BUS 230 Section 3 credits730 Entrepreneurial Mindset Summer 2018 Online Forrest S. Carter, PhD Assoc. Professor of Marketing Faculty Director-Burgess Institute of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Business College Complex 632 Bogue Street, Office N320 carterf@msu.edu @Mindset230 517-432-6396 Online Office Hours: Tuesdays at 9:00 pm Office Hours: By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: ‘Disruptor’, ‘job creator’, ‘conqueror of chaos’, ‘creative destroyer’, ’innovator’ ‘risk taker’, ‘the new rock stars or champions of commerce’, these are but a view of the names given to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is widely discussed and taunted, but not widely understood. This course takes the view that ‘entrepreneurship’ is an activity that involves the discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to either solve some problem, or bring about some desired change, regardless of available resources. Thus at their core, entrepreneurs are “change agents”. They may change1: o what product or service individuals or organizations use; o how an individual or organization operates; o what factors combine to produce some product, service, or desired result; o who benefits from some product or service; and o where or when some product, service, or methodology is used. This course focuses on two aspects of the entrepreneurial experience. The entrepreneurial mindset, and the venture creation process. Mindset: An entrepreneurial mindset is the psychological makeup, or way of thinking that drives an individual to passionately seek out, and be able to recognize new opportunities in the midst of change, disruption, or uncertainty; and that gives them the discipline, discernment, adaptive execution and relationship building skills to create something of value2. 1 Drucker, Peter, (2006) Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harper Business, New York. Based on discussion from 2000, Gunther McGrath, Rita and Ian MacMillan, The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty, Harvard University Press, Boston, and pg2. 2-4. 2 1 Those who succeed in entrepreneurial endeavors often attribute much of their success to this way of thinking and behaving. Certain aspects and attributes of this mindset can be learned and are at the core of this course. Venture Creation: A venture refers to an organization, pursuit or cause. The organization can be non-profit or for profit. It can be social or commercial. Inherent in the definition of the term is the implication that the organization, pursuit, or cause is surrounded by some degree of risk or uncertainty. Note! This definition broadens the concept beyond a for-profit business. All ventures move through the stages of creation, management, maintenance, and demise. This course focuses on the creation stage, but the creation of any endeavor and not just a business. There is no formula that guarantees success for some startup venture, but those who have found success tended to follow a series of steps which if duplicated can greatly enhance the probability of a venture’s success. These steps are also at the core of this course. Specifically, in this course students will learn: o to recognize the characteristics and behaviors generally attributed to individuals who are deemed to be entrepreneurial minded; o methods and procedures that they can practice to enhance their own entrepreneurial mindset; and o the basic steps required for successful venture creation. Entrepreneurship is inherently associated with starting a business. An entrepreneurial mindset however is inherent to starting or innovating any venture or activity. It has become a critical ‘soft-skill’ for all types of professional endeavors. Some would describe our current environment as being in the midst of an entrepreneurial revolution as the information age has given way to the entrepreneurial age. This course will not teach everything needed to start a venture or a business, but it will lay a solid foundation for getting started, and understanding what it takes to be entrepreneurial minded. Thus the course is appropriate whether one aspires to own a business, start a nonprofit organization, lead a civic cause, or simply live life in a way that allows them to be the change in the world that they seek. COURSE MATERIALS (Required) The assigned reading material for this course comes from three sources: the selected texts (listed below), articles from professional journals or business periodicals, and articles or video links on the internet. The assigned texts are all available in a Kindle format or as 2 inexpensive paperbacks. All other material will be made available on the course website, or directly through the computer links provided in this syllabus. {ER}= Entrepreneur Revolution: How to develop your entrepreneurial Mindset and Start a Business that Works, Daniel Priestley. Capstone, 2013. {Kindle indicates it takes 3.5 hours to read} {CC}= The Creator’s Code: The Six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, Amy Wilkinson. Simon and Schuster, 2015. {Kindle indicates it takes 4.5 hours to read} {BT}= How To Be A Brilliant Thinker: Exercise Your Mind and Find Creative Solutions, Paul Sloane. Kogan Page Publishers, 2010. {Kindle indicates it takes 3.2 hours to read} {EM}=The E-Myth Revisited, Michael E. Gerber. Harper Collins Publishers, 2009. {Kindle indicates it takes 4.5 hours to read} {PB} PackBack Questions: Discussion Forum PackBack Questions To gain access to Packback Questions: 1. Navigate to https://Packback.co/questions and click “Register as a new student”. Note: If you already have an account on Packback you can login with your credentials. 