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Corruption on Society: Causes, Types, and Consequences

What is ‘Corruption’?
 Origin - Corruption is derived from the Latin verb rumpere [to
break]. According to this approach, corruption is where the law
is clearly broken.
 Corruption is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power
or privilege such as managers or government officials.
 It creates a impact to the country's education, occupation,
unemployment, living style and mostly the humanity.
 It is the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain.
 Corruption affects us all who depend on the integrity of the
people in a position of authority. It threatens sustainable
economic development, ethical values and justice; it
destabilizes society and endangers the rule of law.
 It undermines the institutions and values of democracy. But
because public policies and public resources are largely
beneficial to poor people, it is they who suffer the harmful
effects of corruption most grievously.
 In a society where corruption is left unchecked, the those who
have acquire even more while the poor are left even worse-off.
Corruption is pervasive, continuing and
not bounded by position or rank;
Some areas of public life are more prone
to corruption than others;
The causes of corruption include factors
intrinsic to public
administration/governance itself: its
organisation, the opportunities for
corruption which present themselves, and
the existence of a ‘culture of patronage
or loyalty’
Poverty? (Cause or Effect?)
Lack of health care?
Poor education?
Lack of Deterrent?
Natural Order of Things?
Types of corruption:
Political corruption;
Administrative corruption;
Public corruption;
Political corruption
 Political corruption is the use
of powers by government
officials for illegitimate
private gain.
 Political corruption can be
of two forms. The first one is
which includes both
accumulation and
extraction and where government officials use and
abuse their hold on power to extract from the private
sector, from government revenues, and from the
economy at large. Some of the examples of the
above mentioned form of corruption are extraction,
embezzlement, rent-seeking, plunder and even
kleptocracy ("rule by thieves").
Political corruption..
 The second form of political
corruption is one in which
extracted resources (and
public money) are used for
power preservation and
power extension purposes.
 This usually takes the form
of favoritism and
patronage politics..
Bribery is the act of giving or receiving something of
value in exchange for some kind of influence or action
in return, that the recipient would otherwise not alter.
Administrative corruption
 It includes persons
like higher authorities,
officers, police officers,
clerks, etc. For example, If
we give money, then we
can get anything difficult,
easily. Give money no need
to visit the office, you will
get driving licenses.
By Bribe, a blind and handicap can also get driving
license. “Money makes the world go round”. In
hospital, court, & other Govt. Offices everywhere you
have to give money (or other persuasive benefits) for
any kind of job.
Public corruption
 Public corruption involves a
breach of public trust and/or
abuse of public office or status.
 involves low- and mid-level
officials who abuse their power in
their day-to-day dealings with
ordinary members of the public. It
generally involves a smaller-scale
exchange of money compared
to grand corruption, but it still
impacts citizens in significant
Prison corruption, like when prison officials smuggle
contraband in exchange for paid bribes.
Border corruption, which involves bribing officials to
turn a blind eye to instances of drug trafficking.
Public corruption:
Theft of recovered
money / drugs (and
Not proceeding with
a case in return for
Issuing of licenses,
Selling / providing
information to
 Poverty?
 Poor Health?
 Lack of Education?
 Violence/Crime?
 Economic Instability?
 Political Instability?
 Lack of Infrastructure?
 International Instability?
We shall now look at how corruption affects
Individuals and Society as a whole.
Effects on individuals
 Lack of quality in services: In a system with corruption, there
is no quality of service. To demand quality one might need
to pay for it. This is seen in many areas like municipality,
distribution of relief funds etc. Undermines the creation of a
professional, meritocratic civil service
 Lack of proper justice: Corruption in the judiciary system,
leads to improper justice. And the victims of offense might
suffer. A crime may be proved as a benefit of the doubt
due to lack of evidence or even the evidence erased. Due
to corruption in the police system, the investigation process
goes on for decades.
 Pollution: Pollution is mostly emitted in the form of water
pollution, air pollution, and land pollution. This pollution is
from vehicles and factories. The governments have a
monitor on this pollution by regular check of vehicle
emissions and also industrial exhausts.
 Unemployment: Due to corruption by officials some
members suffer unemployment.
Effects on society
 Lack of faith and trust in the governments: People vote for a
ruler based on their faith in him/ her. But if found to be
involved in corruption people lose faith in them and may
not vote next time. Hence, the electoral system is
 Disregard for officials: People start disregarding the official
involved in corruption by talking negatively about him. But
when they have work with him or her, they again approach
them by a thought that the work is done if some monetary
benefits are provided. Disregard towards officials will also
build distrust. Even lower ranked officials will be
disrespectful to their superiors.
 A decrease in foreign investment: There are many incidents
wherein foreign investments which were willing to come to
developing countries have gone back owing to heavy
corruption in the government bodies.
Effects on society..
 Delay in growth/development: Due to desire to mint
money and other unlawful benefits, the official who needs
to pass the clearances for projects or industries delay the
process. A work which can be done in few days may be
done in a months time. This leads to delay in investments,
starting of industries and also growth. Even if started,
company growth hinders as every work linked to officials
get delayed due to need to provide bribes or other
 Last but not least, corruption hinders key virtue and values
of any culture. Even religion is compromised and its
teachings usually are sidelined. It should be noted that
although embezzlement and bribery are forbidden in
Christianity and Islam, corruption is found in Islamic and
Catholic countries more than in the others. Some studies
concluded that not only the same religion but also the
multiplicity of religions is an important factor in corruption.