Uploaded by Kristopher.Walker

SGA Information and Responsibilities Sheet

Hello prospective Student Government Association (S.G.A.) member!
Thank you for your interest in your class, classmates, school, and community. We hope
that you will bring the same enthusiasm, if you are elected to one of the positions on the
executive board. The available S.G.A. positions are as follows:
President – The head of the S.G.A., the President is the direct liaison between the
students and the administration; he/she represents the interests and concerns of the
student body and reports them to Interim Principal Sumner. The president work towards
solving student concerns while reaching goals that are in the best interest of the student
body, school, and community. He/She can facilitate tasks to their executive committee
and schedule meetings with the other officers of S.G.A. He/She has the ability to veto any
tie vote within the S.G.A. He/She is of exemplary moral character and is a representation
of the student image an Imagine Middle school student should portray.
Vice-President - The Vice-President is the Presidents 2nd in command. He/She works
closely with the President on all members of the S.G.A. If/When the President is not
available to fufill his/her duties, the Vice-President can speak and act on the President’s
behalf. He/She manages the students concerns, reports them to the president, and works
towards solving student concerns. He/she fulfills duties when asked of by the president, is
responsible for directing all committees, while acting as a manager of teacher/student
relations on behalf of the President.
Secretary – The secretary keeps track of the information within the S.G.A. The secretary
must keep accurate minutes of S.G.A. meetings, as well as allowing the S.G.A. to have a
record of student concerns, decisions, discussions, as well as any votes that take place.
The secretary updates the class lists, and reports any information taken at meetings, fund
raisers, and events of the S.G.A., while handling the correspondence to and from
administrators, teachers, and students. He/She has legible handwriting and/or is able to
type exceptionally well. They may also act as a liaison between parents and other
Treasurer – The treasurer is in charge of the financial aspects of the S.G.A. He/She is
trustworthy, honest, and is very good at Mathematics. He/She is a direct liaison to the
Business Manager of Imagine Middle School and keeps accurate records of the S.G.A.’s
finances . He/She manages the finances during any fund raisers, collections, or other state
of affairs dealing with the finances of S.G.A.
Sergeant-At-Arms- The Sergeant-At-Arms primary responsibility is to maintain law and
order within the S.G.A. at all times. He/She is a facilitator of the laws and by-laws of the
S.G.A.; he/she enforces all of the results. He or she also prepares the S.G.A.’s meeting
venue, greets all the members of the executive committee, any administrators, teachers,
students, or other attendees of meetings, fund raisers, or other events sponsored by the
S.G.A. He/She is responsible for ensuring any voting procedures are fair and free from
manipulation or bias. He/She supports the decision of the President, completes the
requests of the President and Vice-President, and undertakes any duties as prescribed by
the President or Vice-President. They may also take over for the responsibilities for the
Historian if they are not present at an S.G.A. event.
Historian – The Historian is primarily responsible for maintaining a record of all S.G.A
events. He/She must be an avid photographer, preferably with a device they can use for
photographing events. He/She can work with parents and other volunteers to organize
photos and submit them to the journalism class for the year book. He/She must be willing
and able to attend most, if not all S.G.A. events. They will also be working on the
S.G.A’s portion of the Middle School website and be willing to both maintain and update
the website as needed. Ideally this person is both creative and tech-saavy.
If you are interested in running for a position on the S.G.A. executive board, please fill out
the application (which requires at least two different signatures of recommendation from
Imagine administrators, teaches, or another staff member), attach it to a copy of your most
recent report card, and give it to Dr. Walker by Friday, September 6th. Nominations will end
and campaigning will begin on Monday, September 9th and run through Monday, September
16th. Voting will be held on Wednesday, September 18 by the middle school student body.
Thanks for your interest!
Dr. Walker
S.G.A. Application
Please fill out the below application and all required information. Parents, be aware that
S.G.A. meetings and events are sometimes held after school hours. Meetings generally last
30 minutes to an hour, events are generally longer. Meetings and events will be announced
beforehand, but parents are expected to be able to pick up their child after the event/meeting.
S.G.A. executive board members will be required to attend at LEAST ONE S.G.A. event per
quarter. By signing below both the parents and student accept this responsibility.
Name: __________________________
Grade: _______ HR: __________________
First Choice Request:________________________Second:__________________________
Recommendation: Name:_____________________Signature:_________________________
Recommendation: Name:_____________________Signature:_________________________
Parent: Name:_____________________________Signature:__________________________
Contact Information Parent________________________Student:______________________
Student Signature:_______________________________ Date:________________________
Below the Student must explain in a paragraph or two, why they feel they are best suited for
the position. Include relevant experiences and interests. Students may include previous
leadership experience, community service, or any other volunteer experiences. Sell your
strengths and weaknesses while not embellishing on any personal stories. Be short and sweet,
don’t go into too much detail on any one experience.