2. Make sure to register with your MSU NetId email address (the one ending in ‘@msu.edu”), and first name and last name. 3. Click “Join a new Community” and then enter our class community’s access code into the module on your dashboard. 4. Our Community access code is: 8A3BC7C6-617B-AB23-A500-7AEC2F60E181 5. Follow the instructions on your screen to finish your registration. COURSE STRUCTURE This course is completely online and delivered on the D2L platform. The course has fourteen modules (weeks), organized into three sections. A module corresponds to the two class sessions one would have in a week if this were a regular in-classroom format. Each module has either a structured reading assignment, short video lesson, or both, and an assessment (quiz). 3 Graded Course Activities Course Activity # of # Activities Required 14 10 13 10 2 2 ** No Class Participation (Packback Discussions) Module (Weekly) Quizzes Experiential Learning Assignments Extra-Credit Total Points per Activity 30 20 250 Varies Total Points 300 200 500 Varies 1,000 At its core, this course is a directed readings course to help one chart their own path towards entrepreneurial thinking and activity. It is important that the readings and assignments not only be absorbed, but also applied. The assignments and quizzes can be completed as fast as you may wish to go, but they must be completed in sequence. That is, week three’s readings, lectures, and quiz cannot be completed before week two’s, and week two’s cannot be completed before week one. While you can move ahead (except for the Packback assignments) you cannot get behind. At least one attempt of a quiz must be completed by its due date. One’s second attempt though may be submitted after the due date in order to correct any short answer questions. The Packback exercises on the other hand must be done weekly (again it is the best 9 out of 13 with exercise 14 required of everyone resulting in 10 out of 14). GRADING SUMMARY Class Participation Weekly Quizzes Experiential Learning Exercises TOTAL 300 200 500 1,000 (103 @ 30 points each) (10 @ 20 points each) ( 2 @ 250 points each) Letter Grade Points4 Performance A (4.0) 900 to 1,000 Excellent Work B+ (3.5) 850 to 899 Nearly Excellent Work B (3.0) 800 to 849 Very Good Work C+ (2.5) 750 to 799 Good Work C (2.0) 700 to 749 Average Work D+ (1.5) 650 to 699 Poor Work D (1.0) 600 to 649 Very Poor Work F (0.0) 0 to 599 Failing Work*** 3 Note there are 14 class participation (Packback) assignments. Assignment 14 is required of everyone, so you must complete at least nine of the remaining 13. There is no extra credit for completing more than 10. 4 4 Points are rounded up to the nearest integer. In a course this size, there is always someone who is one point from a desired grade point. Once final grades are posted in May they are final. There will be no accommodations no matter how close to a grade cut off, or what the circumstances might be 4 GRADING SPECIFICS: There is still some doubt about whether entrepreneurship can be taught, although not as much as in the past. There is even more doubt about whether a person can be taught on how to have more of an entrepreneurial mindset. Although I believe both can be taught and learned, they cannot be learned passively. As it is with any muscle, when it comes to strengthening our brains or changing our mindset, the old adage “No pain, No gain” is very, very true. If you truly seek to get something out of this course beyond a grade, you will have to make a conscious decision to challenge yourself. To have the courage to constantly push yourself to uncomfortable situations and experiences outside your comfort zone; and to have the discipline not to just study the readings in order to regurgitate facts on a quiz or report, but to apply with surgical precision to your own life. Thus the course is as much motivational and directional, as it is instructional. Its focus is as much (if not more) on helping students master themselves and their thinking, as it is on the mastery of some content area. Class Participation: Class participation is based on students’ activity on the PackBack platform. PackBack is a discussion forum which promotes curiosity and discussion, but also allows those discussions to be evaluated in terms of how interesting, well-constructed, and thought provoking they are. https://vimeo.com/164660639. Class participation will count towards 30 percent of your final grade (best 9 out of 13 assignments @ 30 points per assignment and a required assignment 14 @ 30 points). In order to receive class participation points each week, you will be required to post one question, answer three questions, and assigned your five sparks (you can assign to five different posting, assign five to one posting, or any combination in between) to those postings you find most interesting or informative. One of the three questions you must answer is the question featured by the course professor for that week. The other two questions can be any one of those posted by your classmates. Questions posted do not have to be relevant to subject matter specific to the course or the readings of that week. The question you post can be on any entrepreneurial related topic that is of interest to you. The question featured by the professor may have a variety of focus areas as well, but normally they will have one of the following formats. Format of Packback Question Featured by Professor: 1. For each assigned reading provide a short summary of the three main points you learned from that that item. 5 2. Synthesize the set of readings and viewings for a particular week in terms of what concepts they have in common and that reinforce one another, and also point out where they may conflict. 