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Bystander Novel Unit

Novel Unit
by James Preller
Novel Summary
Eric is a 13-year-old boy who moves with his mother and younger brother to a new town. He
enrolls in 7th grade and must adjust to his new environment at his new school. He’s also dealing with his
father’s mental illness. Griffin is a popular classmate who wants to be his friend. Since Eric is new and
doesn’t know anybody, he doesn’t know who he should hand out with or who he should avoid. Griffin
seems cool, confident, and everybody wants to be his friend.
Eric soon senses that something is off about Griffin. He always seems to be in the middle of bad
situations. Eric realizes that’s it’s better to be Griffin’s friend that Griffin’s enemy.
As Eric spends more time with Griffin and gets to know him better, he begins to figure out the
truth about Griffin: He’s a liar, a thief, and a bully. Eric knows that he should stop hanging out with
Griffin, because that would be the right thing to do. But that’s easier said than done!
Lesson Plans
Days 1-2
 Bell Ringer: Small Group Discussions – Present students with different scenarios and
have them share how they would react.
o What would you do if you saw a boy being chased by a group of kids that looked
like they wanted to hurt him?
o What would you do if you found out one of your friends stole something from
another one of your friends?
 Whole Group Discussion: Discuss bullying.
o What is your definition of bullying?
o What is the school’s definition of bullying?
o What are consequences of bullying?
o What is a bully? What is a bystander?
 Introduce Novel: Bystander by James Preller
 Watch Antibullying Video:
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh1ReLlnBng
 Preview and Discuss Vocab for Chapters 1-6
 Read Chapters 1-6 Bystander
 Assignment: Reflect on the events that occurred in Chapter 5 entitled Lunch. Writing
prompt: Are you like any of the characters in the scene? If not, how would you have
handled the issues and events in this chapter? Why?
 Chapters 1-6 Comprehension Quiz
Days 3-4
 Go over answers to Chapters 1-6 Comprehension Quiz
 Preview and Discuss Vocab for Chapters 7-12
 Read Chapters 7-12 Bystander
 Chapters 7-12 Comprehension Quiz
 Whole Group Discussion Questions:
o What challenges does Eric face by moving to a new city? What are the obstacles
he will face?
o Is Griffin a “bully”? What things does he do that qualify him as a bully?
o When does Griffin not act like a bully? Why do you think Griffin acts in the
manner he does? Where do you think his anger comes from?
o Who is Hallenback? Why do you think Hallenback allows himself to be treated
poorly by Griffin?
o Do you think Hallenback “deserves” his treatment because he sometimes
appears to be mean and insensitive? What are some ways that Hallenback’s
classmates could get to know him better?
o Who is Mary? If Mary had remained silent about the cyber-bullying against
Chantel, would she be considered a bully?
Day 5
Go over answers to Chapter 7-12 Comprehension Quiz
Preview and discuss vocabulary for Chapters 13-19
Read Ch. 13-19 Bystander
Ch. 13-19 Comprehension Quiz
Continue discussion questions
Days 6-7
 Go over answers to Ch. 13-19 Comprehension Quiz
 Preview and discuss vocabulary for Ch. 20-25
 Read Ch. 20-25 Bystander
 Whole Class Discussion Questions:
o After reading Ch. 20 – From the book, we learn Mary has been involved in some
cyber-bullying in the past. Why do you think this particular form of bullying –
creating a web page, or making a mean post – is on the rise today? What makes
it easier? Why?
o After reading Ch. 20 – In Chapter 20, a gathered group of boys discuss their
responses to Griffin’s behavior. A number of reasons are listed by various
characters as to why they elect to do nothing, including: 1) The unreliability of
authority figures to respond; 2) The threat of retaliation; 3) That the victim, at
least on some level, deserves it; 4) That it’s human nature, the law of the jungle,
and will always persist; 5) That it’s better to stay out of it; and lastly, 6) That no
one should “rat out” another student. Are any of these valid reasons for
remaining a bystander? Why and why not?
o After reading Ch. 20 –Mary decided to no longer worry so much about what
others think. Why do you believe this is a good or a bad thing?
o After reading Ch. 22 – In the character of David Hallenback, we see a
victim/target who turns around to become a bully against Eric Hayes. Research
shows this to be a common dynamic – that the target becomes the bully. Why do
you think this might be true?
o After reading Ch. 24 – Think about Eric’s mother’s actions and reactions in the
book. Do you think she made any mistakes? What did she do right? What would
you want to tell adults about the “real” stories behind bullying?
