Uploaded by Aleksandra Kulakova

Physics of Snowboarding: Mind the Edge

Physics of Snowboarding:
mind the edge
based on an article from real-world-physics-problems.com
Skiers vs Snowboarders
© screenshot from youtube.com
Carving: sidecut radius and conditions
Force balance
Stopping on snowboard
© wikihow.com
Sidecut radius
© snowboardingforum.com
Carved turn
Conditions of the carved turn
Carving on the tilted board
Carving on the tilted board
Force balance for rider+board
Balance equations
In practice
Lean against frontal leg (like you mean it)
Keep knees bend
Keep back, shoulders, head as one line
Preventing slippage
© screenshot from youtube.com
Key points
Carved turn is the best
Reversed camber is required for tilted turns
Keep balance, you know how
Slippage ends on a big angle
In conclusion
“Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who
do not feel that skiing is lethal enough”
Dave Barry, american author and columnist.
In conclusion
“Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who
do not feel that skiing is lethal enough”
Dave Barry, american author and columnist.