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Primavera P6 Basics: Activity Dates, Schedule Log, % Complete

Primavera Basics, Tips and Tricks
By – Chris Brace (Chris.Brace01@Gmail.com)
Know about Activity Date Fields
The following table defines the types of activity dates available in the module and how
they are used to plan and schedule your project.
Date Field
For an activity that has not started, the current start date of the activity.
Set to the remaining start date until the activity is started, then set to
the actual start date.
For an activity that has not started, the current finish date of the
activity. Set to the activity planned finish date when the activity is not
started, the remaining finish date when the activity is in progress, and
the actual finish date once the activity is completed.
Actual Start
The date on which the activity is actually started.
Actual Finish
The date on which the activity is actually finished.
Early Start
The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.
This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity
relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. The Early
Start equals the Remaining Start unless you preserve the scheduled
early dates during leveling.
Early Finish
The earliest possible date the activity can finish. This date is calculated
by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule
constraints, and resource availability. The Early Finish equals the
Remaining Finish unless you preserve the scheduled early dates during
Late Start
The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin
without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the
project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints,
and resource availability. The Late Start equals the Remaining Late Start
unless you preserve the scheduled late dates during leveling.
Late Finish
The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the
project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler
based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource
availability. The Late Finish equals the Remaining Late Finish unless you
preserve the scheduled late dates during leveling.
Planned Start
For an activity that has not started, the date the activity is scheduled to
begin. This date is set equal to the early start date by the project
scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This
date is not changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual
Start date.
Planned Finish
For an activity that has not started, the date the activity is scheduled to
finish. This date is set equal to the early finish date by the project
scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. This date is not
changed by the project scheduler once you apply an Actual Finish date.
The expected start date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level, used
during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not
affected by scheduling. An anticipated start date cannot be entered at
the activity level.
The expected finish date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level, used
during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not
affected by scheduling. An anticipated finish date cannot be entered at
the activity level.
Early Start
The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is
scheduled to begin. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but
can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the
Remaining Start is the same as the Planned Start. Once the activity has
started, the Remaining Start is equal to the Data Date. When the
activity is complete, the Remaining Start is blank.
Early Finish
The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is
scheduled to finish. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but
can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the
Remaining Finish is the same as the Planned Finish. When the activity is
complete, the Remaining Finish is blank.
Late Start
The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin
without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the
project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints,
and resource availability. When the activity is complete, the Remaining
Late Start is blank.
Late Finish
The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the
project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler
based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource
availability. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Late Finish is
The date the activity is expected to finish, according to the primary
resource. Typically, the primary resource enters this date in P6 Progress
Reporter. When scheduling your projects, you may choose to use the
Expected Finish dates or not.
Constraint Date
Constraint Date
The constraint date for the activity is the date for which the activity's
constraint applies. You can enter a primary and secondary constraint.
Depending on the constraint type, this date could be a start date or a
finish date. For example, if the constraint is a Finish On constraint, the
constraint date is the date on which the activity must finish.
If the activity does not have a constraint, this field will be empty.
An ‘A’ appearing after the Start or Finish value indicates that the value is the
Actual Start or Actual Finish.
An ‘*’ appearing after the Start or Finish value indicates that there is a Start or
Finish constraint on this activity.
How to assure Project Integrity with “Schedule Log”
Primavera P6 provides a tool which gives insight to possible schedule errors. Once a
project has been recalculated, the Schedule Log is able to detect the following
potential issues:
Open‐ended activities
Out of sequence activities
Activities with Actual Start / Finish dates, beyond the Data Date
The Data Date is the logical backbone of a schedule. It doesn’t have to equal
“today” but does represent the point through which you have updated
information for your activities.
Everything to the left of the Data Date represents what’s happened so far.
Everything to the right of the Data Date represents what still has yet to happen.
Enable Schedule Logging (one‐time only)
Access the ‘Schedule’ dialog box.
