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Nursing Theories: Critique & Application

Critique of Nursing
What is a Nursing Theory
Explains, describes or predicts phenomena of interest to the
discipline of nursing
Primary purpose is to advance the discipline and
professional practice of nursing
Used as frameworks that can be tested for understanding
health outcomes, intervention development, and can provide
new or competing perspectives (Karnick, P. M. 2016).
Central to developing nursing knowledge and to asserting
nursing as a professional occupation.
Helps with organizing concepts and ideas
Used as a guide for everyday practice with critical thinking
about what is happening to the patient in the situation that
should guide nurses’ practice (Power, L. 2016)
Purpose of Nursing Theory
Guides nursing practice and
generate knowledge
Helps to explain nursing practice
Helps nurses to know how, what
and why they are doing something
Nursing theories claim to offer
guidance for nursing practice
and to share unique
perspectives about different
nursing phenomena
Application Of Nursing Theory
Many nursing theorists and scholars found
grand theories difficult to apply in research
and practice and suggested the development of
mid-range theories derived from the grand
Over the years several theories were
developed from grand theories published in
nursing literature.
Mid Range Theory
More specific, have fewer concepts, and encompass a more limited aspect of the real
Concepts are relatively concrete and can be operationally defined.
Contain a limited number of variables
Describe, explain, and predict phenomena of concern to nursing as well as prescribe
actions in response to those phenomena
Mid Range theory in Nursing
Mid-range theories are used as theoretical frameworks for research
open to use in practice and should be tested by research.
Can be used as an expression to nursing knowledge.
Provides a guide for nursing assessment and intervention
Grand Theory
These theories are abstract
and give broad perspective
to the goals and structures of
nursing practice.
They are not testable, and
rather viewed as knowledgegenerated models from which
hypotheses can be derived
and tested, and they are
useful as a theoretical
framework for the
development of mid-range
theories (Chinn&Kramer, 2018)
Comparison of Grand and Middle
Range Theory
Grand Theory
Middle Range Theory
View of reality
Not specific to specialty or setting
Generalized to multiple settings
Not testable
May generate testable hypothesis
Evolve from grand theories and
Mid Range Vs Grand Theory
More useful in research than grand theories because of their low level of
abstraction and ease of operationalization
Tend to support prediction better than grand theories due to
circumscribed range and specificity of the concepts
Are more likely to be adopted in practice because their relative simplicity
eases the process of developing interventions for identified health
Orem’s Self Care Theory
Orem's theory is a grand nursing theory
Encompassing three interconnected theories:
1. The self-care theory- describes why and how human beings care for
2. The self-care deficit theory- one of the common nursing theories
used in nursing clinical practice. Orem’s aim was to define nursing’s
concern and nursing’s goal
Based on clarification of why and how human beings can be helped
through nursing
3. Theory of nursing systems- describes relationships between nurses
and patients and the importance of quality nursing care
Individual selfcare actions to meet own self-care demands
Achievement of desired outcome such as the promotion and
maintenance of life, structure and functioning, and health and well-being
The element of self-care is defined as regulatory action performed by the
individual or performed with the individual to maintain life, health, and
development. Promotes the goal of self-care
Orem’s Self
It is a form of assistance used to teach patients about disease prevention,
promoting health, and sustaining life
One example of using self care theory for a diabetes patient. Mr. Smith was diagnose
with type 2 diabetes . Orem conceptualized that nurses should provide centered care
based on teaching self care and the patient must be ready for a change. The optimal
goal for Mr. Smith includes education about the disease, the treatment plan and ways
to manage type 2 diabetes. Also, the importance about medication, nutrition,
exercise, and insulin therapy are very important. Education is the cornerstone of the
treatment of type 2 to reduce diabetic complications. In type 2 diabetes, adaptation to
the disease and treatment process is extremely critical, so the nurse will have to
enforced the need of self-care.
Katherine Kolcaba’s
Theory of
Middle Range Theory
Includes relief, ease and transcendence
In Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory comfort needs must be
met for the individual to experience a sense of relief.
Applying Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort
Nurses often care for patients that undergo several
invasive procedures that often produce pain, fear,
sadness, discomfort, and anxiety. These negative
experiences are sometimes traumatic which can cause
the patient to have limited ability to communicate
My patient was Mr. Smith a 25 year old male was
admitted to our unit for diabetic ulcer on the left leg. At
the time of admission his mother was at the bedside.
Doctors told him that his leg would have to amputated.
The news was too much to handle at the time for both
Mr. Smith and his mother so they started crying . Both
were anxious and were having difficulty accepting and
cope with this tragic event. Kolcaba’s Theory of comfort
was the best application to care of my patient. Based
on my observation Mr. Smith was anxious and was
encouraged to verbalized his fears and needs. My duty
was to listen to his concerns and educate him about
body changes and adaptation to the situation. Listening
and lending reassurance offers a sense of care and trust,
which gave a chance of acceptance. (Karnick,2016)
Orem Self
Care theory
theory of
Both provides comfort and
caring to patient
Both theories are often
practiced simultaneously in
clinical nursing to enhance
nursing practice
Orem Vs Kolcaba
Orem’s Theory
Orem’s theory although it’s a grand
theory it is very clear, language and
structure very clear.
Elements are defined clearly such as
what is self-care, self-care agency, selfcare requisites and health deviation selfcare requisites.
Conceptually, Nursing interventions to
meet patient self-care, explains how
patients can be helped through nursing.
Kolcaba’s Theory
Comfort Theory is middle range theory
for health practice, education, and
Very clear and includes definitions of key
elements of nursing theory
variables intervenes factors that are not
likely to change, and over which health
care providers have little control
Chinn, P., & Kramer, M. (2018). Knowledge Development In Nursing (10th ed.).
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Karnick, P. M. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Theory. Nursing
Science Quarterly, 29(4), 283–284. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894318416661107
Power, L. (2016). Nursing theory and the delivery of compassionate
care. Nursing Standard, 30(24), 41-46. Retrieved
from http://gc2xt6vp5s.search.serialssolutions.com.ezproxy.wilkes.edu/
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