 Whole group discussion: How are we all unique? What makes us unique?
o Video (mental illness): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/398
o Video (Jimmy Neutron): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/70
o Video (LGBT): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/76
o Video (Racism): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/231
o Video (Character Mapping): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/297
o Video (LG Athletes, Civil Rights Movement):
o Video (Race Athletes): http://www.nuskool.com/lesson/showlesson/54
Days 8-9
 Go over answers to Ch. 20-25 Comprehension Quiz
 Preview and discuss vocabulary for Ch. 26-30
 Read Ch. 26-30 Bystander
 Ch. 26-30 Comprehension Quiz
 Whole Class Discussion:
o The ending of the book does not provide a typical Hollywood conclusion, where
it’s all wrapped up. Instead, it strives for something more realistic. What do you
think will happen with the characters in the future, particularly Griffin and his
friends? What clues in the text support your conclusion?
o Griffin Connelly is represented as a smart, good-looking, intelligent boy. Why do
you think he’s involved in bully behaviors? What traits do you think he might
o Eric’s father is absent from the story, living miles away. What effect do you think
this had on Eric? Do you feel it helped make him a potential target in Griffin’s
o In what is known as “the bystander effect,” it’s been learned that group behavior
is often less moral/ethical that individual behavior. For example, imagine a figure
laying on the sidewalk. Groups of people have, in various tests, failed to stop and
help the injured person. Yet individuals – alone – are much more likely to stop
and try to be of assistance. Why do you think that is so?
o To what extent is it fair to blame some of David Hallenback’s problems on
himself? What mistakes does he make? Are there things he might have done
differently? Did he in any way bring these problems unto himself?
o Do you feel the school authorities – ranging from the principal, teachers,
counselors, and school resource officer – acted appropriately throughout? Could
they have done more to address the problem?
Day 10
 Go over answer to Ch. 26-end Comprehension Quiz
 Research causes on dosomething.org
Day 11
 Test over entire novel
Vocab Lists (By chapter)
Chapter 1
shamble – to walk awkwardly
fleeing – running away from danger or evil
unresponsive – not replying or reacting
Chapter 2
hesitate – delay or pause
unrefined – not precise
presence – how someone presents themselves to others
Chapter 3
mock – make fun of
ingrained – quality that exists within
leer – sidelong glance
Chapter 4
fractured – broken
vanishing – disappearing
revenge – payback for something
Chapter 5
disgorged – vomited
torrent – outpouring
immersed – surrounded
vast – large in size
Chapter 6
lynch pin – hold together the parts that work as a unit
undeterred – not discouraged
imperceptible – very slight or subtle
Chapter 7
vacant – empty
feebly – in a weak or unconvincing manner
reluctantly – unwillingly
Chapter 8
self-assured – confident
Chapter 9
quick-witted – clever
Chapter 10
constructive – productive
geysers – springs that discharges steam and hot water
Chapter 11
splintered – split or broke apart
inconvenient – troublesome or difficult
ungraspable – unable to be held or gripped
accusations – charges of wrongdoing
brooding – preoccupied with depressing thoughts
essence – spirit, soul
overwhelmed – overpowered by one’s own thoughts, emotions, or senses
faint – lacking brightness, strength, etc.
Chapter 12
deft – skill
Chapter 13
fringes – the outer edge
tolerated – allowed the existence of
unfazed – not discouraged
disastrous – causing great distress or injury
bewildered – completely puzzled or confused
spectacle – public show or display
conceal – to hide
Chapter 14
instinctively – resulting from instinct, without thinking or being aware
glint – brief occurrence
Chapter 15
opposition – the state of being placed opposite, on the other side of an issue
suspected – believed to be guilty
contempt – attitude towards a person one considers worthless
escorted – guided on a journey
Chapter 16
resembling – to be like
confessed – admitted to be true
Chapter 17
slander – a malicious, false statement
bystander – a person present but not involved
Chapter 18
demurred – made an objection
atrocities – acts of extreme cruelty
recruited – enlisted a person for service
assured – guaranteed
adjacent – being near or close
essential – absolutely necessary
appalling – causing dismay or horror
inexplicable – unable to be explained
Chapter 19
gnashing – clenching tightly
dismayed – saddened
Chapter 20
console – to comfort
tentatively – with hesitation
disperse – scatter
distilled – purified, pure
Chapter 21
proximity – closeness
surmised – guessed
unabashed – bold, shameless
comical – funny
apprehensive – anxious
Chapter 22
aligned – on the side of
subtle – understated, not obvious
lured – tempted
constricted – tightened
serene – peaceful
Chapter 24
downplay – moderate, not made into a big deal
goatee – type of man’s trimmed beard
resoundingly – resonating
truce – ceasefire, declared peace
sullen – bad-tempered
Chapter 25
asylum – refuge
scoffed – ridiculed
Chapter 26
volition – one’s own will, desire
expanse – vastness
Chapter 27
ominously – threatening
mustered – gathered
clenched – tightened
goad – prod
admonished – reprimanded
Chapter 28
idled – lazy
midst – middle
obscured – made unclear
Chapter 29
hovered – drifted
evasively – elusive
taunted – insulted
flawed – with faults
smirked – sneered
Chapter 30
mangled – smashed
demurred – made excuses
Name ___________________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Ch. 1-6 Comprehension Quiz