* Press “F9” (or)
* Click “Tools, Schedule”
Enable “Log to file” as shown here:
Recalculate the Schedule
* Press “F9” (or)
* Click “Tools, Schedule”
Click “Schedule” as shown here:
View the Log File
Inspect the Log for Potential Problems
“Activities without predecessors” / “Activities without successors”:
These activities lack logic ties on either side.
Not necessarily a problem, but good to use these results to double‐check your schedule
“Out‐of‐sequence activities”
Was successor’s progress entered too soon?
Is predecessor’s progress / completion missing?
“Activities with Actual Dates > Data Date”
Actual dates have been entered in advance of the Datadate – ok if dates are within
reporting period
Understanding ‘Percent Complete’
The activity percent complete type is one of "Duration", "Units", or "Physical".
The percent complete type controls whether the Activity % Complete is tied to the
Duration % Complete, the Units % Complete, or the Physical % Complete for the activity.
Set the percent complete type to "Duration" for activities which are duration
driven, for example, administration tasks and training classes.
Set the percent complete type to "Physical" for activities which are work‐
product driven, for example, creating a document or a product.
Set the percent complete type to "Units" for activities which are work effort
driven, for example, providing a consulting service.
Activity % Complete
Physical % Complete
The activity physical percent complete. The physical percent complete
reflects the actual progress made on the activity's work products so
far. Physical percent complete can be manually entered by people
familiar with the status of the activity's work products or it can be
based on the completion of assigned Steps. Always in the range 0 to
Duration % Complete
The percent complete of the activity duration. Computed as ((Planned
Duration ‐ Remain Duration) / Planned Duration) * 100. Always in the
range 0 to 100. The planned duration is taken from the current plan,
not from the current baseline.
Duration % of Planned
The activity actual duration percent of planned. Computed as (Actual
Duration / BL Duration) * 100. The value can exceed 100. The BL
Duration is the activity's at complete duration from the current
Activity % Complete
The activity percent complete. This value is tied to the activity Duration
% Complete, Units % Complete, or Physical % Complete, depending on
the setting for the activity's Percent Complete Type, which is one of
"Duration", "Units", or "Physical". Always in the range 0 to 100.
Schedule % Complete
The Schedule % Complete specifies how much of the activity's baseline
duration has been completed so far. Computed based on where the
current data date falls between the activity' s baseline start and finish
dates. If the data date is earlier than the BL Start, the Schedule %
Complete is 0. If the data date is later than the BL Finish, the Schedule
% Complete is 100. The Schedule % Complete indicates how much of
the activity duration should be currently completed, relative to the
selected baseline.
Note: Summary Schedule percent complete when displayed on an
organize band, will ALWAYS be calculated as (BCWS* 100) / BAC,
regardless of what earned value technique i. s selected for the activity's
Performance % Complete Performance percent complete is used to compute earned value and
may be based on the Activity % Complete, on the 0/100 rule, on the
50/50 rule, etc., depending on the technique for computing earned‐
value percent complete for the activity's WBS. The Performance %
Complete specifies what percentage of the activity's planned worth
has been earned so far.
Note: Summary Performance percent complete when displayed on an
organize band, will ALWAYS be calculated as (BCWP * 100) / BAC,
regardless of what earned value technique is selected for the activity's
Cost Related % Complete
Labor Cost % Complete
The percent complete of costs for all labor resources assigned to the
activity. Computed as (Actual Labor Cost / At Complete Labor Cost) *
100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
Non‐Labor Cost %
The percent complete of costs for all non‐labor resources assigned to
the activity. Computed as (Actual Non‐Labor Cost / At Complete Non‐
Labor Cost) * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
Expense Cost % Complete The percent complete of costs for all expenses associated with the
activity. Computed as (Actual Expense Cost / At Complete Expense
Cost) * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
Cost % Complete
The percent complete of costs for all labor resources, non‐labor
resources, and expenses for the activity. Computed as (Actual Total
Cost / At Complete Total Cost) * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
Cost % of Planned
The activity actual cost percent of planned. Computed as (Actual Total
Cost / BL Total Cost) * 100, or equivalently as (ACWP / BAC) * 100. The
value can exceed 100. The baseline total cost is the activity's at
complete cost from the current baseline.