3. Identify two concepts, suggestions, or examples you encountered in the readings and viewings that you plan to incorporate into your own personal entrepreneurial journey, and explain why. The course assignments and the Packback discussions are meant to be extremely introspective, especially question three above. Believing the anonymous quote “If you write it down it will happen” you are encouraged to go into detail on how you will apply the lessons learned from the readings to your own lives and in changing your own mindsets. Before you start posting, be sure to read the Community Guidelines found in the tutorial on Packback. If your post doesn’t follow the Packback Community Guidelines, there is a chance it will be removed and you won’t receive points for that post. Adhering to these guidelines is critical to maximizing the curiosity points your post receives. There will be a Sunday 11:59 PM deadline for submissions in your community each week. Assignment 14 is required of everyone, so you must complete at least nine of the remaining 13. There is no extra credit for completing more than 10. Each week, we will post comments about the discussions from Packback and recognize the top curiosity point getters, and the top star recipients. Weekly Quizzes: It is desired that you be equipped with both the mindset and the methodological tools to be able to turn your ideas into reality and have a basic understanding of the venture startup process, and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur (in terms of any venture startup, not just a business). To this end the quizzes are designed to insure you spend an adequate amount of time and attention to absorb the material presented in the readings and web links. You should read or view the assigned material before viewing the associated video lecture. At that point you would complete the associated quiz. These quizzes consist of a variety of question formats (multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short essay. You will be told whether your respective answer is correct or not, and you will have up to two tries (or submissions) to provide the correct answer. There will be no quizzes excused or extensions given beyond their due dates. Again as stated above, at least one attempt of a quiz must be completed by its due date. One’s 6 second attempt though may be submitted after the due date in order to correct any short answer questions. Experiential Learning Exercises: Entrepreneurship for the most part is a full contact sport. Entrepreneurs must engage, they must act. Like driving, the classroom can facilitate learning the rules of the road, but only getting behind the wheel and actually driving can facilitate mastering navigation of the road. Even though this is an online course, students will be expected to engage in experiential learning activities. These experiential learning exercises (or homework) are assignments that span the entire course. Detailed instructions for each of these assignments will be provided on the course website, but a general overview is provided below. Mindset Engagement As we said above, entrepreneurship is a contact sport, and two of the most critical aspects of having an entrepreneurial mindset is the ability to engage people and network, and the patience to engage the community or the environment related to the passion or problem they wish to address. All of the development steps from idea generation to successful product launch requires the entrepreneur to totally immerse themselves in the passion they are trying to pursue, the problem they are trying to solve, the market they are trying to service, the industry and environment they are trying to compete in, and/or the competitors they are trying to compete with. You will be required to write a report on an interview with a successful entrepreneur that you do not currently know or have any relationship or contact with who has appeared in a national media outlet as a result of their startup success or has a huge social media following as a result of their entrepreneurial insights. The nature of this report and interview should be as follows: Over the first few weeks of the course several characteristics or aspects of having an entrepreneurial mindset will be identified. You should identify the characteristic or characteristics you feel is most important for you to work on, or for you to incorporate more into your life. Your interview write up should also provide an explanation of why you selected that characteristic or characteristics. 