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AP Literature Bellringers: Literary Analysis Skills

Bellringers-Bell work
for 1st Quarter
I designed this document to help my AP Literature students
gain a working knowledge of the basic skills needed in
literary analysis. While they were created to work as bell
work for the AP classroom, they will also work with other
literary analysis based classrooms particularly those that
are Advanced or Pre-AP. The bell work is created for the
2017-2018 first quarter calendar for my school district but
can be adapted to fit any calendar. If you find that you
need additional days, let me know and I will add and send
the document to you.
Enjoy using it in your classroom.
©April 2017
Part of Speech:
Use correctly in a complex sentence:
Famous Inspiration
ions about any
fiction-related issues she wants. No
question about literature is stupid. You
are forbidden to keep yourself from
asking a question or making a comment
because you fear it will sound obvious or
unsophisticated or lame or stupid.
Because critical reading and prose fiction
are such hard, weird things to try to
study, a stupid-seeming comment or
question can end up being valuable or
--David Foster Wallace
Explain what you think he means?
Poems and Sketches
Analysis: What kind of flames does kindled imply? How does this verb suit the purpose of the sentence?
Would the sentence be strengthened or weakened by changing the sun broke weakly through to the sun
burst through? Explain the effect this change would have on the use of the verb kindled.
Apply: Brainstorm a list of action verbs that demonstrate the effects of sunlight.
Literary Elements
Analyze the following quote. What figurative language
do you see and why do you think the author used this
language? How does it affect the meaning as a whole?
tattered coat
Give a Literary Example:
Something I learned this week (Explain):
Part of Speech:
Use correctly in a complex sentence:
Famous Inspiration
''text'' is merely one of the
contexts of a piece of literature, its
lexical or verbal one, no more or less
important than the sociological,
psychological, historical,
anthropological or generic."
Leslie Fiedler
Explain what you think she means?
Words in Context:
Consider: My sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, was more than twenty years older than I, and had established a great
reputation with herself and the neighbors because she had brought me up `by hand`. --Charles Dickens
Analysis: What does the phrase reputation with herself imply? How does this adjective suit the purpose of
the sentence? Would the sentence be strengthened or weakened by changing this phrase? Explain the
effect this change would have if the author had used the adjective knowledge instead.
Apply: Brainstorm a list of adjectives that create the sense of great worth in ones own mind.
Literary Elements
Analyze the following quote. What figurative language
do you see and why do you think the author used this
language? How does it affect the meaning as a whole?
The world as we have created it is a process
of our thinking. It cannot be changed without
changing our thinking . -Albert Einstein
Give a Literary Example:
Something I learned this week (Explain):
Part of Speech:
Use correctly in a complex sentence:
Famous Inspiration
The happiest of people don't
necessarily have the best of everything
they just make the most of everything
that comes along their way.
Explain what you think this means?
How can you apply this to your life?
The impact of poetry is so hard and direct that for the moment there is no other sensation except that of the
poem itself. What profound depths we visit then how sudden and complete is our immersion! --Virginia
Explain how the meaning of the passage is reinforced and clarified by the dash and exclamation point.
Literary Elements
Give a Literary Example:
Analyze the following quote. What figurative language
do you see and why do you think the author used this
language? How does it affect the meaning as a whole?
"If you exercise your mind, George, it will get
hungry just as your body does." ~ Little Men by
Louisa May Alcott
Something I learned this week (Explain):
Part of Speech:
Use correctly in a complex sentence:
Famous Inspiration
Whatever the mind of man can
conceive and believe, it can
Napoleon Hill
Explain what you think he means?
How can you apply this to your life?
Analyze the use of syntax and how it reinforces and clarifies the meaning of the sentences and passage.
ALTHOUGH Bertha Young was thirty she still had moments like this when she wanted to run instead of walk, to take dancing
steps on and off the pavement, to bowl a hoop, to throw something up in the air and catch it again, or to stand still and laugh at
nothing at nothing, simply.
What can you do if you are thirty and, turning the corner of your own street, you are overcome, suddenly by a feeling of bliss
absolute bliss! as though you'd suddenly swallowed a bright piece of that late afternoon sun and it burned in your bosom, sending
out a little shower of sparks into every particle, into every finger and toe? . . .
Literary Elements
Give a Literary Example:
Analyze the following quote. What figurative language
do you see and why do you think the author used this
language? How does it affect the meaning as a whole?
It stands to reason that he who would cure a moral
ailment must be practically acquainted with it in all
Erewhon by Samuel Butler
Something I learned this week (Explain):