Uploaded by Gideon Franco Caliolio

Mining Closure & Responsible Mining: A Reaction Paper

Gideon Franco S.M. Caliolio
Reaction Paper
The closure of mining operations directly affects those that rely on the raw
materials being mined. Production of consumer products halts along with the closure of
mining operations due to its reliance on mining for its resources. No resources equals
no products.
“Maximising the development potential of mining requires continuous attention
and discussion. Transparency is critical – both around the operational activities and
around the economics of gold mining.
Respect for local societies and human rights are of particular importance for responsible
gold-mining companies. Many companies undertake their own social responsibility
programmes, as well as sign up to international standards such as the Voluntary
Principles on Security and Human Rights.”(Retrieved from http://www.gold.org/goldmining/responsible-mining).
One of the measures I would implement is the moderation of mining in the area
so as not to abuse the resources of the country and not damage the environment as
much. Prioritizing the protection of the environment while not abusing the resources.
Responsible Mining. (n.d.). Retrieved from: