Running head: PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Personal Professional Development Zeg Fanta PhD OL TCS Summer Session 2- 2019 Submitted to OL 700 Summer Session 2: A Leadership Self-Development PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Personal Professional Development Introduction This assignment has two objectives. The first is reviewing the Personal Leadership or Managerial roles of the student in his/her organization. The student has selected to review his Personal Professional Development. In addition, the student is required to take a quiz, designed to evaluates the compassion and love he has for his partner thereby his colleagues and coworkers. According to Rittenburg (n.d) of UC Berkeley, “Leadership is Love”. The text of the book by Schwartz, T. & McCarthy, C. (October 2007), titled, “Manage your energy, not your time” is the material source of the analysis. Analysis Schwartz and McCarthy (2007) explained that organizations have not been able to increase production or performance by having employees work longer hours and days ‘because time is a limited resource’ (p. 1). Schwartz and McCarthy developed a model of renewable personal energy based on simple rituals: “taking brief breaks at specific intervals, expressing appreciation to others, reducing interruptions, and spending more time on activities people do best and enjoy most” (p. 1). The authors posit that organizations practice and use the rituals to help employees replenish their energy and “build workers’ physical, emotional, and mental resilience” (p. 1). Schwartz and McCarthy developed a model for renewing personal energy based on four dimensions of practices: physical energy, emotional energy, mental energy, and spiritual energy. Physical Energy The physical energy practices concern general health conditions of the worker such as eating, drinking, and sleeping habits and watching signs of emotions and stress in the workplace. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Emotional Energy The emotional energy deals with the signs of negative emotions expressed with body and exchanges of positive ideas via notes, phone, e-mails, and conversations. The practice of emotional energy examines areas of conflict and the need to adopt a “reverse lens” to see the problem from different angles. Mental Energy The mental energy deals with interruptions such as phones, e-mails, voice mails, and prioritizing jobs and looking ahead and preparing for challenges. Spiritual Energy The authors identify certain activities that bring special joy and fulfillment as “sweet spot”. Workers enjoy doing certain tasks and it is important to assign the worker a job that he/she enjoys and gives him/her satisfactions. The practice encourages to work hard and defeat old habits such as being late by trying to be on time. The authors suggest ideas how organizations help improve energy renewal rituals. They recommend the creation of “renewal rooms” where workers “relax and refuel”; they suggest that organizations encourage the physical exercises of workers by “subsidizing gym membership”; they recommend setting up workers “midday workouts” time, and they discourage workers’ habits of “checking e-mails during meetings”. Schwartz and McCarthy developed a quick survey questionnaire to help determine whether a worker is heading for “Energy Crisis” or is doing excellent energy management skills. The surveys contain four questions in each of the four dimensions. The reader can take the survey and find out what level is his overall energy by using the guide to score. This researcher took the survey and by checking the applicable correct statements, his score was a total of three, which is according to the guide indicated an excellent energy management skill. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Personal Professional Developments The personal professional developments briefly described here are accounts of the professional practices and engagements of the past as well as the skills and knowledge acquired from a fine Higher Institution considered the future professional tools. The knowledge and qualifications acquired shall pave the road for the next professional journey in the realm of the social and business world. Thus, the prospects and opportunities envisioned for remarkable professional engagement and roles as a leader is realistic. The qualifications will open new doors for professional engagement in either public or businesses sector. The institution has educated and cultivated this student to be an effective leader or a consultant providing services to organizations in the area of leadership. This student is currently engaged in the preparation of his proposal for dissertation. When done, the qualification he will earn will make him one of the experts in the field. The global businesses are in the mist of hard issues and conflicts. The problems are governmental policies and business conflicts. Experts in leadership have hard tasks to transform and change organizations and introduce new innovative ideas and methods to improve organizational leadership to create a better and healthier business world. Learning is a lifetime process; and no one can conquer the depth of knowledge. The materials in this assignment have introduced this student to new concept and philosophy. Watching the two videos, he has learned new theories about love to partner and by extension to organization. The first video concerned love and was presented by Dr. Mark Rittenburg of UC Berkeley. Dr. Rittenburg asserted that “Leadership is love” and introduced love as one of the leadership styles. In the second video, Simon explained how “consistency matters in relationship and leadership”. He presented the notion of love in powerful and convincing manner giving PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT realistic examples. After listening to the videos, the researcher took the quiz. The result of the quiz was accurate as reflected in the score and the findings were profound as stated below. The test score was 70 out of 75. The score pointed, “You feel a lot of compassionate love for your partner... Your partner is lucky”. The findings further pointed numerous positive attributes, which the student gave credits to his extensive training in organizational training. Despite the high marks, the quiz pointed rooms for improvements, and the following are suggested. partner’s perspective. Recognize your partner’s faults, Attune to your partner's needs Compassion Meditation The doctoral student considers the improvements indicated essentially slight improvements rather than critical or that considered as “Energy Crisis” (Schwartz, T. & McCarthy, C. (2007). Conclusion “Managing your energy not your time” by Schwartz & McCarthy introduces new approaches by which individuals, teams, and organizations significantly increase their capacity to get things done. The four dimensions model have been proven effective in the research conducted by the authors. Therefore, it is an effective tool that leaders must consider for increasing productivity at workplace. The concept of love applied to leadership is as to partners, and it is practical and right. The quiz depicts the true relationship that exists between a person and his partner as it is between colleague and coworker. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT References “Compassionate Love Quiz”. Greater Good Magazine, Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life. Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, Publisher. Retrieved from Rittenburg, M. (n.d). “Leadership is Love. The Power of Human Connections” Schwartz, T. & McCarthy, C. (October 2007). Manage your energy, not your time. In HBR’s 10 Must Reads On managing yourself (pp. 61-78, 2011). Boston: Harvard Business Review Press. Sinek, S. (n.d) Love and Leadership. Why consistency matters. Retrieved from