Travis Early College High School Ms. Frances Santos * English II PreAP Poem Assignment: “Where I’m From” Instructions: For this introductory assignment, you will be imitating the style of poet George Ella Lyon in her poem, “Where I’m From.” Follow the poem pattern using honest and specific imagery and details. The length of the lines is the minimum required. The lines may be longer if you would like, but they may not be shorter. Where I’m From… I am from __(1)_____________________________ __________________________________________. I am from __(2)_____________________________ __________________________________________. I am from __(3)_____________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________. I’m from __(4)_____________________________ from ____(5)______________________________________. I’m from the __(6)_____________________________ and the ____(7)______________________________________. I’m from ___(8)____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ I’m from ___(9)________________________________________ from _____(10)______________________________________ _____________________________________________. In/Under my _____(11)___ is /are __(12)_____________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________. I am from this: ____(13)_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________, moments before I budded – leaf-fall from the family tree. (use this or create your own ending!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name 3-5 objects that have always been, or are always, in your home. Name 2-3 objects or descriptions from your neighborhood. Name 2-3 plants, trees, or “nature” descriptions around your house or neighborhood. Name 2 small random objects that are a symbol for you or your family. Name two special family members or friends. Name and expression or saying that is used in your family often. Same as 6. Quote a brief phrase from a favorite religious text, poem, song, or book. Name some of you and your family’s favorite foods. Name an illness or physical/mental challenge that runs in your family. Name a storage place in your home (for example: closet, attic, garage…) Name the objects that are in that storage. List a minimum or three objects or ideas that describe as a whole where you’re from.