Unit Related % Complete
Units % Complete
The percent complete of units for all labor and non‐labor resources
assigned to the activity. Computed as (Actual Units / At Complete Units)
* 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
Labor Units % Complete The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity.
Computed as (Actual Labor Units / At Complete Labor Units) * 100.
Always in the range 0 to 100.
Non‐Labor Units %
The percent complete of units for all non‐labor resources for the
activity. Computed as (Actual Non‐Labor Units / At Complete Non‐Labor
Units) * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.
WBS Level % Complete
Steps % Complete
The percent complete using the WBS Milestones that are assigned to a
WBS level. Computed as Actual Weight of Completed Milestones / Total
Possible Weight of All Milestones
Understanding Valid Relationships To / From Milestones:
Start Milestones can have:
FS, SS predecessors
SS, SF successors
Finish Milestones can have:
SF, FF predecessors
FS, FF successors
The only valid relationship between 2 Start Milestones is a SS relationship.
The only valid relationship between 2 Finish Milestones is a FF relationship.
The only valid relationship from a Start to a Finish Milestone is a SF relationship.
The only valid relationship from a Finish to a Start Milestone is a FS relationship.
Understanding “Commit” & “Refresh” DB
P6 commits data when the following functions are performed:
1. Closing the application
2. Choose F IL E , C O M M I T D A TA (F10)
3. Summarize projects
4. Add or Delete EPS nodes via the SDK
5. Apply Actuals
6. Schedule
7. Import/Export
8. Delete a resource
9. Delete a project
10. Approve or reject a timesheet from T O OL S , T IM E A P PR O V A L
11. Write license information to database
12. Change a user password
13. Open a project
14. Close a project
15. Save a project baseline
16. Choose T O O L S , C H E C K P R O J EC T I N T E G R I T Y
17. Save a layout in Tracking View
18. Choose Calc Impact from P R O J EC T , R I S K S
19. Add a resource and complete the New Resource Wizard
20. Create a new Report using the Report Wizard
21. Modify and save an existing report
22. Import or Export a report
23. Select a baseline project to use and click OK
24. Assign or Modify a user login for a Resource
25. Choose F I L E , P R O J E C T A R C H I T E C T and save changes
26. Edit a calendar from E N T E R P R IS E , C A L E N D A R S
27. Choose Send All from the Notify dialogue in P R O J E C T , I S S U E S
28. When new rows are added by choosing any of the options from the E D I T , A S S I G N
menu. Options are Resource, Resource by Role, Role, Activity Code, Predecessor, and
29. Delete a Resource Shift from E N TE R P R I S E , R E S O U R C E S H IF T S
30. Modify a Resource Shift and click Close
31. Assign a Shift Calendar on the Units &am p; Prices tab under E N T E R P R I S E ,
32. Import data from Expedition under E N T ER P R I S E , E X T E R N A L A P P L IC A T I O N S
33. Leveling resources
P6 commits data when the following dialog boxes are closed:
34. E D I T , A S S I G N , A S S IG N R E S OU R C E S or the Assign Resource dialogue when adding
resource assignments to activities.