___ 1. What state did Eric and his family live in before they moved to Belport, Long Island?
A. Ohio
C. California
B. Arkansas
D. New York
___ 2. In Chapter 1, what was David covered in?
A. mustard
C. ketchup
B. mayonaise
D. hot sauce
___ 3. What did Eric’s mom miss about her hometown when she was in Ohio?
A. the grocery store
C. the ocean
B. her old job
D. her friends
___ 4. Which of Eric’s classes was called a lynch pin?
A. Home Base
C. Rotation
B. Math
D. Studyhall
___ 5. What is the name of the third largest pet cemetery in America?
A. The Final Rest Pet Cemetery
C. Kitty Cat Hills
B. Doggie Heaven
D. End of Time Park
___ 6. What grade is Eric in?
A. 6th
B. 7th
C. 8th
D. 9th
___ 7. What movie did Cody imitate when he talked?
A. The Land Before Time
C. The Neverending Story
B. E.T.
D. Jurassic Park
___ 8. What is Griff’s last name?
A. Anderson
B. Brown
C. Connelly
D. Davis
___ 9. What job does Eric’s mom have?
A. She is a hairdresser.
B. She sells computer equipment.
C. She is a professional chef.
D. She sells medical supplies.
___ 10. Who sent CDs to Eric?
A. his mom
B. his grandfather
C. his uncle
D. his dad
___ 11. How old is Eric?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
___ 12. What is the name of Eric’s school?
A. Mtn. View Middle School
C. Jacksonville High School
B. Bellport Central Middle School
D. Center City School
___ 13. What did Eric fear the most on the first day of school?
A. He was afraid of getting lost.
C. He was afraid of being suspended.
B. He was afraid of his teachers.
D. He was afraid of losing his backpack.
Name ___________________________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Ch. 7-12 Comprehension Quiz
