Uploaded by Matt Ellis

Cellular Respiration Lab: Yeast Experiment

Lab Questions
Cellular Respiration Experiment
Every day mitochondria containing organisms undergo cellular respiration to convert
glucose into large volumes of ATP. The produced ATP may then go on to be used to power
chemical processes required by all of these types of organisms to survive. In this lab you will be
demonstrating how yeast cells perform cellular respiration when exposed to common table sugar,
otherwise known as Sucrose.
Required Materials
1. Three Empty Plastic Water Bottles.
2. One Plastic Spoon (One for measuring out the dried yeast)
3. Three Styrofoam Cups (One per test).
4. Three Rubber Balloons (Pre-stretched).
5. Distilled Water.
6. Sugar Water.
7. Hydrogen Peroxide.
8. Weight Balance.
9. Graduated Cylinders.
10. String
11. Ruler
Lab Questions
1. Gather the needed materials from your teacher.
2. Using the weight balance, measure out approximately 8 grams of yeast and place it
into a plastic cup. Record the exact amount on the outside of your cup. Do this three
times for the three separate tests.
3. Label each of the three plastic bottles as Distilled Water, Sugar, and Hydrogen
Peroxide respectively.
4. Using the graduated cylinder, measure out 200mL of Hydrogen Peroxide, Distilled
Water, and Sugar Water and place each in their respective bottles that you labeled
earlier. Use the sink to wash out the graduated cylinder between each liquid tested.
5. Add the yeast to each of the plastic bottles and quickly stretch the balloons over their
tops. Shake the bottles to agitate the yeast.
6. Measure the circumference in Centimeters of each of the balloons as they potentially
inflate at each 2 minute mark. This will be repeated until 20 minutes have passed.
(You should have 10 points of data per trial when you are done.)
7. Record your gathered data in the table provided on the next page.
8. Afterwards, inform your teacher when you are finished to perform the flame tests.
Lab Questions
Data and Questions.
2 minutes
4 minutes
6 minutes
8 minutes
Lab Questions
1. What was the independent variable in this experiment?
2. What was the dependent variable in this experiment?
3. The control group of an experiment is a group that is being tested that does not involve the usage
of the treatment of the independent variable and is used as a benchmark to compare the other
tests to. Which group was the control group in this experiment?
4. What kind of gas do you think was being produced during each test?
5. Which test was actually demonstrating the process of Cellular Respiration?
6. Using the data you gathered earlier, create a triple line graph for each of your trials (One for each
liquid tested). This should be formatted as Circumference (in cm) on the Y axis and what time
(minutes) it was measured along the X axis. A blank graph is provided in your assignment
7. Write a conclusion based on the data you have gathered as well as on the reading assigned.
8. Organize your data on to a poster. The poster must include the following:
a. A data table for your raw data from the lab.
b. A copy of the line graph you made earlier.
c. The procedure you followed.
d. The conclusion you wrote as a group.
9. You will be presenting these posters on Thursday to show the rest of the class what you have
been working on.
Lab Questions