7 You would then identify the entrepreneur that meets the conditions above and that you feel exemplifies or embodies the entrepreneurial mindset characteristic or characteristics you selected. Finally you will establish contact and conduct an interview about what that entrepreneur thinks most determines an entrepreneurial mindset, what challenges that entrepreneur faced and overcame in general, and how they came to exhibit the characteristic or characteristics you selected. An example of this assignment is given in https://venturewell.org/determiningentrepreneurial-mindset/ , and the entrepreneurial case studies in the text {CC}, and especially “Ten Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs”. The interview portion of your report will be posted on D2L so that the entire class can benefit from the insights provided. Ideation. Along with the ability to engage, another factor at the core of having an entrepreneurial mindset is the ability to create some value that can exploit an identified opportunity. You will be asked to develop a product or service for a new business that addresses your passion or solves some problem you have identified in the marketplace or in society. In addition to identifying this opportunity, and proposing a solution, you will be required to validate the commercial or social viability of your solution using: The GE attractiveness-competitiveness grid, a market validation methodology, a market engagement methodology called ‘pain analysis’, and idea mapping. Finally you will be required to produce a 2 minute video of your elevator pitch for your idea. 8 SYLLABUS5 “Most of what you hear about entrepreneurship is all wrong. It is not magic; it’s not mysterious; and it has nothing to do with genes. It is a discipline and, like any discipline, it can be learned”. Peter Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Part 1- The Entrepreneurial Mindset “I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one” Mark Twain Week Date 01 5/14 Class Agenda: Overview of Course & Formation of Groups Learning Goals: 1. Course Mission/Goals 2. Implications of an Entrepreneurial Revolution 3. Definition of Entrepreneurial Mindset Video Lecture: Welcome: “Mindset on our Minds” Parts 1 & 2 Assigned Materials: “Are Entrepreneurs Born or Built?” “Definition of Entrepreneurial Mindset” An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Corporate Success “How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset” Text: {ER}: Chapters 1 – 7 & ‘Case Studies of Entrepreneur Revolutionaries’ Quiz One Due: 5/20 at midnight Packback Assignment One Due: 5/20 at midnight 02 5/21 “Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Elements of an Entrepreneurial Mindset 1. Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset 2. Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset 3. Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught Video Lecture: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Assigned Materials: “Needed An Entrepreneurial Mindset” “The Entrepreneurial Mindset” “Ten Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs” “12 Characteristics of a Highly Successful Entrepreneurial Mindset” Text: {ER}: Chapters 7 – 15 Quiz One Due: 5/27 at midnight Packback Assignment One Due: 5/27 at midnight 5 Course can be completed at student’s own pace, but it must be done in sequence. 9 Part 1- The Entrepreneurial Mindset Continued WEEK DATE 03 5/28 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset 1. Strategies to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset 2. Elements of New Business Paradigm Video Lecture: Getting the Right Mindset Assigned Materials: “The Heart of the Entrepreneur” Success Secrets for Young Entrepreneurs “How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset” “How to Embrace an Entrepreneurial Mindset” Text: {CC}: Chapters 1 – 6 & Conclusion Quiz Three Due: 6/03 at midnight Packback Assignment Three Due: 6/03 at midnight 04 6/04 Week Agenda: Thinking Like an Entrepreneur Part 1 1. the Need for Thinking Differently 2. Elements of New Business Paradigm 3. Types of Thinking Video Lecture: Getting the Right Mindset Assigned Materials: “7 Ways Successful Fulfilled People Think” Success Secrets for Young Entrepreneurs “Introduction to Creative Thinking” Text: {BT}: Chapters 30 and 1 – 5 Learning Goals: Quiz Four Due: 6/10 at midnight Packback Assignment Four Due: 6/10 at midnight 05 6/11 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: 1. 2. Assigned Materials: Text: Thinking Like an Entrepreneur Part 2 the Need for Thinking Differently Elements of New Business Paradigm “How to Think Differently and Why” {BT}: Chapters 6 – 11 Quiz Five Due: 6/17 at midnight Packback Assignment Five Due: 6/17 at midnight 10 Part 2- The Ideation Process “Innovation is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tied to logical structure.” Albert Einstein Week Date 06 6/18 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Ideation Part One 1. Defining Ideation 2. Methods for finding Voice of Customer 2. The Concept of Value Creation Video Lecture: Ideation Assigned Reading: “What Motivates Us” “6 Characteristics of Truly Creative People” ”Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs” “Ideation” “Opportunity & Idea Modeling” Text: {BT}: Chapters 12 – 17 Quiz Six Due: 6/24 at midnight Packback Assignment Six Due: 6/24 at midnight 07 6/25 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Ideation Part Two 1. Distinguishing Engagement from Marketing Research 2. Explore Concepts of Creative Thinking 3. Distinguishing Opportunities from Ideas Video Lecture: The Importance of Engagement Assigned Reading: “How to Get Your First Great Idea” “Where Do Good Ideas Come From” “The Brain Advantage” “You Must Have a Beginners Mind” Text: {BT}: Chapters 18 - 23 Quiz Seven Due: 7/01 at midnight Packback Assignment Five Due: 7/01 at midnight 11 Part 2- The Ideation Process