___ 1. Who invited Eric to sit with them in the cafeteria on the first day of school?
A. Griffin
C. Mary
B. David
D. Cody
___ 2. What did Griffin tell Mrs. Hayes he did on Saturdays?
A. help old people with their packages
B. wash cars for money
C. mow his neighbors’ yards
D. walk elderly people’s dogs
___ 3. What did Griffin steal from Mrs. Chavez?
A. money
C. Chiclets
B. food
D. Nikes
___ 4. How did Griffin win over Eric’s confidence?
A. Griffin shared his lunch with Eric.
B. Griffin gave Eric a girl’s phone number.
C. Griffin paid Eric to be his friend.
D. Griffin listened to Eric’s story.
___ 5. Why did Mr. Hayes leave his family?
A. He had a mental illness.
C. He got a job in another state.
B. He fell in love with someone.
D. He joined the military.
___ 6. Who gave Griffin a “shiner”?
A. Eric
B. his brother
C. Cody
D. his dad
___ 7. What does Eric have for lunch on the first day of school?
A. a meatball sub
C. pepperoni pizza
B. a peanut butter sandwich
D. chicken nuggets
___ 8. What was the name of Mrs. Rosen’s dog?
A. Spot
C. Lucky
B. Checkers
D. Daisy
___ 9. Who is Rudy?
A. Eric’s dad
C. Eric’s little brother
B. Eric’s neighbor
D. one of Eric’s classmates
___ 10. What day is “errands day” in Eric’s family?
A. Saturday
C. Monday
B. Sunday
D. Tuesday
___ 11. What grade is Rudy in?
A. kindergarten
B. 2nd grade
C. 7th grade
D. 12th grade
___ 12. What kind of fighting style can Cody do?
A. American Combat Karate
C. tae kwon do
B. sumo wrestling
D. mixed martial arts
___ 13. What kind of animal does Cody remind Eric of?
A. a weasel
C. a bear cub
B. a snake
D. a lamb
___ 14. Why does Griffin turn down tips from people he helps at the grocery store?
A. His parents give him a generous allowance.
B. He’s working on building trust.
C. The grocery store has a policy against it.
D. His father told him he wasn’t allowed to keep tips.
___ 15. What instrument does Eric play?
A. acoustic guitar
B. electric keyboard
C. trumpet
D. violin
___ 16. What mental illness does Eric’s father have?
A. depression
C. schizophrenia
B. anorexia
D. amnesia
___ 17. What job did Griffin’s dad have?
A. He was a city cop.
B. He was a florist.
C. He was a truck driver.
D. He was a sawmill operator.
Name ________________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Ch. 13-19 Comprehension Quiz
___ 1. Why did David allow himself to be bullied?
A. He wanted acceptance from the gang.
B. He was afraid of getting in trouble at school.
C. He wanted Mary to be his girlfriend.
D. He has a mental illness.
___ 2. Why did Eric think he was innocent of bullying?
A. because his mother told him he was innocent
B. because he never participated in pranks
C. because he never got into trouble with the principal
D. because he is new to the school
___ 3. What did Griffin steal from Eric’s house?
A. $27 and a CD
C. a bottle of water and a bag of chips
B. silver dollars
D. a checkbook and a pen
___ 4. Why were some girls bullying Chantel?
A. She wore too much makeup.
B. She cheated on a test.
C. She had more Instagram followers than them.
D. She flirted with the wrong guy.
___ 5. What “game” did Griffin play with Hallenbeck?
A. pretzel
C. dodge ball
B. freeze tag
D. hide and go seek
___ 6. Who is bullied the most in Eric’s school?
A. Eric Hayes
C. Mr. Scofield
B. David Hallenbeck
D. the school resource officer
___ 7. What are two games played by the students at Eric’s school?
A. Truth or Dare and Uno
C. Rock, Paper, Scissors and Spin the Bottle
B. I Spy and Bingo
D. I Dare You and Flinch
___ 8. How did Eric advertise his dog walking talents?
A. He hung a poster in the town coffee shop.
B. He made a web site.
C. He handed out business cards.
D. He hung a banner in the school hallway.
___ 9. Where did Mary and Eric go with Ginger?
A. the pet cemetery
C. the grocery store
B. the swimming pool
D. the dog park
___ 10. Who had a pig’s head Photoshopped on her body?
A. Mary
C. Chantel
B. the guidance counselor
D. Eric’s mom
___ 11. How many types of bullying are there?
A. 1
C. 3
B. 2
D. 4
___ 12. Which teacher got angry about bullying?
A. Ms. Smith
C. Mr. Scofield
B. Mr. Turner
D. Ms. Rollins
___ 13. What phrase did Mr. Scofield write on the board?
___ 14. Who gave Rudy $27?
A. Griffin
B. Cody
C. Eric
D. Mr. Scofield
___ 15. What game does Eric play with Rudy?
A. Pokemon Go
C. Fortnite
B. Nerf basketball
D. flag football
___ 16. What sign did Hallenbeck give to Eric to show he could defend himself?
A. He made the sign of a gun.
C. He held up his middle finger.
B. He made a peace sign.
D. He made the loser sign on his forehead.
Name _________________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Ch. 20-25 Comprehension Quiz
