CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Haixin Guo Science Academy of South Texas FOREWORD Welcome to the my class. Something about Ms. Guo We’re going to have a Wonderful year together. Have Positive Expectations! The Rules and Procedures we learn today will help us create a Highly Efficient and Orderly Classroom. Whole Brain Teaching Tech. Class-Yes Mirror (Mirror with words) Teach-OK CLASSROOM RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Follow the direction quickly Raise your hands for permission to speak Raise your hands for permission to leave your seat Make smart choice Make your dear teacher happy ENTRANCE After you arrive at our class, Ready: get pencils, materials ready for class. Set: set your homework on your desk Go: Start the daily Smart-Start Learning Goal (SWBAT) Learning goal will be posted daily. First 5 minutes of the class is scheduled for Smart-Start(DoNow) After 5 min. teacher will state and students will repeat the SWBAT. WHEN YOU ARE TARDY You are tardy if your are not sitting in the assigned seat when the bell ring. Enter quietly. Excused: Place excuse slip on top of my desk. Sit down and start the work. Classroom Areas Service Area: Absent Students Corner, staples, tape, clip, cell phone charging … Scratch paper and rulers Teacher’s Area: Please don’t go to teacher’s area without permission. Classroom Job Descriptions Table Leader 1. Passing and collecting papers 2. Get papers, worksheets for absent ones, and write their name on it. using paper clip; put them in the Absent Students Corner. 3. In the end of class, check the pencil box Clear table and around area. 4. Attendance Monitor Takes attendance and brings it to teacher 5 min. after class starts. Calculator & Board Patrol Check and make sure all the calculators are in the charger doc in the beginning and end of class. Erase all the things on the white board in the end of class. Paper Sorter & Patrol Pass out and/or collects class work, homework, blank paper, and so forth. Sort the papers according to the student class ID # before turn to teacher. Substitute Substitutes if any student helper (except Table Leader or Tutor) is absent, WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT Get it: Get the notes and worksheet from “Absent Student Corner” Do it: Do the work after class. No Make-up Quiz. Make-up test can be arranged with the teacher. Turning in your work Give your work to the Table Leader Table leader pass the work to Paper Patrol. Paper Patrol will sort the paper by class ID then turn in to teacher. ALWAYS write your class ID # next to your name. DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with full attention. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions ONLY related to the subject. Don’t get up, move around or go to restroom when I am giving lecture After instruction, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand. Finish Class work Early Check your work Review lecture materials Work on unfinished math or other subject assignments Start working on today’s homework and other homework, or you can read your books. Be a student tutor Restroom Policy If you need to use restroom 1. 2. 3. 4. Raise hand show sign language “R” Fill in the restroom log Press “Start” button to start the 5 minutes Press “Stop” button, Press both “Start” and “Stop” button together to reset to 5 min. Fill in the back time on the Log No restroom pass during last 10 minutes of the class. DISMISSAL Clean your work area and gather all the trash. Table Leader check the pencil box Return calculator. Calculator Patrol check the calculator doc. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. The ring of the bell does NOT dismiss you After you get permission to leave, throw the trash to the trash can, take your belongs and leave quietly CONSEQUENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Warning Conference with Student Parent Contact Referral to Administration Severe Disruption: Student sent immediately to office Rewards Oral praise Positive phone call or note home Success in class Grading Policy Classwork and Homework 20% Quiz 30% Test 50% Semester Grade Policy 1st 9 week 2nd 9 week 37.5% 37.5% Semester exam 25% My Promise to You! We will have a great year together. Procedures and Expectations will enhance your learning experience. I will give you my very best everyday and ask the same from you in return.