Continued WEEK DATE 08 7/02 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Ideation Part Three 1. the Concept of Meaning 2. The Importance of Execution Assigned Reading: “Stop Killing Your Ideas” “Seven Steps to Creating Value” “The Innovation of Meaning” “The Art of Innovation” “The Idea Myth” Text: {BT}: Chapters 24 – 29 Quiz Eight Due: 7/08 at midnight Packback Assignment Eight Due: 7/08 at midnight Part 3- The Venture Development Process “Small opportunities are often the beginning of Great Enterprises.” DEMOSTHENES WEEK DATE 09 7/09 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: The New Business Paradigm 1. Understanding the Implications of the New Business Paradigm 2. The Steps in the Basic Business Development Process 3. Distinguishing Business Model from Business Strategy Video Lecture: The Venture Development Process Assigned Reading: “What is the New Paradigm of Business” “Turning Entrepreneurship Upside Down” “Business Model” “Business Model Innovation” Text: {EM}: Chapters 1 – 9 Quiz Nine Due: 7/15 at midnight Packback Assignment Nine Due: 7/15 at midnight MINDSET ENGAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT DUE 7/15 12 Part 3- The Venture Development Process Continued WEEK DATE 10 7/16 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Opportunity Analysis Part 1 1. The Definition of an Opportunity 2. How to Recognize an Opportunity 3. The Role of Situation Analysis & Market Assessment Video Lecture: Opportunity Analysis Part 1 Video Lecture: GE Attractiveness-Competitiveness Matrix Assigned Reading: “A Theory of Opportunity Analysis and Identification” “The Different Levels of Pain” “The GE Model” Text: {EM}: Chapters 10 - 19 Quiz Ten Due: 7/22 at midnight Packback Assignment Ten Due: 7/22 at midnight 11 7/23 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Video Lecture: Assigned Reading: Opportunity Analysis Part 2 1. Finding Customer – Market Fit 2. Market Validation Opportunity Analysis Part II “Market Validation” “Opportunity Analysis” “Are Opportunities Recognized or Constructed” Text: Quiz Eleven Due: 7/29 at midnight Packback Assignment Eleven Due: 7/29 at midnight 12 7/30 Week Agenda: Learning Goals: Video Lecture: Assigned Reading: Text: The Customer Development Process 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand the Importance of Solving a Problem Learn the Steps in the Customer Development Process Learn about the process of conducting a Feasibility / Market Validation Study Introduce the concept of Risk Mitigation The Customer Development Process Part 1 The Customer Development Process The Customer Development Methodology Speaking on the Customer Development Process {AI}: Chapters 21 – 32 Quiz Twelve Due: 8/05 Packback Assignment Twelve Due 8/05 13 Part 3- The Venture Development Process Continued WEEK DATE 13 8/06 Week Agenda: The A.B.C.s of Pitching Learning Goals: 1. Learn why pitching is important for the entrepreneur 2. Learn the different types of business pitches 3. Gain some practice at pitching Video Lecture: The Art of the Pitch Quiz Thirteen Due: 8/12 Packback Assignment Thirteen Due 8/12 IDEATION ASSIGNMENT DUE 8/12 14 8/13 Week Agenda: Pitch Competition Packback Assignment Fourteen Due 8/15 [This is required of everyone] 14 COURSE POLICIES: Important Dates to Remember: The course grade is based on 10 of the 13 module (weekly) quizzes, 10 of the fourteen Packback assignments, the two experiential learning exercises, and extra credit assignments. Module (weekly) quizzes can be completed at any time within the following mandatory dates as long as that module’s prerequisite materials have been completed. Mandatory Completion Dates: Assignment 5/20 Quiz one & class participation assignment one 5/27 Quiz two & class participation assignment two 6/03 Quiz three & class participation assignment three 6/10 Quiz four & class participation assignment four 6/17 Quiz five & class participation assignment five 6/24 Quiz six & class participation assignment six 7/01 Quiz seven & class participation assignment six 7/08 Quiz eight & class participation assignment eight 7/15 Quiz nine & class participation assignment nine 7/22 Quiz ten & class participation assignment ten 7/29 Quiz eleven & class participation assignment eleven 8/06 Quiz thirteen & class participation assignment thirteen 8/13 Class participation assignment fourteen Location D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback D2L & Packback Packback All dates and assignments are tentative, and can be changed with notice at the discretion of the professor. The table below shows major course events, and the dates on which they occur. Course Event Course Appears on D2L Late Enrollment Fee of ($50.00) Open Add Period Ends (8:00 pm) Last Day to Drop with Refund (8:00 pm) Middle of Term Late Enrollment Fee of ($100.00) Last Day to Drop with no Grade Reported (8:00 pm) Classes End Final Grades Posted on or Before 15 Date 5/14/18 5/14/18 – 6/29/18 5/18/18 6/06/18 6/29/18 6/29/18 – 8/14/18 6/29/18 4/27/18 8/20/18 Attendance Policy: As an online course, attendance is not applicable, but the mandatory completion dates are. Students that have cause to miss a mandatory date due to university approved activities or personal emergencies can have these dates extended, but arrangements must be made prior to the mandatory date in question. Extended time will also be provided to those with approved VISAs from RCPD. The operative word here is ‘extended time’ (a week or more). There