___ 1. What did Mrs. Rosen hire Eric to do?
A. walk her dog
B. wash her car
C. carry her groceries inside
D. mow her yard
___ 2. What did the girls at school do to Chantel Williams?
A. They drew a mustache on her photo in the yearbook.
B. They beat her up.
C. They created a web site calling her fat.
D. They asked her boyfriend out on a date.
___ 3. What scientific term does Drew P. compare bullying to?
A. natural selection
C. the water cycle
B. the scientific method
D. gravitational pull
___ 4. Which President had a dog buried at the pet cemetery?
A. Nixon
C. Trump
B. Lincoln
D. Washington
___ 5. What was the name of the president’s dog?
A. Fifi
C. Checkers
B. Spongebob Squarepants
D. Oreo
___ 6. Who led Eric into the ambush at the pet cemetery?
A. Hallenbeck
C. Griffin
B. Mary
D. Drew P.
___ 7. Why was Cody angry at Eric?
A. Eric stole his lunch money.
B. Eric told Griffin his locker combination.
C. Griffin told him Eric had called him a weasel.
D. Mary told him Eric tried to kiss her.
___ 8. What kind of shoes did David wear the day Eric was beat up?
A. athletic shoes
C. flip flops
B. hiking boots
D. cowboy boots
___ 9. Who helped Eric after his fight?
A. Mary
B. Cody
C. Griffin
D. Chantel
___ 10. What activity were Eric and his father doing in the picture Eric keeps in his desk drawer?
A. They were playing putt-putt golf.
C. They were attending a baseball game.
B. They were playing basketball.
D. They were riding go-carts.
___ 11. What happened to the letter Eric wrote to his father?
A. Eric hung it on his wall.
C. Eric tore it up and threw it away.
B. Eric mailed it.
D. Eric gave it to his mom.
___ 12. Where did Eric clean up after the fight?
A. a McDonald’s bathroom
B. the gym locker room
C. a grocery store parking lot
D. his house
___ 13. Who did Mrs. Hayes call when she learned about the fight?
A. She called Eric’s dad.
B. She called Griffin’s parents.
C. She called teachers, guidance counselors, and the principal.
D. She called the police department.
___ 14. What did Sophie call Eric in French class after the fight?
A. le freak du jour
C. el stupido
B. a bully
D. le loser
___ 15. Where did Cody and Eric shake hands and call a truce?
A. at Griffin’s house
C. at the pet cemetery
B. on the basketball court
D. the guidance counselor’s office
___ 16. How did Mary describe her and Eric’s lunch table?
A. the Island of Misfit Toys
C. the Island of No Return
B. the Island of Sorrow
D. the Lost Island
___ 17. What did Eric receive from his mom after the fight?
A. a cell phone
C. a bottle of pepper spray
B. a spanking
D. a handgun
___ 18. What does PINS stand for?
A. Person in need of sense
B. Person in need of supervision
C. Person in need of solitary confinement
D. Person in need of suspension
Name ________________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Ch. 26-34 Comprehension Quiz
