Uploaded by Frances Santos

AVID 10th Grade Lesson Plan: Finals Prep & Study Skills


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Lesson Plan, Day 76

AVID – 10 th Grade

Standards and Essential Question:

10-REA.A1 Expand vocabulary, especially those utilized on SAT®/ACT® testing, and properly incorporate them into writings to vary word usage

10-CD.A3 Align learning and study strategies to personal learning style

10-CD.D3 Seek opportunities outside of the AVID classroom to ask questions, clarify thinking, and identify Points

 of Confusion

EQ: “What steps can I take to ensure that I am ready for my finals?”





Project Week 16 SAT/ACT Vocabulary PowerPoint

Candor – (n) [kan-der] frankness; open honesty. (The witness answered the questions of the lawyer with total candor.)

Fastidious – (adj) [fa-stid-ee-uhs] paying attention to detail. (As it was his first date

with the beautiful girl, he was quite fastidious in selecting his outfit.)

Impeccable – (adj) [im-pek-uh-buhl] faultless. (It was no surprise that she received a perfect score on the test, as her notes were impeccable.)

Venerate – (v) [ven-uh-reyt] revere. (There are many cultures in the world that venerate their ancestors.)


Thank-You Card

Have students sign (or create) a thank-you card for Friday’s guest speaker.


Finals Study Plan

Group students into fours and have groups collectively brainstorm all of the things that they can (and should) do to prepare for finals.

Have groups record their thinking on chart paper and share out.

Distribute the Backwards Mapping Template.

Have students thing about the finals that they have coming up soon.

Students should rank sort their preparation planning by order of importance

(classes with lowest grades first).

Have students brainstorm everything they need to accomplish from now until finals.

Under actions, have students generate action items they can do to prep for finals.

Look over all past tests.

Examine Cornell notes.

Generate specific times to form study groups (after school, weekends, etc.).

Create sample tests (based on missed test questions).

Make sure that students are creating actionable steps.

Tell students that they will be revisiting this plan during the next month.


Week 16 SAT/ACT

Vocabulary PowerPoint

Class Set

Strategies for Success

7.9 Backwards Mapping

Template (Pg. 95)


Chart Paper

Documentation for Essential

