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Refugee Journeys: Stories of Displacement and Adaptation

Changing Worlds
Refugee Journeys
The Refugee Journey
• Listen to Anh Do’s interview on Pictures of Me.
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNI6aRwXFwY&t=619s 16:46mins
• Recap through his Key note address
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2aWhADIVkk&index=8&list=PL3UX_wB
D2ep4gIX6vqAiCLsWHV97evCEs 4:45mins
• Teacher to demonstrate Cornell note-taking during the recap clip to
answer the 4 questions on the following slide.
Anh Do’s journey – modified Cornell note demo
• 1) Why was his family forced to leave Vietnam?
• NOTES: Vietnam War, re-education/concentration camp, 3 years, 25
yo father stole high ranking officer ID to liberate 2 uncles.
• ANSWER: At the end of the Vietnam War those opposed to victorious
communists put people into re-education (concentration) camps.
They were expected to stay a few weeks but they were there 3 years.
Anh’s 2 uncles were liberated by his father (only 25 years old)
• Explanation given of the underlined words.
• 2) What dangers did they face on the Journey?
• NOTES: 8 ½ m fishing boat, 38 people, communist patrol boat, 1
engine lost other only 30% capacity, day 4 run out of food/water, day
5 Thai pirates – 7 guns and machetes, take their only engine, 2nd lot of
pirates – 9, discover stash of gold in baby’s nappy, threaten to toss
baby overboard, 1 ends up giving them a galleon of water.
• ANSWER: They had a small 8 ½ /9 ½ metre fishing boat for 38 people.
They were attacked twice by pirates, who stole their one remaining
engine and their stash of gold.
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0CRiuNh0cM&index=1&list=PL3UX_wB
• What were conditions like in the refugee camp?
• NOTES: little food, rely on food aid trucks,
daughters sold, fear speaking out, little shade,
sleep on dirt floor
• ANSWER: Hardly any food – have to rely on aid trucks, some have to
sell daughters for food, poor/little shelter or shade and sleeping on
the dirt.
• 4) How did Anh’s family adjust to life in Australia?
• NOTES: House in Marrickville – mum felt like a model,
St Vinnie’s nuns gave clothing bags,
some boy toddler some girls,
• ANSWER: To them old house was like a palace,
they were provided with charity clothing from
the St Vinnie’s nuns.
What do these two pictures tell us about the
history of Afghanistan?
1 min think pair share with partner.
The Cold War
• You have been given a fact sheet on Afghanistan.
• The purpose of this reading is to understand the ways Afghanistan is
different to Australia.
You need to:
• AVID: Marking the text
• Number the paragraphs
• Circle descriptive words
• Highlight any terms that don’t make sense
• Read the text carefully and draw diagrams to represent the main
You are about to watch a news clip on Malala
• The purpose of this video is to understand the situation for
girls/women in strict Islamic countries.
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZG5IdnJn4I&list=PL3UX_wBD2ep4gIX6
vqAiCLsWHV97evCEs&index=10 WARNING – FF through intro due to
some graphic images.
• While you are watching, write a PEEL paragraph describing the
personal qualities of Malala. (e.g., brave, determined). Use evidence
from the video in your paragraph.
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEUCP3lnFNw&list=PL3UX_wBD2ep4gIX
Swat as a tourist destination
Swat after the Taliban occupation