___ 1. What was the administration looking for when they searched Eric’s locker?
A. a knife
C. a note
B. stolen cash
D. a photograph
___ 2. What did Griffin ask Eric to take from Mrs. Rosen’s house?
A. her dog
C. jewelry
B. her purse
D. silver dollars
___ 3. After Eric’s bike was stolen, what did he tell his mom?
A. The bike was stolen by bullies.
B. The bike had a flat tire.
C. The bike had been sold.
D. The bike had a broken handlebar.
___ 4. What did Eric hear after entering Griffin’s home to retrieve his stolen property?
A. a snore
C. a baby crying
B. a burglar alarm
D. a dog barking
___ 5. What did Griffin wear that belonged to Eric?
A. his shoes
C. his cap
B. his watch
D. his shirt
___ 6. What did Mary confess to Eric?
A. She knew about Griffin’s plan to ambush Eric at the cemetery.
B. She has had a crush on him since they first met.
C. She told his locker combination to Griffin.
D. She came up with the idea to bully David Hallenback.
___ 7. How could Griffin plant something in Eric’s locker?
A. He made a copy of his key.
C. He knows the combination.
B. He paid Cody to do it.
D. The teachers let him out of class all the time.
___ 8. What computer program is Eric not allowed to use?
A. Instant Messaging
C. Snapchat
B. Facebook
D. Instagram
___ 9. Where did Eric’s parents go on their honeymoon?
A. Ireland
C. Hawaii
B. Africa
D. Canada
___ 10. Who brought Eric’s missing bike back?
A. Mary and Chantel
B. Eric’s mom and Rudy
C. Cody, Hakeem, and Pat
D. a police officer
___ 11. What kind of car is Cody going to build someday?
A. a Ford Mustang
C. a BMW
B. a corvette
D. a Porche
___ 12. Who was committing neighborhood break-ins?
A. Griffin
C. Rudy
B. Mr. Scofield
D. Drew P.
___ 13. Who did Eric recruit as lookout for his plan against Griffin?
A. Rudy
C. the school resource officer
B. Mary
D. Pat
___ 14. What did Mary use as a warning signal?
A. a whistle
B. a walkie-talkie
C. Eric’s cell phone
D. a blue tooth speaker
___ 15. How did Eric tell Griffin they were even?
A. Eric made a web site.
B. Eric sent him an Instant Message.
C. Eric left a note in Griffin’s souvenir box.
D. Eric’s dad went to visit him and told him.
___ 16. What did Eric leave in Griffin’s room?
A. his shoes
B. his cell phone
C. the dog he was walking
D. a photograph
___ 17. What will Eric always see David Hallenbeck as?
A. Mustard man
C. Ketchup boy
B. a bystander
D. a freak
___ 18. Where did Hallenbeck get his baseball pin?
A. from Eric’s bedroom
C. from a contest at school
B. the Mets baseball stadium
D. from Babe Ruth
___ 19. What team did Eric make?
A. the football team
B. the basketball team
C. the track team
D. the wrestling team
Name _______________________________
Bystander by James Preller
Novel Test
___ 1. Why did the principal want to check Eric’s locker?
A. It was reported that he had a knife.
B. It was reported that he had stolen answer keys to a test.
C. It was reported that he was hiding some drugs.
D. It was reported that he was a bully.
___ 2. What did Griff know that made Eric upset?
A. His computer password
C. His locker combination
B. His mom’s phone number
D. His grades
___ 3. What did Griff want Eric to do?
A. Take a silver dollar from Mrs. Rosen’s house
B. Kidnap Mrs. Rosen’s dog
C. Steal money from the grocery store
D. Tell him the answers to a test
___ 4. When Eric snuck into Griff’s house to get back the CD and money that Griff had stolen,
who was in the house?
A. Griff
C. the school resource officer
B. Cody
D. Griff’s dad
___ 5. What did Eric leave in Griff’s room?
A. his shoes
B. his watch
C. his wallet
D. his bike
___ 6. Who was the boy that Eric Hayes saw running at the beginning of the novel?
A. Daniel Stevens
C. Drake Brown
B. Doug Fisher
D. David Hallenback
___ 7. In what town does the story take place?
A. Kingsport, Tennessee
B. Bellport, Long Island
C. Los Angeles, California
D. New York City, New York
___ 8. What grade is Eric in?
A. 7th
B. 8th
C. 9th
D. 10th
___ 9. What was the name of the boy with a beaked nose and buckteeth?
A. Eric
C. Cody
B. Griffin
D. David
___ 10. What did Eric’s dad send to him?
A. money
B. a baseball pin
C. CDs
D. a basketball
___ 11. What happened to Mrs. Rosen’s dog?
A. She ran away.
B. She bit Eric.
C. She had puppies.
D. She died.
___ 12. What did Eric and Griff do at Griff’s house?
A. played videogames
C. watched football on TV
B. arm wrestled
D. built a treehouse
___ 13. What did Griff say he was going to torture?
A. Mrs. Rosen’s dog
C. his brother
B. a gerbil
D. a squirrel
___ 14. What was wrong with Eric’s father?
A. He was put in jail.
B. He is in a coma.
C. He got beat up by Griffin.
D. He had a mental illness.
___ 15. Who gave Griff a black eye?
A. Eric
B. David
C. his mom
D. his dad
___ 16. What game did Griff and his boys trick Hallenback into playing?
A. Pretzel
C. Mercy
B. Truth or Dare
D. Never Have I Ever
___ 17. What did Eric do when the kids played games such as I Dare You and Flinch?
A. nothing, just watched
C. told the teachers
B. joined in
D. ran away crying
___ 18. After Griff left Eric’s house, why was Rudy crying?
A. Griff took his shoes.
C. His pet ran away.
B. His birthday money was gone.
D. His dad hurt his feelings.
___ 19. Someone sent Mary a picture on her cell phone that made her sad. What was it a
picture of?
A. someone hurting an animal
C. a girl making an obscene gesture
B. a girl with the head of a pig
D. a boy with a clown face
___ 20. What did Chantel do that made the girls mad?
A. called them bad names
C. told a teacher that they had cheated
B. stole money from them
D. flirted with the wrong guy
___ 21. What do you call a person who witnesses a bullying situation?
A. a bully
C. a watcher
B. a bystander
D. a freak
___ 22. Who told the resource officer the names of the people who created the web site?
A. Mary
C. Eric
B. Griffin
D. Chantel
___ 23. What famous person did Checkers belong to?
A. President Obama
C. Michael Jackson
B. Marilyn Monroe
D. President Nixon
___ 24. What happened to Eric at the cemetery?
A. He cried about his dead pet.
B. He was beaten up.
C. He kissed Mary.
D. He beat up Griffin.8
Answer Keys
Ch. 1-6 Quiz
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. A
Ch. 7-12 Quiz
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. A
Ch. 13-19 Quiz
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. A
Ch. 20-25 Quiz
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. B
Ch. 26-34 Quiz
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. B
Novel Test
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. B