is amble time to complete a particular section, students should not put themselves in a position where loss of a day or weekend for whatever reason prevents them from completing all of the work they had planned to do in the day or two before a mandatory date. Extra Credit Policy: For time to time there will be extra credit opportunities. Some related to the application of course concepts, and others related to participation in the marketing department’s subject research pool. The points on these assignments will vary based on the ‘difficulty’ of the assignment. These assignments will be time sensitive. Everyone will have the opportunity to participate, but they must be done within the designated time period. No exceptions. Grades of "Incomplete": An I-Incomplete grade will be given only when: (a) the student has completed at least 85% of the term of instruction, but is unable to complete the class work and/or take the final examination because of illness or other compelling reason; (b) the student has done satisfactory work in the course; and (c) the student, in the instructor’s judgment can complete the required work without repeating the course. The required work must be completed, and a grade must be reported to the Office of the Registrar, no later than the middle of the student’s next semester in attendance (summer session excluded) if that semester is within one calendar year following receipt of the I-Incomplete. Additional Policies: Email: In order to expedite responses to questions or concerns expressed through email. The broadmarketinghelp@gmail.com should be used. Topics such as small clarifications on course content, grading issues, assignments, special permissions, and problems with D2L should be 16 handled through this site. More substantial questions on course content should be handle through office hours. This site will be monitored daily and a response sent within 36 hours. If an issue requires the professor’s attention, then notification of the issue being sent to the professor will be sent within this 36 hour window and a response from the professor received with 50 hours. The All-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades: All participants in this class are held to the standard set by MSU’s Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades. The policy can be read in full at the MSU Ombudsperson’s website (http://splife.studentlife.msu.edu/regulations/selected/integrity-of-scholarship-and-grades) Eli Broad College of Business Honor Code: In addition to MSU policies, all students are expected to comply with the Broad College Undergraduate Honor Code (see the code on the Broad College honor code website: https://uas.broad.msu.edu/college-policies/honor-code/), or the FTMBA Honor Code (see the MBA honor code website: https://broad.msu.edu/full-time-mba-honor-code/). Spartan Code of Honor: On March 22, 2016, The Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU) adopted the following Spartan Code of Honor: “As a Spartan, I will strive to uphold values of the highest ethical standard. I will practice honesty in my work, foster honesty in my peers, and take pride in knowing that honor is worth more than grades. I will carry these values beyond my time as a student at Michigan State University, continuing the endeavor to build personal integrity in all that I do.” Disability Access: Students must inform the instructor of any accommodations needed. Additional time on the module assessments and exams will be provided to students with RCPD VISAs. Information related to disability access is available on the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) website (http://www.rcpd.msu.edu). Students: to make an appointment with a specialist, call: (517) 3539642 Or TTY: (517) 355-1293 or visit the RCPD website: http://www.rcpd.msu.edu. 17 Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations: Include a statement inviting ADA accommodation requests. View the RCPD site (http://www.rcpd.msu.edu) for model statements inviting disability accommodation requests for syllabi. Grief Absences: If a student experiences death of a family member or emotional distress from a similar tragedy, refer to MSU’s Grief Absense Policy (https://msu.edu/unit/ombud/classroompolicies/index.html#GriefAbsencePolicy). Academic Conduct Policy: Students have a responsibility to complete all assignments on their own. If it is discovered that students are not completing assignments on their own they will immediately fail the course. Student Rights and Responsibilities: Students have a range of support and information options available to them to discuss actions or activities related to their academic, personal or professional lives at MSU. These rights and resources are detailed on the ombudsperson’s website (https://ombud.msu.edu/index.html). SIRS (Student Instructional Rating System): Refer to MSU’s SIRS Online website if using online SIRS for course evaluations (https://sirsonline.msu.edu/FAQ.asp). Limits to Faculty/Student Confidentiality; Mandatory Reporting: Please be advised that I am a mandatory reporter and consistent with MSU’s Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, which is available on the RVSM website have reporting obligation when I become aware of relationship violence or sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by a member of the University community (faculty, staff, or student) or occurring at a University event or on University property. 18