35. P R O J E C T , B A S E L I N ES
36. P R O J E C T , T H R E S H O LD S
37. P R O J E C T , R IS K S
38. P R O J E C T , I S S U E S
39. E N T E R PR I S E , E N T E R P R I S E P R O J E C T S T R U C T U R E
40. E N T E R PR I S E , OBS
41. E N T E R PR I S E , A C T IV I T Y C OD ES
42. E N T E R PR I S E , C A L E N D A R S
43. E N T E R PR I S E , C O S T A C C OU N TS
44. E N T E R PR I S E , F U N D I N G S OU RC E S
45. E N T E R PR I S E , E X T E R N A L A P P L I C A T I O N S
46. T O O L S , J O B S E R V IC E S
47. T O O L S , R E P O R T S , B A T C H R E P O R T S
48. A D M I N , U S E R S
49. A D M I N , S E C U R I T Y P R O F IL E S
50. A D M I N , A D M I N P R E F E R E N C E S
P6 commits data when the switching between the following windows:
51. Project View
52. Reports View
53. Resources View
54. Tracking View
55. WBS View
56. Work Products and Documents View
P6 refreshes data when the following functions are performed:
Choose F I L E , R E F R E S H .
Open / Change Layout
When creating a baseline and choosing to create the baseline by saving a copy of
the current project as the baseline.
Choose T O O L S , C H EC K P R O J E C T I N T E G R I T Y .
The SDK auto‐refreshes by default.
Understanding “Fill Down”
In some table format display columns, you can use the Fill Down feature to quickly enter
the same text in successive rows.
To copy text from one row to successive rows within a column, select the row
containing the text you want to copy and the rows you want to copy the text to, then
choose Edit, Fill Down.
Click the cell value that you want to use to populate other cells.
Select other cells in the same column to be changed to the new value by using
either Shift‐click or Ctrl‐click.
Note: The original cell to be copied must remain highlighted.
Right click and choose Fill Down. All of the highlighted cells will be populated
with the first selected value (i.e. "Design Building Addition").
NOTE: Some fields cannot be filled down.
For example: Calculated fields such as Earned Value, Activity ID, resource ID.,
Cost Account, Cost Account ID, etc. will have the Fill Down option grayed out.
Commit changes (File, Commit Changes or F10)
Using “Undo”
The Undo command (Edit, Undo) allows you to change information back to its pre‐
modified value in the Activities, Resources, and Resource Assignments windows. This
includes: Add, Edit, Delete functions in those windows.
Undo stores each action performed in sequence, beginning with the most recent action
performed. There is no technical limit on the number of items stored in Undo history.
Once the history is cleared, it cannot be undone.
User actions that can be undone are:
Deletes (activities, resources, codes etc)
Fill Downs
Replace (the Undo will only undo one edit at a time)
What can’t be undone:
Deleting a Project
Modifications made from a global change
Data on activity tabs that can’t be undone:
Expense assignments
WP + Doc assignments
Feedback to Resources
Notebook topics
Inserts/Modifications/Deletes to code assignments done in the tabs cannot be
undone. For Undo to work, the codes must be displayed as columns, and the
user must make the changes in the columns. This applies to activity code
assignments and resource code assignments.
The following actions will clear the Undo history in the Project Management module:
Summarizing data
Updating Progress
Applying actuals
Refreshing data
Renumbering activity IDs in baselines
Creating projects
Opening and closing projects
Exiting the application
Changing portfolios
Opening the Project Portfolios, User Preferences, Admin Preferences, and Time
Approval dialog boxes
Opening the OBS, User Defined Fields, Resource Codes, Activity Codes, and
Project Codes dialog boxes
Pop up windows which clear the Undo history when the window is opened:
Project Portfolios
Resource Codes
Project Codes
Activity Codes
User Defined Fields
Admin Preferences
User Preferences
Time Approval
Actions that will not clear Undo history:
Changing Views
Commit command, whether it is selected in the menu or through pressing F10
Notes about Undo:
You can only undo modifications in the General, Status, Resources, and
Relationships tabs of Activity Details.
Scheduling, leveling, making layout changes, and opening a new layout do not
clear the Undo history.
You can only undo activity code value assignments that were assigned using the
columns in the Activities window. Code values that are assigned and/or removed
from the Codes tab cannot be undone.
If you delete a resource and use Undo to restore it, you must reassign the
resource to any previous project issues, risks, and expenses. Also, you must
reassign the primary flag for the restored resource to its activity assignments.