temperature
c. dissolves in water
b. decomposes when heated
d. tastes sweet
4. Which of the following is in a different physical state at room temperature than the other three?
a. salt
c. sugar
b. flour
d. water
5. Complete the following table:
Physical State
Definite Shape ?
Definite Volume?
Easily Compressed?
6. True or False
a. _____ matter has mass and occupies space
b. _____ melting point is an extensive property
c. _____ heating water to 100 °C will cause it to melt
d. _____ color is an intensive property
e. _____ changing a physical property will change the substance into something new
f. _____ a physical change is reversible
g. _____ energy is a form of matter
Match the term to its definition
7. _____ volume
a. a quality of condition of a substance that can be observed or
measured without changing the substances composition
8. _____ mass
b. matter that takes both the shape and volume of its container
9. _____ substance
c. matter that has a uniform and definite composition
10. _____ physical property
d. measure of the space occupied by an object
11. _____ solid
e. matter that has a definite volume and takes the shape of its
12. _____ liquid
f. a change to material that does not change its composition
13. _____ gas
g. gaseous state of a substance that generally exists as a liquid or
solid at room temperature
14. _____ vapor
h. matter that has a definite shape and volume
15. _____ physical change
i. the amount of matter that an object contains
16. _____ extensive property
j. depends on the type of matter in a sample
17. _____ intensive property
k. depends on the amount of matter in a sample
19. What was the purpose of the lab,” Temperature Changes During State Changes”?
20. What is the relationship between the kinetic energy of molecules and their physical state?